Explore Kefrens, a prominent Commodore Amiga demo group, on Discover their contributions to the Amiga demo scene, including releases, history, and impact.
174 Bobs 1988
24 Hours 1989
3 New Productions 1992
Amusement 1990
Ankh in Popland 1992
Another Cool Intro 1988
Another Creation 1989
Another Fucking Pack Intro 1989
Blitboy and Raxor Intro 1988
Clever and Smart 1988
Color Emotion 91 1991
Compacted Disk 11 1989
Contact Us 1989
DANE 1993
Demo Disk 3 1988
Demo Disk 4 1988
Den Gik Sku Ned 1990
Desert Dream 1993
Dimstro 1992
Egregious 1991
Evil Star 1988
Farao's New Stuff Intro 1988
Fluid Pack 050 1989
Fluid Pack 062 1989
Fluid Pack 080 1989
Fluid Pack 110 1989
Fluid Pack 128 1989
Future Classics Collection 1989
Galemands (Revenge of the Kuglepolen) 1993
Galetro 1992
Graphics Are None 1992
Guardian Dragon 1991
Guardian Dragon 2 1992
Henry in Panic 1992
Henry in Panic Intro 1992
IFF-Converter v1.0 1989
IFF-Converter v1.0 Pack 1989
Inspiration Has Come 1992
Inspiration Is Gone 1991
Inspiration Is Gone 2 1992
Inspiration Is Gone 4.571 1992
Jukebox 1990
Keftales 1990
Kontaktboerge 1992
Maestro Jams 1 1990
Masterpieces 1992
Matchpin Intro 1992
Megademo 5: Forces of the Pyramids 1989
Megademo 6 (aka Demo Disk 6) 1989
Megademo 7 1988
Megademo 8 1990
Mellica's Little Intro 1988
Milkshake's Regards 1989
Mini Budget Kebab v2.1 1990
Mr Munk in Fluidland 1990
Multimegamix 1 1991
Multimegamix 2 1991
Multimegamix 3 1991
Nice N Hot Stuff
Nightlight Music 2 1988
Nightmare 1988
Outer Space Entertainment Disk 19 1989
Party Stuff 1990
Pharao's Fantasy 1989
Powermunker 1990
Psychoball 1989
Pyramid Inn BBS Intro 1992
Some New Stuff 1991
Some Nice Stuff 1992
Starscroller 1990
Stone Demo 1988
The Death of Kefrens 1990
The Fractal Demo 1989
The Jesus Intro 1992
The Wall 1990
Thunderchild 1989
Toxic Pack Intro 1989
Toxic's Another Pack Intro 1989
Toxic's Little Pack 1989
Transformer 1989
TSL & RSI Amiga Conference Pack 1990
Turned the World Around 1988
Vention's Intro 1991