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Format completedCopying '%s', %ld to writeType name for disk%ld files and %ld dirs%ld bytes selected%8.8ld'%s' isn't powerpacked datafileWriting '%s', %ld to goType name for fileCorrupted powerpacked file, decrunched length %ld!%9.9ld free %9.9ld usedNot implemented'%s' not foundEnter search string'%s' foundSearching... %ldNot a hexanumberSomething foundNothing foundWriting back%07.7ld/%07.7ldReset vectors changedDb&mirectory reading aborted DOS error %ld %sRead/Write errorgNo free storeiTask table fullxLine too longyFile not object modulezInvalid resident libraryNo default dirObject in useObject already existsDirectory not foundObject not foundBad stream nameObject too largeAction not knownInvalid component nameInvalid lockObject wrong typeDisk not validatedDisk write protectedRename across devicesDirectory not emptyDevice not mountedSeek errorCommenb'H91t too bigDisk fullProtected from deletionProtected from writingProtected from readingNot a DOS diskNo disk in driveError could not be determinedCould not find sector headerError in sector preambleError in sector identifierHeader field has bad checksumSector data field has bad checksumIncorrect number of sectors on trackUnable to read sector headerDisk is write-protectedDisk has been changed/removedSeek errorNot enough memory Bad unit number!Badb( drive type"Drive already in use#ResetDF0:DF1:DF2:DF3:Unit: %ld State: %s Name: '%s'Write ProtectedValidatedValidatingBytes on disk %ld, used %ld, free %ld (Used %ldPicture size: %ld*%ld*%ld %s Page size: %ld*%ld(HAM)(EHB)PRT: Module name: '%s'Sample %2.2ld: %-22.22s Volume %02.2lx Lenght %04.4lx Repeat %04.4lx Replen %04.4lxLength : %ld Patterns: %ld%02.2ld.%02.2ld.%02.2ld%02.2ld:%02.2ld:%02.2ld%8.8ldFileMaster V1.1 b)@D Coded by Multiplex of AdmiralsFileMaster TimerFileMasterFileMaster VertBtopaz.fontconsole.devicetrackdisk.device Drives Parent Invert Clear Copy Move Delete Rename MakeDir Show ASCShow HEXShow PicPlay ModDiskInfoProtect Execute Comment Drives Parent Format QFormat DecrunchModInfo FileEditColors Docs Message About ASCHEX%sb*w,iLine: %ld/%ldLength: %ldNot an ASCII fileFileMaster.docMessagec ?7l0 p1S30;1H1T1;1H JK) x agag mDaLgva8gn(HB,A+H L <raBgN+@+H+md+mhBm -;@+m;|;|;| Bm3ApPBQa-"Aja,m m,p"@E)N <x m,NjB m,Nb+e1,m m,Cpr NJApB2<Bvaaza3P,m m,Cp NDB m,,mNA4aR,m m,p"@EN#,a,A|"m,N"a+a+a4a0 -g"maLNuH;|r;|t|nB-p|q,m(Ma*LNuH,x m, hVNJg"@N`LCNuH,x m, hVBB(N m, hVNJg @$(6(<( >("B fH,m02( hNFLCz g @f"h:)&"HN g* f Chfp m,,mN,x;|E;| G kP GdJFkD Fb,Uhd NE$Bm `Fk, Fd&NE;| ;F;Gp m,,mN,x JpK"<BvaaF`( CfB m,,mN,xB9S` Cif;|;| E2` fJm kAS LfBQm MfBPm OfBSm NfBRmJmj;|JmjBm meBm me;|0-H2-IҀ0-ҀeBmBma`Jg@ g8a@`0 E-e E/e* E0fBm E/f -jB;@`X E.g LfmjBBm`< E-g Mfm0-md ;@` OfSm` NfRm`a mb-6p0-+H` Efp` E,f2Aagj 9i;@a m0-+H`B Ef a a`2 Ef aa`" Ef aa` Ef BaFa`JLNuHJmkJm fNAR gd ae 0k  e_ dJ(f |`B(AB2-ImHCEa 2-AAt0-HV@Ava0-@5vTaRm meBmPm meBm0-H2-IҀ0-ҀeBmBmaLNuH<-k>-a@;|<-k*>-;F;Ga&f;|Ab.EpK"<BvaHaLNu0H2IҀ0-Ҁd@ mT"HHA5NVGGPpFFF)APCPQpNuBNuH`(HAaϺAag@ACaBm&m 9$gJ9g`APCanLNukBB+JS+J +@T;@aA/Ca*`+J Ȁ;@aA6a mA"mбe I+H`B| $K e {dSFk`aBg^SGj><_A"KaδR mзeAaΞ`.BIg ae {d `IE|g>gb/=a0k e dr0kl  e d\RF`JFkNIBE$KFb:4PREga~gSGj><_A"KaR mзe`dR`rAa``BIg Ae [d `I$K Ae [d Jg&gagSGj><_Az"KajR mзe`H0-e" -jBS@jB@;@&m(K0-~|adGPGQaaAaa&m0-0<ABQAppK"<Bva;|;|LNuCpG Q KCE0pba b0\QA"pBv0arA0"p5BvabNu4-B0-k2-IҀԁ&-A}Ca Ip:B2<BvaNuHJg0-(-Uk dBB2IHD0HA mXC5t0@&-SCPVHHFF)PF)F)F)@F)F)F)0FF(PF(F(F(@F(F(F(0F(F(QF(F(F(AF(F(F(1RTUBg QPLNuLAC$mXE<dt0SCk`pHARa,m(m" $<N.f A"Laj`v"4-vNJj A"LaJ`V"$<B&<e&-NJf A"La`*"NAb1(B"m0-SCQBaLNu,mA8N:+@f AaN`~ @AT+HA6!@N4+@f Aa(`Xa+@gt @p0aH+@g> @!m(!|$,x"HABBND+@g Aa` A4a4pNuBNu,xJf"mN> ma$ ma,m -g @N -g @NNuAC <aNuAC <aNuBm;|`BmBm` ;|BmJmfaga6g mDagBmBBBBBB+|Jmg+H+@ ICa`FaZgX$HB*ACa J <Ba^g +@A+Hb2I +md+mhJmfD mA -Jf Aa|`Sf mA -B  fB(RSf` -ra+@Aa4ag,m"mBN"mpNa+|;|A{a\a$Jmf& m -SgJf`+HpJfQ+H`& mA -Sra0+H+H/-Jmg. - 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FileMaster is now ShareWare. It can be freely distributed without profit. If you like and use this program then you should send me a contribution of $10 Usage: filemaster (-s) no need to use run. -s puts FileMaster to sleep like sleep-gadgb!ƀet in options. ------------------------ - Commands in Menu 1 - ------------------------ Drives Shows all volumes, devices and assigned directories. Parent No need to explain... Invert Inverts all selections in source. Clear Clears all selections in source. Copy Copies files and directories to destination. If you copy a directory then all directories and files in that directory will be copied too. If destination already exists then FileMaster asks if you want to ob"-verwrite it (if !-gadget is highlighted). Move Like copy, except it moves files and directories to destination. Delete Deletes files and directories. Warning: if you delete directories then all files and directories will be deleted in that directory without any question or warning! Rename Renames files, directories and volumes. MakeDir Creates directories. Show ASC Show files in ASCII. Left mousebutton quits and right mousebutton asks linenumber. Key 'p' prints fb#DDile. Supports powerpacker.library Show HEX Show files in HEX. Left mousebutton quits and right mousebutton asks linenumber. Key 'p' prints file. Supports powerpacker.library Show Pic Shows IFF-ILBM files. Use mouse to scroll big pictures. Left mousebutton quits. (There seems to be a little bug in Kickstart 1.3 ScrollVPort which makes interlaced pictures quite ugly) Supports powerpacker.library Play Mod Plays 32-sample tracker modules. Uses ProTracker 1.1a replab$ y-routine. Both mousebuttons stop playing. Supports powerpacker.library DiskInfo Shows information about source disk. unit, diskstate, diskname, used bytes and free bytes. Protect Changes protection flags (HSPARWED) in file or directory. Execute Executes executable files. Comment Changes comment in file or directory. ------------------------ - Commands in Menu 2 - ------------------------ Drives Same as in menu 1 Parent Same as in menu 1 Format Formats disks. Asb%(Zks which drive to format. Verify-gadget toggles verify on/off. FormatQ Formats and verifys only cylinders 0 and 40. Asks which drive to format. Verify-gadget is always on. Decrunch Decrunches powerpacked datafiles. Asks name for decrunched file if filename don't end to '.pp' If destination already exists FileMaster asks if you want to overwrite it (if !-gadget is highlighted). ModInfo Shows info about currently playing/selected module. FileEdit See below. Colors cb&2hanges colors. Docs Shows this document. About Shows my address. ------------- - OPTIONS - ------------- Fast Shows amount of fast-memory. Chip Shows amount of chip-memory. * Toggles show directory while reading mode on/off. ! Toggles 'destination already exists, overwrite ?' requesters on/off. Size Shows number of selected files, bytes and directories. S->D Copies directorylist from source to destination. Menu Toggles between menus. Sleep Closes FileMaster'sb' screen and opens tiny window in workbench screen. You can get back to FileMaster by clicking right mousebutton while window is active or quit FileMaster by clicking close-gadget. If FileMaster can't open screen (because out of memory), then the WorkBench screen will flash. Quit Quits FileMaster. Confirms if you really want to quit. -------------- - FileEdit - -------------- Click left mousebutton inside editing area to bring cursor visible and right mousebutton or b(left mousebutton outside editing area removes it. Cursorkeys move forward and backward in file if cursor is removed or if it's visible then they move cursor around editing area. Gadgets: Two arrows up move start of file. Two arrows down move end of file. Arrow up move 528 bytes (22 lines) backward. Arrow down move 528 bytes (22 lines) forward. Position Asks position where to move in bytes. Cont continues searching. Find Asks about what to search. There are three possibilitieb)gs+8s: String Search First character must be something else than $-sign. No case dependency. Max. 24 characters. Example "search string" Hex Search First character must be $-sign. Max. 11 hexadecimal numbers. Example "$03ab07" Ascii Search No characters at all on string gadget. Searches for ascii strings (or garbage!) which have at least 15 characters. Example "" Undo Removes changes in editing area. Write Writes changes to disk. You can't undo thisb*\ɉ!!! This is a permanent change. Exit Exits back to FileMaster. Right mousebutton aborts all commands which take sometime to complete. Bugs fixed: Date is now correct. Show Pic shows now powerpacked iff-pictures. Execute works now correctly. 'destination already exists, overwrite ?' requester now skips to next file, not aborts operation if cancelled. Lots of small and invisible bugs fixed. Enhancements: FileEdit!!! You can now rename volumes. FileMaster uses nob+}]w req.library's realtimescroll. You can now disable 'destination already exists, overwrite ?' requesters using !-gadget. Module info. And some little improvements. Req.library must be your libs: directory. FileMaster needs Kickstart 1.2 or later, works with Kickstart 2.0, and multitasks correctly. FileMaster has been written in 100% assembler. Source length is 154566 bytes and 8827 lines. If you have found bugs or have suggestions for next version of FileMaster then report b,~them to me. (No swapping!) Toni Wilen Sudentie 4 13600 HML FINLAND ------------------------------------------------------------ /\ <>>>> II II I IIIII I / /\/\/\ //\\ <> \\ I I I I I I I I I \ \ /====\ <> // I II I I IIII I---I / \/\/\ // \\ <>>>> I I I I I I I \____ _____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ b-e], FOR JOINING CONTACT: TEASY/ADMIRALS or... Dr.Titus PLK 110035c JKRKJ. 6b22 W-4750 Unna 1 SF-57170 SLN Germany Finland ---------------------------------------- For elite swapping & friendship contact: ---------------------------------------- Obligator/Admirals (write this!) Deep Runner/Admirals Poste Restante Kauriinpolku 1 SF-14300 RENKO SF-13500 HML FINLAND FINLAND Only legal stuff! Snuffle/Admirals Slurk/Admirals Hirveb.[rlantie 88 Sammalsaarenk. 14 SF-61310 Panttila SF-57170 SLN Finland Finland Look out for soon coming productions from Admirals! !D S  7`h$P|Hj0P|bf,n<Ht$|LPT$(Z X~ Q