
Introduction to Cracktros
Cracktros, short for crack intros, are small intros created by cracking groups to showcase their skills in breaking copy protection on software releases. They became a signature of the Commodore Amiga demo scene in the late 1980s and early 1990s. These intros often featured impressive visual effects, scrolling text, music, and animations, all packed into a small executable file.
Features of Cracktros
Cracktros were more than just a means of signaling a successful crack; they were a form of digital artistry. Each cracktro was unique, reflecting the style and creativity of its respective cracking group. Some cracktros became iconic, synonymous with the games or software they accompanied.
Legacy and Influence
Beyond their technical purpose, cracktros contributed significantly to the Amiga's cultural legacy. They inspired generations of demo coders and artists, shaping the aesthetics and innovation in the demo scene. Today, cracktros are celebrated as artifacts of retro computing history, preserving the ingenuity and creativity of early digital artists.
Captain Blood 1988
Captain Dynamo 1992
Captain Planet and the Planeteers 1991
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Captive 1990
Car Vup A1200 Fix 1992
Cardiaxx 1993
Caribbean Disaster 1996
Carlos 1994
Carnage 1991
Carnage +14 1993
Carrier Command 1987
Carrier Command 1988
Carrier Commander 100% 1988
Carton Rouge 1994
Carton Rouge AGA 1995
Cartoon Collection 1992
Cartoons +33 1993
Carvup +16 2006
Carvup Micro Trainer 1990
Cash Crisis: Programmers Search for Money +3 1990
Castle Master 1990
Castle Master 1990
Castle Master Preview 1989
Castle of Dr. Brain 1992
Castles 1992
Castles German 1992
Catch Em
Cattivik 1993
Cave Maze 1990
Cave Runner 1993
Cedric 1994
Celica GT Rally 1990
Celica GT Rally 1990
Celica GT Rally 1990
Celtic Legends 1991
Centerfold Squares 1987
Centurion Defender of Rome 1991
Challenge Golf 1991
Challenge Golf 100% 1991
Chamonix Challenge 1988
Chamonix Challenge Import 1987
Champion Driver +4 1991
Champion Driver +4 1991
Champion of the Raj 1991
Champions Of Krynn 1990
Champions of Krynn
Champions of Krynn Import 1990
Championship Golf 1986
Championship Manager '94: End Of Season Data Disk 1994
Championship Manager 93 1993
Championship Manager End of Season 1993
Championship Manager Italia '93 1993
Championship Manager Italia 95 1994
Championship Manager Italia 95 1995
Championship Run 1991
Chaos Engine 1993
Chaos Engine 2 AGA 1997
Chaos Engine Import 1993
Chaos Engine Preview 1992
Chaos in Andromeda 1991
Chaos Strikes Back 1990
Chariots of Wrath 1989
Charly 1991
Charly 1990
Charon 5 +1 1988
Chase H.Q. II: Special Criminal Investigation +4 1990
Chase HQ 1989
Chase HQ II: Special Criminal Investigation +3 1990
Chaser Import 1988
Checkered Flag Rally 1990
Checkmate 1990
Chess Champion 2175 1990
Chess Champion 2175 1990
Chess Player - Chess Simulator 1990
Chess Player 2150 1990
Chess Simulator 1991
Chessmaster 2100 1990
Chinese Chess 1988
Chip's Challenge 1991
Christoph Kolumbus 1994
Christoph Kolumbus - AGA 1994
Chrono Quest 1988
Chrono Quest 2 1990
Chuck Rock 1991
Chuck Rox 1 Disk With Trainer 1991
Chuck Yeager 1990
Cisco Heat +3 1991
City 1989
Civilization 1992