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Ain't life just a bitch when you can't get rid of me? Tell my dog that - a broom-stick up the butt every day of the week and that's man's best friend! b%d{A Use the joystick fire-button to stop this text scrolling! This demo isn't being done for any special groupy type reason, it's just been coded in a few hours to give me a chance to do another scroll-text! Yeah, yeah, I know scrollers are old and boring now, but I just love spending ages to write page after page of text for all you home-lovers out there to read and enjoy! Do you like the look of this text? It's meant to look like glass, or something similar, and I'll let you guysb&\ be the judge of whether its worked or not! The most important thing for me to say in any scroll-text is, of course, MASSIVE DOLLOPS of LOVE and LUST and GREAT BIG SLOBBERY KISSES to the most spectacularly beautiful woman on the face of the planet! ***** KIRSTIE BABY ***** - if you're out there, and I know you're not, your number 1 * fan * admirer * worshipper * is here to let you know you are THE most important person alive! Do you kind of get the impression I like her? Anb'g .jyway, On with the scroll-text ..... Nechrome's the name and being cool's the game! People have accused me of being a tiny bit 'naughty' in my scroll-texts - ya know - 4-letter words and all that shit - but those people don't know the real me. Sweetness and light, baby, that's where I'm coming from - I just put on a new mask for my texts! Thought for the day ..... Carol Vorderman is one hell of an ugly bitch, but wouldn't ya just love to let her meet Mr Penis? Yes, sex-gods, she'b(Ks the only thing that makes Countdown prescription viewing for a sex-starved coder like myself! A quick joke for you ..... what's 18 inches long and looks like a dick? My dick! Yeah! That's right! I got one big hunka hunka burning love and it's so busy we gotta operate on a time-share basis! Sorry, that wasn't funny. Okay, it wasn't true, but it WAS funny! Any sexy young babes out there can call me on 0924 465 ..... Ha! Ha! Ha! ..... Just teb)0asing you female people! As if I'd give you my telephone number! 812 Now! Here we go with some greetings to a few people I kinda 'know' ..... Channel X - how beest it going with the attitude, dude? You're a dick-kicking ass-licking freaky fuck-up and you know it, but who loves ya baby? Not me! I can't stand you but you're a laugh so I keep wasting my phone-bill on you! 40 quid! Ha! Fuck BT and fuck the government! ----- Interjection from the Censors ....b*qҋ . STOP SWEARING! IT ISN'T COOL AND IT WASTES SPACE! ----- ----- Interjection from Nechrome ..... SHUT THE FUCK UP MOTHER FUCKERS CAUSE SWEARING'S COOL AND I GOT PLENTY OF SPACE! ----- ----- Interjection from the Oxford English Dictionary ----- FOR ALL THE HARD-OF-THINKING OUT THERE YOU MIGHT LIKE TO KNOW THAT 'INTERJECTION' MEANS 'BUTTING-IN' - KINDA - SO THERE YOU GO! ----- Enough alien ejaculations for now! There are many more greetings to cum! b+Ge% Hello to Rotox! That's all you're getting Rotey-Baby! We've run every conceivable kinda conversation over the phone recently! Actually, there is one thing ..... why the fuck did you split with Alison? Splitting a chick is only cool when you're hung like a mule! Don't give me this 'fuck the bitch and kick her out' shit, Gary - if you get the pussy then she gets commitment, OK? See? I'm a nice guy when it comes down to it! Alison - I still love you. Even though I've never met, seen,b,7 or heard you! But relationships are built on trust, aren't they? Come to think of it, though, do I trust you? You went out - and in and out and in again - with Gary so I guess you must be pretty low in moral fibre! Just kidding, baby doll! Hello to Rotox's mummy dearest, the bitch for whom this text is written! I can't say I was 'over-joyed' when Gary put you on the line the first time, but you're most definately the coolest parent in the world! You're a fucking slag for lyb- ing to me about Kirstie but I'm a swell guy so I'll forgive you! Please note - all these 4-letter words are just for a laugh! In real life I'm the quietest little puppy-dog you could ever wish to meet! Honest. Or am I? Hi to Deathlok. Bye to Deathlok. Hi to Mark, Marc, Adrian, Chris, John, Stuart, everyone else in DC, and Ray the gay bastard for being ..... well, a gay bastard basically. When you can Pas like me you can boast like me, but until then you shb. ut the fuck up and show some respect! Education is about teaching, not brain-washing people into respectful little dildos you can stick up your ass and spin on through the night! Mega greetings to the members of Guns N Roses, the most ultra mega brilliant rock group in the entire universe. Special greetings go to Axl who, as anyone with a brain will know, if the best performer the world has ever known! The music is unique, the singing is ..... unique as well, and the lyrics are b/!Vjust totally inspirational! See me at the concert on the 9th of June if you're half intelligent. I'm the one with the short hair who's standing still and not wanking around like all the other metal bangers! Another quick mention for Kirstie Baby cause I'm still massively obsessed with her. I dare say you're kinda committed to another guy, what with being married and pregnant, but if you're over here any time you could always call in for some deep meaningful lurve! Hello to b0!>Erika Eleniak. Why have you left Baywatch? Saturdays just won't be the same without you? I know you haven't got the same kinda appeal that Kirstie's got, but your old c**t is something very nice to spend the night with. I'm sorry to anyone who doesn't know what c**t means, but it just seems too harsh a word to use at this moment in time! Other celebrity greetings go out to Paula Abdul for being a sex bomb, Madonna for being a sex bomb, Wendy James for being a sex bomb, Jodie Fosb1 )ter for being a sex bomb, and Martina Navratilova for being a raving lesbian with a face like the arse-end of a rhino! That's it for the greetings, and that's about it for this scroll-text. This text has been over 150 Devpac lines long but It's gone pretty quick, hey? Why do I write such fucking fast scroll-routines? Cause I'm cool! That's why! Until the next time I get bored with my PC and code the Amiga for a few hours, good-bye! b2}.c And that telephone number again ..... 0924 465812 but only ring if you're very cool and you like to talk about very silly things for vast lengths of time! Coders, musicians - Nukey-God-Baby ..... pleeeeaaaassssseeee! - artists, sluts that fell on the right side of the female divide! See ya around! b3Sb4Sb5Sb6 b7T  b8b9/& 0@PP````pppppp````P@0  0@PP````pppppp````P@0  0@PP````pppppp````P@0  0@PP````pppppp````P@0 b:6 0@PP````pppppp````P@0 4 0@P`pp`P@0  0@P`pp`P@0  0@P`pb;&ږp`P@0 4 !%(+-...-+(%!         b<ļ !%(+-...-+(%! c``8  b=U ~ @| X@p#@P%Sx% |[X1߀[38A7'koo | 8O_0zb>Cz@ x \pS 8?Ș 7/:$G|@#~ooހ ?Oo@O@O O2'/ z_?@ fo _ n } H5?17b?f/ @#{ 6 _`i\aG·@ 5??ɟ|w_yɎg>?}1(O ?_9>M;r~R?إ[b@Ap{5Kw9c?¿=o??O_z e/b8T?AOUl~\JbA5O??cCKCO;П\GG/ bB-}e`0 @ 8`pp`8 8pp8@.` bCe00`@8  0 ` <0x408?@8tXxB0 v8880 pp`<` A00`p@p/Pp`@0 sppbDybh0po8q8x09p8s8`0| <os8>a0Àp8p>p9\|?  xx7g0 `>>8~~_y?<3\@bEͯtMpx~X#@π87zpO <?|@??+>O_@<߀ǀx^ x ?>|O?>4rz?!bFTl?#|A   %po?Wxb<@8 ~//_@K/_4???@`bGϟqppxX<~088bHЄ>~z|_<??? < >~??bIF????????????_?????7bJ`V???7/_'??bK   /?#???_?bL(?? jH6%bMbNbObPbQbRbSbT~bU|bVzbWxbXvbYtbZrb[pb\nb]lb^jb_hb`fbadbbbbc`bd^be\bfZbgXbhVbiTbjRbkPblNbmLbn == CcCboCCcAAAAAAC@HHA"~@xx!C@HHA?@@@@AA@AA@A@CcCC@bA>>bpx>@B@PPPcC@D@XPHA@H@HHA@X@HDC@h@LD~@D@EB@@BAEB@@ACBAc@|8>bq8>zcCɀAABaAAcc"AA"!C|A"#~A62DAǀBA"iAc `C?>@`br?0A@H"@@"x^xzxc@A@ |A@AA@cbs^0@v^x{x@@@@@@@x^G@c@L@g0cA@P@btBAA@h@BAxA@D@BA@A@B@BA|8|@@@bu*<|{zcd@BDA@@BDA@|@B(A@@B(c@Hf8|^z|0;@@@bv8xxD D@DB xD@(D $$0 *($@ D(D B8xbw8 <|8BD$$DD8DF: D x8 |xbxa88D DDB-x@@|by4 |pp |bz2|b{0b|.b},b~*bU>|@E???b̬%??π9~~`88s?v`y3`pp?x`?x? %߇??<x| |9 % ~q'E@p?g|?'0.`?7߀&>?p>`b Pf|>`8?va8?.{pp>??xp>?`|&~^&>o>.vo;?b Îw>s>|>pv~yvp??`?o?π`>oo&|:o>>o&&?o.&o~.x.Ù~s98>>0b )jv8o߀?86o??&o?|&g?.}&g6~&g`&?ӏfc&??8&>3'p&vgp8>fx>b y>{|<3&@x?g|&?&`~y.E&`?~.`<??%=ǀ>`3x~9>`~`88?ppb '05? %? % E@>|bbbbbbbb b bQ```>|`a@c@Cc`@?@g ; ?? gbg @p~ g{? pgs_c_@sH? b? s?(`as@`?s??`>2s ?@>|`"v =p }`?"~ {cy:`p"~ ws/2:b`O0"~ s":` `"~ {s":`b~!y(s":`r~ 9s2`>`sPb`<@w `9_( `y?`q{݀/`s8s'`rG?'9_`bhr0'?';:1`r ?'::'̀`v ''::@`~'?':: `'2:`b2?2` ~???b"``"`{|"`y"`9'{"`bvgs@@b`<Gs@?? /`Gs ?|`_s~ `sH~ `/=:s"~`@9:v s~P`<{:~!{:`:~ ?@ z:` :~ ?`?r:`> 2~ O|:|`xbQb~ ':a@=0~^y2c>` bCc`O'ǘg%0g~0 ~`g _g8? 1?g &` ? _c_8 @x` b?abl``>|``@bbb b!b"b#b$b%b&b'4Z????6?8?8?2x?8?p?p?b(_o2? ?????p?2ǟ?? ?~?2π ??2y'1?2?>y'c?2<'9?3w'?3??'3???'?3??s>'?3~7>'3b)FA) ~?>'3>?/3>??3;?39?3Ǚ??7省???????x??s??s??b*51????>s??>s?s>??s s#>?>s'>s#'??~s'>s3'?~s'>sg|'>yOG'>yOg'>y''>|b+ʶq'G'>|7'c'>~f?1?3'!'>~r3?3'0':3Ob3'?'293''29g'2|? Os?/2?3 8?2xg8???2?2b,M??2?'?2?<'??2y'??>8?8p?p????b-?b.b/b0b1T} b2Ƣ:TiH6driveby twilight / *ghost* @9in jan. 1992...:hey rotox, use thisY:tune on an intro or@ something, it's too @short for a demo.g@to contact me (onlyb@for music relatedl@stuff) write to:-@/x54 mountbatten road,a5braintree, essex,@cm7 6tl england...or@telephone 0376 47238.ok, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!p.s. if you recogniseany of theseb37 samplesas being yours, thenplease accept my mostgrateful thanks...twilight / ghost 1992% b4Nq.eM.K.. @ S<  .< S<.<S<.<S<b5K߀.<.0S0.00@ 0 0< < <<b6Gߥ<<<<.  S<  .< S<.<S<.<b7g S<.<.0S0.00 0 0< < <<b8}غ<<<<h @0L0 < h< <` <h<<lb90<< h0 00`0h.0l@S0@L0 S< @S00`@.0lb:/ު.< @h.<`.<l. @S<  ., S<.,b;QS<.,S<.,. 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