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Use Help gadget or HELP-key to see the helptextbn . Use Arrows Up/Down or cursor Up/Down to change Menu Pages. Use Arrows Left/Right or cursor Left/Right to change Chapter Pages. Use Quit gadget or ESC-key to quit H.I.M. There is no MUSIC in H.I.M because we don't have time to debugg the music routines! Also the Txt routine is SLOW on NON-AGA machines, sorry but ya will have to live with it!. |CE| |CBED| H.I.M. June-95, A word from da editors. It has took us very long to make this issue of H.I.M. The Maineditor (the raver) habow&s a new job and has got little time to do something for H.I.M. Sorry for that! H.I.M will be from now on a monthly magazine with: - House party list (montly update) - Club info - and info about house styles! The only thing that's going to be updated every month is the House Party list. Al the other info will be updated if we have time for it! You can still send us info for the House party list or club list, but to a different number: +31 (0)340267278 The HousebpJ5hold / EFFECT WHQ Leave mail to : The raver or The fox ][ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another change is that the maineditor (the raver) is no longer a Reality member, He has joined Effect!! And this will mean that H.I.M is a EFFECT release from now on!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |CE| |CBLT| The Dutch House Party List Date Place Location Place 22-06-95 Dj DNbqA LVC Leiden ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23-06-95 Live Trance induct. Paradiso Amsterdam 23-06-95 It's so good says. Chevy Gouda 23-06-95 Summer of love The Swing Apeldoorn 23-06-95 Royal Melodies Theater in de steeg Den Haag ----------------------------------------------------------------- 24-06-95 I like that party Paradiso Amsterdam 24-06-95 Dj Dave brClarke Fuse Brussel Belgium 24-06-95 Future sentiment Chevy Gouda 24-06-95 Hard to get tour Nighttown Rotterdam 24-06-95 Summatime groove p. Paviljoen karavaan Scheveningen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 25-06-95 Dj Ferry Tahiti Club Scheveningen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 29-06-95 Dj Pablo LVC Leiden ---------bs 5-------------------------------------------------------- 30-06-95 Live Zion Train Effenaar Eindhoven 30-06-95 Hardcore Wallstreet Goes 30-06-95 Itty bitty boozy. Chevy Gouda 30-06-95 Live Trance induct. Vera Groningen 30-06-95 Heavens Place K.H.C. sportcomplex Kampen 30-06-95 DJ John LVC Leiden 30-06-95 Dj Michel de Hey X-Ray Zwolle ----------------------------bt9------------------------------------- 01-07-95 Only for party ani. Chevy Gouda 01-07-95 Jungle vibes LVC Leiden 01-07-95 Live Zion Train Metropolis Rotterdam ----------------------------------------------------------------- 02-07-95 Dj Ramon Tahiti Club Scheveningen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 07-07-95 Hardcore Wallstreet Goes ---------------------------buL-------------------------------------- 09-07-95 Dj Rodger Tahiti Club Scheveningen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 14-07-95 Hardcore Wallstreet Goes ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15-07-95 No one Meervaart Amsterdam ----------------------------------------------------------------- 16-07-95 Dj Ed Tahiti Club Scheveningen ---------bv-------------------------------------------------------- 21-07-95 Dj Marcello Palladio Helden ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23-07-95 Dj Jean Tahiti Club Scheveningen ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23-07-95 House Mix contest X-Ray Zwolle That's al Folks!! :)|CE| |CBCL| CLUB's, Netherlands Phone Numba (+31) Open: --------------------bwz2[------------------------------------------------- -Medusa 02159-16620 Noordeinde 166 Almere Buiten -Temple Of Rebirth Every Friday Noordeinde 166 Almere-Buiten -Madonna 01720-93329 Olympiaweg 2A Alphen a/d Rijn -Arena 020-6947444 's Gravenzandestraat 51 Amsterdam -Blackout - Amnesia 020-xxxxxxx Every Fri^Saturday Oudezijds Voorburgwal 3 Amsterdam bx(z -Cafe De Plak 080-222757 Every Saturday: At The Basement Bloemenstraat 90, 6511 EM, Nijmegen -Club Radical Rehousing Every Thursday, club Fresh Herengracht 114 Amsterdam -Club deca dance 020-6271977 Every Friday , Entrance 10,- Oudezijds Voorburgwal 216 Every Saturday, Entrance 20,- Amsterdam -City Chain/Hotel Kabul 020-6265508 Oudezijdsevoorburgwal 3 Amsterdam by#0& -Danceclub 216 / Pacha 020-6271977 Oudezijdsevoorburgwal216 Amsterdam -Escape 020-xxxxxxx Every Fri^Saturday Binnenamstel Amsterdam -IT 020-6250111 Fri,Sat. sonday GAY!! Amstelstraat 24 Amsterdam -Mazzo 020-6267500 Every Fri^Saturday Rozengracht 114 Amsterdam -Marcanti Plaza 020-6823456 J.van Galenstraat 6 Amsterdam -Melkweg 020-6241777 bz B Lijnbaansgracht 234a Amsterdam -Mistral (club) ?? Every Saturday: Spank Nieuwe plein 25a (Near the trainstation) Arnhem -Odeon 020-6249711 60/70/80's Club Singel 460 Amsterdam -Paradiso, 020-6264521 Concerts Weteringschans Amsterdam -Richter 020-6261573 Call! Reguliersdwarsstraat 36 Amsterdam -Roxy 020-6200354 Members only! Singel 465 Ab{6Imsterdam -Luxor 085-436955 Willemsplein 10 Arnhem -The Berger meermin 072-114364 Bergerweg 92 Bergen -Spock/Graanbeurs Every Th,Fr,Sa 2200-0400 Reigerstraat ?? Breda -CLub Buzz Every Tuesday mellow Moods Prins Hendrikstraat 39 Den Haag -Club Exposure 070-3543356 Every Sunday Westduinweg 232 Den Haag -De Tijd 0b|z70-3644490 Call! Kettingstraat 12B Den Haag -Het Paard 070-3601618 Call! Prinsengracht 12 Den Haag -Zichtenburg party centrum Zichtenbruglaan 23 Den Haag -Danscafe Anders Every Sunday Dolhuisstraat 55 Dordrecht. -Club Hollywood 040-445878 Every Friday&Saturday Dommelstraat 7 Eindhoven -Club Diamonds 040-125252 Every Saturday Stratumsedijk 21/f Eindhoven -Deb}&( Danssalon 040-454961 Every Fri^Saturday Stationsplein 4 Eindhoven -Effenaar 040-448861 Every Saturday : Dance Department Dommelstraat 2 Dj's : H.The Hype & Rude-E Eindhoven -Funki Bizniz 040-124660 Tue, Wed, Thu : 19:00u - 02:00u Stratumsedijk 35 Fri, Sat : 14:00u - 04:00u Eindhoven -Einstein 053-323292 Call! Stadsgravenstraat 13 b~KW Enschede -Stalker 023-314652 Call! Kromme Elleboogsteeg 20 Haarlem -Metropool 074-438020 Call! Wemenstraat 38 Hengelo -Peppermill Beitel 90 Heerlen -JC Tagrijn 035-215841 Zat.21:30-02:00 Dance Alternative Hilversum Entrance fl. 3,= -Niki's 035-248045 Noordsebosje 11 Hilversum -Trance Victim 035-0000 Every Thursday Noorb5dsebosje 11 Hilversum. -Waakzaamheid 075-285829 Hoogstraat 4 Koog a/d Zaan -Galaxy 045-312510 Beutenweg 14 Landgraaf -Extrema Kasteel Limbricht Allee I Limbricht -Cafe de Plak Every Saturday Bloemenstraat 90 "At the basement" Nijmegen -Doornroosje 080-559887 Groenewoudseweg 322 Nijmegen -First choice 04102-22817 Kerkstraat 8 Nulbi#and -Alcazar 01856-40000 Groeneweg 6 Puttershoek -Sandocan 01621-12442 Call! Wilhelminalaan 6 Raamdonksveer -Goldfinger 04192-19229 Graafsebaan 158 Rosmalen -Carrera/Club Heaven 010-2131180 Karel Doormanstr. 10/12 Rotterdam -Eye/New palace 010-4656533 Zomerhofstraat 15 Rotterdam -Nighttown Kruiskade 28 Rotterdam -Parkzicht 010-3463558 bP Every Fri^Satur^Sunday Below the euromast Rotterdam -PompeI 010-4805700 Slinge 5 Rotterdam -Fenix 046-510141 Every Satur^Sunday Odasingel 90 Sittard -Close up 05150-26777 Kerkstraat 4B Sneek -Carmen Every Friday & Saturday Kanaalstraat 25 Someren -DemiSec 01889-13109 Noordkade 17 Spijkernisse -The bridge 046-338476 Dbieterstraat 7 Stein -Kadance 013-441412 Every Friday (hardcore) Hoek Spoorlaan/Gasthuisring Every Sat. (Mellow) Tilburg. -Club Shiva Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday Oude Gracht 97 Utrecht -Ekko 030-317457 Bemuurde weert WZ 3 Utrecht -Fellini Stadhuisbrug 3 Utrecht -Tivoli 030-311491 Oudegracht 245 Utrecht -Perron 5b 5 077-516874 Kaldenkerkerweg 55 Venlo -Dreamworld Every Friday and Sunday Clarissenhof 62 Vianen. -Carte Blanche 04950-34841 Every Sunday Oelemarkt 11 Weert -Drieluik 075-176972 Botenmakersstraat 6 Zaandam -Fun factory 075-356501 Every Saturday Hemkade 48 FAX075-705089 Zaandam -Locomotion/Locobar 079-510700 Amerikaweg 1A Zoeteb 0)rmeer -Blue Lagoon 078-101827 Molenvliet 95 Zwijndrecht -X-ray 038-227976 Blijmarkt 15 Zwolle -The Kickvors ?? Every Friday: rave Nation Altvorst -Temple Of Rebirth 02159-16620 Every Friday Noordeinde 166 Almere-Buiten -Blackout - Amnesia 020-xxxxxxx Every Fri^Saturday Oudezijds Voorburgwal 3 Amsterdam -Groovy's 013-444504 Heuvelstraat 130 503b a8 AH Tilburg -Factory 010-4115077 max: 250 persons Van Oldenbarneveldhof13 010-4127179 Rotterdam centrum CLUB's in Belgie --------------------------------------------------------------------- La Demence Rue Blanes 208 Brussel Belgie Mirano Rue de Louvain 38-1030 Brussel Belgie The Fuse Rue Blaesstraat 208-1000 Brussel Belgie Champou Watermolenweg 100 Wichelen Bb ~!6elgie Balmoral Brusselsesteenweg 791 Gentbrugge Belgie Carat Liersesteenweg 125 2288 Bouwel Belgie Cherry Moon Gentsesteenweg 114 Lokeren Belgie Extreme Brusselbaan 411 Affligem Belgie Globe Stabroeck Antwerpen Belgie Illusion Mechelsesteenweg 382 Lier Belgie Montini Tongerensesteenweg St Truiden Belgie Qu Bredabaan 863-2930 Brasschaat Bb Srlelgie La Rocca Antwerpsesteenweg 384 2500 Lier Belgie D'Anvers Verversrui 15 Antwerpen Belgie The Church Mont-Garni Sirault Belgie Mirano Rue de Louvain 38-1030 Brussel Belgie Cirao Waregem Belgie |CE| |CBGC| -------------------------------------------------------------- Berlin Clubs ------------ E-Werk Wilhelmstr. 10117 b/fBerlin-Mite (U Kochstr., Spotsdamer Platz) Friday: Submission Music: Hardhouse, Detroit Style, Acid. DJs: Kid Paul, Paul Van Dyk & Guests. Entrance: 15 DM Saturday: Twirl Music: progressive house and trance. DJs: Cle, Hazel B & Guests Entrance: 20 DM ------ Tresor Leipziger Str. 126 a 10117 Berlin-Mitte Friday/Saturday Hours: (0 - ?) Music: Intelligent Techno DJs: varies Entrance: 10 DM ------ Bub6nker U Friedrichstr., S Oranienburger St. Friday/Saturday Hours: (23 - ?) Music: House + Gabba DJs: varies Entrance: 15 DM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuttgart Clubs --------------- Red Dog The red dog is named after a club in Chicago. It was opened in november 1993 and has become one of the best house clubs in germany. They present very often guest DJs from all over the world (England and USA, concerning house :-) some of them were Hazebf*l B, Paul Evans, ... The local DJs are Ali (the owner of the club), Christian and Sebastian Thursday Open from 23:00 to 6:00 this is the techno day of red dog. Friday & Saturday Open from 23:00 to 6:00 (9:00 on saturday) (The club is empty until 3:00). This is the best place to listen to house music in the whole area around Stuttgart. You can listen to all the different styles of house and sometimes even some of the new acid tracks. The DJs are very good and sometimes they even shbow it, if they are in the mood. The crowed is mixed and you can find a lot of gay people here too. To bad that it is so "en vogue" to go to the red dog, so there are a lot of people just standing around to be seen and to see all the "important" people of Stuttgart here. Anyway, if you are in Stuttgart visit this club it is worth it. ADDRESS: ??? __ Oz The Oz is the best and oldest techno club of Stuttgart. A lot of ravers started their raving here (including me) and every weekendb6G people from Frankfurt, Ludwigshafen, Munich, Freiburg, ... are travelling long distances just to feel this atmosphere. Resident DJ is Comander Tom (Noom Records), before there were Marco Zaffarano (Harthouse) and Mike Schmidt (Cybordelics). Its not possible to mention all the guest DJs from all over the world, including Sven Vaeth, Tanith, DAG, ... and Live Acts like Hardhouse... so if you don't know Oz, come and see it. The room is a cellar, it is very dark, the walls are paintedbw"[ black and the light jockey uses a lot of fog and few lights. They got a very good laser systems (in fact on of my friends only goes to Oz because of the laser). The sound system is very good too (at least it is loud). It is very dirty, because the sweat condenses (sp?) on the air condition and drops down on the heads of the ravers. The toilets are only clean the first 5 hours, but at least you can alway get cool water here. Entrance is 10DM. Coca Cola 5DM. If you are younger than b $18 years, you are not allowed to enter the club until 6:00 in the morning. They let everybody in, there is no fashion or face check (sometimes I think this is a disadvantage, there are lots of nerds) Saturday Open from 21:00 to 12:00. I think the Oz is the only club in germany that is open that long. The crowed is mixed, from normal people at the beginning of the evening to raving freak at the end. The best time to arrive is about 4:00 in the morning. The music is very progressive, bmZo Sunday Open from 15:00 to 3:00. Yes, after three hours the Oz opens again, so you can spend your whole weekend here. Other Sometimes there are special events in the holidays or if Sven Vaeth finds his way to Stuttgart. In the day the coffee of Oz is open. Buechsenstr. 10, tel:+49-0711/294657 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Munich Clubs ------------ Clubs/Afterhours: Parkcafe : House mit Shigeo Yamagutchi, Monday Parkcafe : Housb,e-Night mit DJ Puffo and guests, Thuesday Parkcafe : Trance as Mission, Tom Novy (22-7 Uhr), Friday Tempel : House of Culture (23 Uhr), Thursday Ultraschall : Into the Jungle, Djs Bassface Sascha, Todi Tobi (22 Uhr) Hit FM Hall : Trance-Sex-Experience: Kommerz mit bekannten Djs - (22 Uhr, DM 10,-), Thursday M-Pire : Afterhour: Tomcraft (6-12 Uhr), Saturday Backstage : House of the Rising Sun (6 Uhr) Tilt Noise Club: Trance Night Fligbht, DJ Dirk (22-10 Uhr) |CE| |CBDC| Balto and DC area Clubs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maryland - Annapolis -Tue-Sun - Buddy's Crabs & Ribs -- DJ/VJ "Techno" Main St. overlooking City Dock. -Sat - Techno/Industrial dj'd by Zoltar & Nisi from 99.1 WHFS Maryland - Baltimore -Thu - Fever (Paradox) 1310 Russell St. - 410.880.1166 or 410.837.9110 -Fri - Rise 1801 Bayard St. resident every friday: Dj Who + Special Guest DJsb z admission: $6 before 11 $8 after info: 410.523.1882, 10pm til 5am 17 & over with id -Fri - Club Orpheus - - Underground "Karma" night 18+ -Sun - Club Orpheus -- Shock All Ages Maryland - Columbia -Sat - Margarita Maggies - HFS techno night w/ DJ Zoltar (occasionally) New Jersey - Ashbury Park -Wed - Metro - 4th and Kingsley, 9PM-2AM Pennsylvania - Philidelphia -Thur - Natural - res dj Wink and King Britt Virginia -- Hampton -NSect Club -- 18+ -SbZRat -- Club Renaldo -- More techno, different DJ. Virginia - Richmond/Charlottesville -Wed - Space w/ chadE(house/tribal/trance) - club pyramyd, 1008 n boulevard -Thu - Trance-Mission w/ DJ's Tiff'nE and Method One on 90.1FM, WDCE - 7-11 -Fri/Sat - Wiggle -Sun - Tranquility Bass - at the Metro Virginia - Virginia Beach -Fri/Sat - Peppermint Beach Club 18+ -Crush -- New club, just opened up, with a techno/dance lineup. -Heartbreak Cafe (Newport News) 21+ -Heartbreak Alley (Va BebQach) -- A "dance" club, some techno, but also into the progressive rock. 21+ Washington D.C. -Mon - Pangea - Fifth Colvm - 915 F St. NW - Michael Meacham/Ben Knapp/guest -Mon -Cream --Every other Monday at 925 5th Street, NW $4 at the door, 18 and up. 10:00 pm to 3:00 am -Wed - Fifth Colvm - 915 F St. NW -Fri & Sat - The Wheell Tappers & Shunter Social Club Acid Jazz House DJ: Stuart @ State of the Union 1357 U St. NW -Sat - Vault - 911 F St. NW - Tom T w/ techno & house - bI5th Column 911 F St. NW - Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro Baltimore, MD -Thur.- Paradox (Fever) - (410) 880 - 1166 or (410) 837 - 9110 -FRI - SPRITIUAL MOVEMENT - (410) ???-???? -SUN - REEL CHILL - (410) ??? - ???? COLUMBIA, MD -Sat. - Margarita Maggies - HFS techno night PHILADELPHIA, PA -Thursday - Natural - res dj Wink and King Britt WASHINGTON D.C. -Mon - Posuers - Tracks - Res DJ, Scott Henry -Pangea - 5th Column - DJ Michael Meachem -Thur.- Tracks - (202) 488 - 3320b5 - Res. DJ Earic Patten -FRI. - BUZZ [SERVE] - (MOVING LOCATION. SHOULD REOPEN AGAIN AT THE BEGINING OF JUNE) VIRGINIA -Tues. - Club Colors - 536 North Narrison St. - 804.353.9776 $3.00 cover - cash bar 10PM - 2AM featuring DJ Chade NEW JERSEY -Wed - Metro - 4th and Kingsley, Ashbury Park 9PM-2AM Maryland Infoline 410.347.1460 Trance-Fused - Richmond, Va. - Info on most events in the area. 804.768.2000 Insomnia - Richmond,b{u Va. 804.756.8331 |CE| |CBTL| RECORD-LABEL INFORMATION Allstar Hundshager Weg 30 65917 Hofheim / Ts. Germany Tel: +49 6192 28448 FAX: +49 6192 8134 Owner : Jam el Mar Cont. : Matthias Grein Distr.: Sony, Intercord, ... Style : Dancefloor MK: B.G.Prince Of Rap, Dance 2 Trance, Jam & Spoon Astralwerks 114 W. 26th St. New York, NY 10001 USA Tel: 1-800-275-2250 FAX: 1-212-989-9791 Cont.: Brian Long and DJ Reese Distr.: CarolinebB& Records Style: ambience, trance, progressive-house & hardcore LU: Fri May 20 12:17:58 CEST 1994 Bash Grossbeerenstrasse 81 10963 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 2519491 FAX: +49 30 2515603 Owner: Juergen Laarmann Distr.: Discomania ? Style: Hartcore MK: Ravers Nature, Tanith, Loopzone BOA Records Heinrichstrasse 87 40239 Duesseldorf Germany Tel: +49 211 620616 FAX: +49 211 6411555 B & B Music Cinnheimer Landstrasse 174 60431 Frankfurt Germany Tel: +49 69 5201b>Q69 FAX: +49 69 518843 Owner: Francis Baez Distr.: own distr. Subl.: Crazy Trax, Maquina Style: House, Techno, Dance, Acid Jazz, Hip Hop BUG c/o Low Spirit Mommsenstrasse 59 10629 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 3243128 FAX: +49 30 3243664 Cont.: Sandra (for demos) Distr.: EFA Style: Hartcore MK: Tilly Lilly, No Vocals Necessary Movement... Control Music 501-199 Kent St. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P 2K8 Tel: 1-(613)-567-1168 FAX: 1-(613)-567-1168 Owner: Glenn Humpb 0Ulik Cont.: -- "" -- Distr.: Fringe Product Style: Trance, Acid, ambient, experimental electronic MK: Mondo Techno 1.0 CD comp., Circular, Space Ace Rem.: e-mail: LU: Tue May 17 15:53:17 CEST 1994 Crash Records / LMV An den Bergen 5a 60437 Frankfurt / Main Germany Tel: +49 6101 47940 FAX: +49 6101 43978 Owner: L. Launhardt Style: hard, soft, dance Crocodile Records c/o Thomas Hammer Postfach 623 04006 Leipzig Germany Tel: +49 341 2699b!Т.920 +49 341 2699910 (Office at Leipzig) FAX: +49 341 2699945 MK: Q8, BrainJunk, E-Gate 99 Rem.: e-mail: Party-Infoline: +49 341 2699999 Dance Street / Hear GmbH Schwanenwall 33-35 44135 Dortmund Germany Tel: +49 231 52027 FAX: +49 231 52026 Owner: Dieter Stemmer Distr.: ZYX Style: Dance MK: Bass Bumpers, Interactive Deep Groove Nederlinger Str. 21 80638 Muenchen Germany Tel: +49 89 151063 FAX: +49 89 151060 Owner: Peter Kirsten Dib" Pstr.: BMG Ariola Muenchen Style: House, Techno, Hip Hop, Rap MK: En-Sonic, Bizarre Inc., 2 Live Crew Disko B / Sup Up Records Jahnstrasse 6 80464 Muenchen Germany Tel: +49 59 761413 FAX: +49 89 778122 Owner: Peter Wacha Distr: EFA Style: Technohouse MK: DJ Hell, R.Goerl Dance Pool / Sony Music Stephanstrasse 15 60313 Frankfurt / Main Germany Tel: +49 69 13888-484 FAX: +49 69 13888-480 Distr.: Sony Style: Dance Delirium / Ongaku Music Toengesgasse 42 60311 b# ;Frankfurt FAX: +49 69 1310168 Djax-Up-Beats / Djax Records P.O.Box 2408 5600 Eindhoven Netherlands Tel: +31 40 450434 FAX: +31 40 445057 Owner: Saskia "Miss Djax" Slegers Distr: IMC / News Style: Underground, House, Hip Hop MK: Edge Of Motion, Armando, Acid Junkies EFA / e-Motion Forsterstrasse 4-5 10999 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 6183005 FAX: +49 30 6189382 Cont.: Kati Distr.: EFA Subl.: BUG, Go Bang!, Tresor, Low Spirit, Planet, ... Style all kinds of Dab$.G+nce MK: Dr.Motte, DJ Dick, Marshall Jefferson, Jeff Mills, Westbam, ... Exist Dance 1538 Curran st. Los Angeles, CA 90026 USA Style: Mainly trancey, or hard house. Some neat ambient bits though. Rem.: In alt.rave was mentioned, that Exist Dance has moved to Washington. Does anybody know the new address? Eye Q Records Strahlenberger Strasse 125a 63067 Offenbach / Main Germany Tel: +49 69 885633 FAX: +49 69 8003336 Owner: Heinz Roth Distr.: WEA / own distr. Subl.: Hartb%;house, Recycle Or Die Style: "Adult Dance" MK: Vernon, Sven Vaeth FAX +49-69-450464 Frankfurt / Main Germany FAX: +49 69 450464 Owner: Peter Kuhlmann (Pete Namlook) Fire Records Mommsenstrasse 59 10629 Berlin Germany FAX: +49 30 3243664 Cont.: Sandra (for demos) Distr.: EFA Style: Hartcore MK: Hardsequencer Force Inc Music Works Werftstrasse 10 60327 Frankfurt Germany Tel: +49 69 239918 FAX: +49 69 252280 Owner: Achim Szepanski Distr: Discomania Style: Acb&4id, Breakbeat, Hartcore, House MK: N.R.G., Biochip C., Exit 100, Alec Empire Formaldehyd Togostrasse 3 13351 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 4516141 FAX: +49 30 4516141 Owner: Geraldo, Pierre Style House + Techno MK: House Of Usher, Carma Boomerang Frankfurt Beat Productions Germany Tel: +49 6074 89180 FAX: +49 6074 891899 Freibank Dance Dept. Spaldingstrasse 74 20097 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 231011 FAX: +49 40 231317 Owner: Marc Chung Subl.: Superstitb' ion Records Style: Dance, Technohouse MK: Speedy J, Quazar Fresh Records 2215 Arch Street, Suite 405 Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA Tel: +1 215 567-7988 Style: some sort of pop-oriented electronic music MK: The Fresh Connection CD Rem.: e-mail: or Future Sound Productions Box 538 55529 Bad Kreuznach Germany Tel: +49 671 8408484 FAX: +49 671 8408485 Owner: Michael Zosel Distr.: Zyx / Discomania Subl.: Boy Records, Geb(5nerator Records Style: Techno Generator Rec. / Boy Box 538 55529 Bad Kreuznach Germany Tel: +49 671 8408484 FAX: +49 671 8408485 Hard Hands 124-128 Barlby Road London W10 6BL UK Tel: +44(081)960-5055 FAX: +44(081)964-4876 Harthouse Frankfurt Strahlenberger Strasse 125a Frankfurt / Main Germany Tel: +49 69 885633 FAX: +49 69 8003336 Owner: Heinz Roth Distr.: LP: Rough Trade, 12": own distr. Style: Harthouse, Techno MK: Resistance D., Hardfloor, Arpeggiatorsb)7d Influence Rec. c/o Music Research GmbH Alte Sattelfabrik 8 61350 Bad Homburg Germany Tel: +49 6172 82014 FAX: +49 6172 82185 K.N.O.R Records P.O. Box 48 3300 AA Dordrecht The Netherlands Tel: +31 78 147365 FAX: +31 78 145073 Distr.: Midtown Style: Gabber, ... MK: Sigma 909, ...? Kudos Records Limited 36a Kilburn High Road London NW6 5UA UK Tel: +44(071)372-0391 FAX: +44(071)372-0392 Owner: D. Ryan & M. Hazell Cont.: -- "" -- Distr.: own distr. Style: Tecb*^bhno MK: Pentatonik Rem.: e-mail: Distributor for B12, ART, Rephlex, Ifach, Likemind and about 20 other labels. LU: Tue May 17 21:26:13 CEST 1994 Labworks Germany Gaustrasse 36 55116 Mainz Germany Tel: +49 6131 237557 FAX: +49 6131 232710 Owner: Holger Wick Distr.: Discomania Style: Hartcore, Acid, Trance MK: Desperation, Our Reservation Lightning Records N.V. Herentalsebaan 355 2100 Deurne / Antwerp Belgium Tel: 00 / 32 / 3 322 67 97b+Yt FAX: 00 / 32 / 3 366 11 35 Subl.: Bonzai Records Low Spirit Recordings Mommsenstrasse 59 10629 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 3243128 FAX: +49 30 3243664 Owner: Wilhelm Roettger ? Cont.: Sandra (for demos) Distr.: EFA, Polydor Style: Technohouse MK: Westbam, DJ Dick, Beat In Time, Genlog, Marusha, Number 5, loopzone. Machinery Kurfuerstenstr. 23 1000 Berlin 30 Germany Tel: +49 30 2619085 FAX: +49 30 2624448 Marlboro Music IDE GmbH Fallstrasse 42 81369 Muenchen b,ۦGermany Tel: +49 89 7232043 FAX: +49 89 7239486 Owner: IDE GmbH Distr.: Edel Style: Dance MK: Pressure Drop, London Underground Comp. MFS - Masterminded For Success Reichstagsufer 4-5 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 2209315 FAX: +49 30 2298753 Owner: Mark reeder, Torsten Jurk Distr.: Rough Trade (UK: RTM/Pinnacle) Style: Trance MK: Cosmic Baby, Visisons Of Shiva, Microglobe, Effective Force United Frequencies Of Trance, Humate, Loopzone, Mindgear Midtown Db-:rwistribution Wolphaertsbocht 394-396 Netherlands Tel: +31 10 4861800 FAX: +31 10 4861440 Mokum Records De Ruyterkade 41-43 1012 AA Amsterdam Netherlands FAX: +31 20 6276310 Music Research GmbH Alte Sattelfabrik 8 61350 Bad Homburg Germany Tel: +49 6172 82014 FAX: +49 6172 82185 Owner: Talla 2XLC Subl.: Suck Me Plasma Style: House, Dance MK: Dance 2 Trance, Komakino Now! Records Gaustrasse 36 55116 Mainz Germany Tel: +49 6131 237557 FAX: +49 6131 232710 Ob.b[wwner: Holger Wick, Andy Duex Distr.: Discomania Style: House, Trance MK: House Pimps, Warp 69, Pure Tribal Obsession Records Moselstrasse 24 50674 Koeln Germany Tel: +49 221 214855 FAX: +49 221 520126 Owner: Loesener, Schuetten Distr.: Uptown Style: Future-House MK: Electrodolls SBX-80 O-Range Rec. / Ultra Violet Rec. / Bounce Rec. Tel.: +49 711 4780247 +49 711 4780791 FAX: +49 711 4780889 Over Drive Beatdisaster Rec. Ringstrasse 12 64297 Reinheim Germany Teb/2l: +49 6162 5193 FAX: +49 6162 84918 Owner: Volker Weber Distr.: Discomania Style: Technohouse MK: Microbots, Mark N-R-G, C-Tank POD Frankfurt / Main Tel: +49 69 700723 Style: maybe hardcore... Planet Records Grossbeerenstrasse 81 10963 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 2515790 Fax: +49 30 2515603 Cont.: Andreas Rossmann (for demos) Distr.: EFA Style: Technohouse MK: 3 Phase, Jens Mahlstedt, Vein Melter, Silencer Rotterdam Records P.O. Box 9442 3007 AK Rotterdb0Ram Holland FAX: +31 10 4861440 Distr.: Midtown Style: Gabber Roughmix Eickeler Strasse 25 44639 Herne Germany Tel: +49 2325 6970 FAX: +49 2325 97223 Owner: Rough Trade Distr.: Rough Trade Style: Eurohouse, Dancefloor MK: General Base, Moby Recycle Or Die Strahlenberger Strasse 125a Frankfurt / M. Germany Tel: +49 69 885633 FAX: +49 69 8003336 Owner: Heinz Roth Distr.: Eigenvertrieb Style: Instrumental MK: Dominic Woosey Space Teddy Forster Strasse 4-5 1b140999 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 6183005 FAX: +49 30 6189382 Owner: Uwe Reineke, Mathias Roeingh Distr.: EFA Style: House, Trance, Techno MK: 3 Phase, Veinmelter, Euphorythm SPV Bruesselerstr. 14 30539 Hannover Germany Strictly Rhythm / public propaganda vinyl force hamburg Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 64214362 FAX: +49 40 64214363 Superstition Records c/o Freibank Spaldingstrasse 74 20097 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 231011 FAX: +49 40 231317 Owner: Tobias Lb2iampe Distr.: Germany: EFA E-Motion, UK: APT/Revolver, Worldwide: PIAS Belg. Style: Technohouse MK: Bassxpansion, Jens Mahlstedt, Marmion, Azid Force Tresor Records Yorkstrasse 44 10965 Berlin Germany FAX: +49 30 2156604 Distr.: Mute / Intercord MK: Juan Atkins, Blake Baxter, Eddie Flashin Fowlkes Marshall Jefferson, Jeff Mills, Tresor-Compilation 1+2 Tunnel Records / M.T.P. Grosse Freiheit 70 22767 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 313943 FAX: +49 40 3195597 Owner: Rolb3\T_l ? Distr.: Uptown Style: soft... MK: X-Dream, Gaia, St. Pauli Dancecore comps. Rem.: same numbers to reach the Tunnel Trance Club Underground Records Viktor-Scheffel-Strasse 11 80803 Muenchen Germany Tel: +49 89 397925 FAX: +49 89 395580 Owner: Klaus Munzert Style: Dance MK: Yaya's, Silicon Dream Vision Soundcarrier Postfach 304131 Reeperbahn 70 20359 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 40 3191801 FAX: +49 40 3191801 Owner: Thomas Beer Distr.: Rough Trade Style: Trb4Ȓaance, Harthouse, Tribal MK: Trancemaster, Disco 2000 Warehouse Records Wilhelm-Mauser-Strasse 21-25 50827 Koeln Germany Tel: +49 221 5801845 FAX: +49 221 5802281 Owner: Yena Kisla Distr.: own distr. Style: Techno White Label Mommsenstrasse 59 10629 Berlin Germany FAX: +49 30 3243664 Cont.: Sandra (for demos) Distr.: EFA ? Style: Technohouse MK: Plutone, Cosmic Enterprise Other Record Labels: Antwerp - USA Import, St Jacobsmarkt 75, 2000 Antwerp, (03) 232.04.2b5Ql9 Atlanta, GA - Let The Music Play - (404) 321-7746 Baltimore, Maryland - Modern Music (410) 523-1882 Boston, MA - Boston Beat - 80 Bennington St - (617) 561-4790 Boulder, Colorado - Wax Trax - 303.831.7246, 303.831.1402 or 303.939.8658 Brunswick, NJ - Planet X - (908) 249-0304 Brooklyn, NY - Groove Records - 64 Avenue U - (718)-714-5232 Brussels - City Records Vinyl Shop - (02) 428.52.03 USA Import - (02) 279.66.98 Cincinnati, OH - Culture 7 - (513) 821-7783 Chicago, IL - Gb6:ramaphone - (312) 477-5354 Columbus, Ohio - world record, 1980 n high st 2nd fl, 614.297.7900 Dallas, Texas - Autobahn Records - (214) 522-4674 Detroit, MI - Recordtime-Records and Tapes - 313-775-1550. Duluth, Georgia - The Remix Warehouse - 2180 Pleasant Hill Road, Suite A-5168 - 30136-4663 - (orders 1-800-241-MIXX) Houston, Texas - noo beat 713-526-6544 sound+ 713-520-7323 London, England - Zoom Records - 188 Camden High Street, London NW1 UK Black Market -b7}> 25 D'Arblay St, Soho, London W1 UK Catch-A-Groove - 94 Dean St, Soho, London W1V 5RB 44 71 494 0208 Fat Cat - 14 Monmouth St, Covent Garden, London WC2 44 71 497 1359 23rd Precint - 23 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 1HU, 44 41 332 4806 Unity Records - 47 Beak Street, London W1R 3LE 44 71 734 2746 Los Angeles, CA - Street Sounds - 7751 Melrose Ave. - (213) 651-0630 D.M.C. - 7621 1/2 Melrose Ave. - (213) 651-3520 Beat Non Stop - 726b8C2 Melrose Ave. - (213) 930-2121 Prime Cuts - 7758 Santa Monica Blvd. - (213) 654-8251 Milwaukee, WI - Innovative R. S. - - 414.225.9397 New Orleans, LA. - Spice Records (on Edenborn) New Brunswick, NJ - Planet X - 308 George Street 908-249-0304 Pittsburgh, PA - Turbo-Zen Records - 128 Oakland Ave - (412) 621-7759 Portland, Oregon - Turntable Mary's - (503) 227-3933 Roseville, MI - Record Time - 313-775-1550 "The 'official' +8 distributor." Sacramentb9so - The Beat - (916) 736-0147 San Bruno, CA - ULTRASOUNZ records @ 482 san mateo ave. - 415-871-4170 San Diego, CA - AC&S Dance Music Center, 665 H Street Suite B Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 476-1212 Voice (619) 476-1303 FAX Off the Record - 3849 5th Ave. - (619) 298-4755 San Jose, CA - Underground Records - 408.286.8303 San Francisco, CA - BPM - 1141 Polk St., SF - 415-567-0276 Tweakin' - 593 Haight Street (@ Steiner) - 415-626-6995 Star Alley - 322b: Linden Street - (415) 552-3017 Sydney, Australia - Central Station Records - 48 Oxford St - Darlinghurst 2010 Reach'n Records - Crown St - Darlinghurst 2010 Disco City - 314 Crown St - Darlinghurst 2010 Toronto, Ontario - The CD Bar - 281 Queen St. W. - (416) 977-6863 Play De Record - 357A Yonge Street - 416 586 0380 B's Wax, 539 Queen St. West, (416)504-0613 Starsound, 427 Yonge St., (416)977-0525 Vancouver, BC - Odyssey Imports - 534 Seymourb;+ St. - (604) 669-6644 Rhythm Zone - 537 W. Pender - (604) 682-8144 Washington, DC - Twelve Inch Dance - (202) 659-2010 Music Now - (202) 638-3272|CE| |CBDJ| DJ's and how to contact them: Name Style -------------------------------------------------------------------- -Dj MARKK / CNCD ?? Contact him on: Boondocks -DJ G.O.h (from arf!) BreakBeat/Jungle Contact him on : ThE lasT RebCU , Amsterdam , 020-6252137 USA Import : St.Jacobstraat , Antwerpen , xxx-xxxxxxx Bad Vibes : Langestraat 1a , Alkmaar , 072-151091 Attalos Records : Torenstraat , Arnhem , 085-510222 Dance Drugstore : Walstraat 12 , Arnhem , 085-518916 Tunesville : Haagdijk 15 , Breda , 076-211386 Kinki Kappers : Haagdijk 10 , Breda , 076-149498 Triple Vision : Diepenbrockst. 164 , Delft , 0b?15-620637 Dance Department : Vughterstraat 233 , Den Bosch , 073-149048 Rhythm Import : Torenstraat 96 , Den Haag , 070-3642378 Stad Den Haag rec : Schoolstraat 37 , Den Haag , 070-3632435 Music House : Keizerstraat 30 , Den Helder , 022-3022454 MidTown records : Voorstraat 247 , Dordrecht , 078-313588 Freaky Records : Hoogstraat 1 , Eindhoven , 040-435599 Bullit : Stratumseind 12 , Eindhoven , 040-431756 Hotmib@`x : Geldropseweg 27 , Eindhoven , 040-127938 Jan vd Berk : Woenselse Markt 1 , Eindhoven , 040-431773 Outland Records : Poelstraat 47 , Groningen , 050-182123 Satisfaction : O.Nassaustraat , Heerlen , xxx-xxxxxx Music House : Gijsbr.Amstelstr 160, Hilversum , 035-237356 Music House : Grote Noord 90 , Hoorn , 022-9072281 Mastermix : postbus 30001 , Landgraaf , 045-318594 Cyber Records : StebARenstraat 5 , Leiden , 071-145204 Rhythm Import : Korenstraat 96 , Leiden , 071-xxxxxx Velvet Music : Nieuwe Rijn 27 , Leiden , 071-128157 Outland Records : O. Tweebergenpoort , Maastricht , 0xx-xxxxxx Kroese : Molenstraat 126 , Nijmegen , 080-221346 MVC Records : Dorpstraat , PaalBering , xxx-xxxxxx Tracks : Hamstraat , Roermond , xxx-xxxxxx Basic Beat : Nieuwe Binnenweg 19 , bB7>r{Rotterdam , 010-4366426 Midtown : Nieuwe Binnenweg 79 , Rotterdam , 010-4363942 Midtown : Zuidplein (laag) 10 , Rotterdam , 010-4814852 Groovy's : Heuvelstraat 130 , Tilburg , 013-444504 Swing House Impor : Stationstraat 46 , Tilburg , 013-437978 Midtown : Zadelstraat 36 , Utrecht , 030-317198 Twist & Shout : Oudegracht 72 , Utrecht , 030-340520 ----------------------------------------------------------bC-------- |CE| |CBRS| RecordStores outside The Netherlands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BALTIMORE, MD - Modern Music (410) 523-1882 comments: second floor large selection of 12". Digital Druid said that on days when it is not busy you can sample the records before you buy them. WASHINGTON D.C. Music Now M St. NW (Metro 30/32/34/36/38b busses) (Near the corner of Wisconsin and M St, Georgetown) (between Pizerria Uno and the Body Shop) cobDs!mments: Music Now has a decent selection of 12"s and CD which you can listen to both of them. The store is also connected to Bohemia (rave-cloathing store) and has a chill out area. There are some 3 1200's out and i haven't had to wait for a listen yet, and can listen to as many as i want. YOu can also ask whoever is working to listen to the music over the sound system in the store. Music Now has a notorious reputation for hoarding their music for well known dj's as well as snobby wobEirkers, but i think it is a reputation that has changed alot. The people who work there arn't particularly friendly but they are helpful and are willing to pick out records when you ask them for recommendations. And with the new store there is even a better selection (which isn't saying a lot) as well as a fresh start (hopefully:) 12" Dance Records 2010 P St, NW, 2nd Floor(Dupont Circle Metro/Red) (202) 659-2010 comments: this store has hundreds and hundreds of 12" and a very good sbFtnelection of CD comps. Prices are not that bad. Have many old records. House Music seems to be more their fortay then techno, and their 12" selection of techno doesn't seem that large, but, i heard they have a special bin near the door with some tracks (esp. breakbeat). The atmosphere is cool with usually someone spinning on the tables. You are able to listen to up to six records at a time on the self serve tables (There are two of them) or have the dj spin your record over the sound bGn"system in the store Tower Records 2000 Pennsylvania NW (Foggy Bottom-GWU Metro/Blue-Orange) comments: Tower has a very large selection of 12" at decent prices. Look through their selections any you will find some treats. Have some nice compilations on vinyl also. Their CD comps selection is not all that great, but their CD collection is big. there are some great tracks, and if you cant find it, ask cause they might have it stored underneath. the people who work there are friendly, bHand finding a tracks that is slightly POP-ular is a good bet. Tower Records Rockville Pike - Rockville, MD Has a nice selection of Techno comps on CD and a decent selection. Rockville used to have a very good selection of 12" also but recently the decision was made to get rid of the selection so it is gone. Prices are the same as at other Tower's in the area. FREDRICKSBURG, VA CD Jungle Fredericksburg, VA - Address unknown From Derek Tiffany: CDs only, and a great selection of thebI> m. For Techno, lots of great compilations, although a bit weak on solo artists works. Prices are $11.99 domestic, $17.99 Imports (cash). Bit higher on credit. Oh yah, bootlegs available too. RECORDSHOPS IN THE UK ! -WAX CITY MUSIC " No bullshit just Hardcore and Jungle " 306 - 308 London road Croydon Tel : UK 081-665-0708 Open from 10.30 AM till 9.00 PM Sundays till 6.00 PM .....Mailing list available -TROUBLESOME RECORDS " 2 floors of tasty tunes" bJGo at the bottom : Hardcore/Techno/Jungle at the top : Garage-house No.2 The Applemarket Kingston Surrey KT1 1JE Tel : 081-547-0113 Tel : 081-547-0930 -SECTIONS RECORDS 121 Kingsroad Chelsea London SW3 |CE| |CBRL| ---------- RAVE LINES ------------ Rave Alert Hotline - Info on upcoming east coast events 212.696.8938 Mad House - Dallas 214.408.3098 Evolution Productions - Dallas 214bK.682.9111 Hazy Days Information hotline - Dallas 214.682.9022 Dallas Rave Infoline 214.824.2489 Dallas Rave Infoline 214.841.9957 TunnelWorks - Dallas 214.744.DEEP Deep Ellum What's Up Line - Dallas 214.747.DEEP ZooM - A Rave Line for all East Coast 215.998.9650 events! CIA RaveLine - south Florida 305.846.8487 Dialeighted Prod. - St. Louis bL 314.567.2097 Alvin Nation - Atlanta 404.496.4343 North by South Rave Hotline -Atlanta events 404.250.8230 STACE BASS LINE - Orlando events 407.262.1000 STACE BASS LINE - Orlando events 407.262.1000 Maryland Infoline 410.347.1460 Louisville Raveline 502.569.1969 Bluegrass Raveline ("we go every weekend") 606.281.4193 Soundshock - Tennessee 615.742.2333 Anode/Bam bMs| - Tennessee 615.780.3730 Trance-Fused - Richmond, Va. - Info on 804.768.2000 most events in the area. Insomnia - Richmond, Va. 804.756.7243 MadHouse - Ft. Worth 817.630.3190 Soundshock - Tennessee 901.763.8064 Basic Geometree - Raleigh, NC 919.571.5557 |CE| |CBRV| What is a "rave"? In general practice, a "rave" usually refers to a party, usually all night long, open to bNlthe general public, where loud "techno" music is mostly played and many people partake in a number of different chemicals, though the latter is far from necessary. The number of people at the event is unimportant; it can range from 50 people to 25,000 people. The cost of attendance is also unimportant - there have been good raves and bad raves at both ends of the cost spectrum (though in practice, the higher the price, the more commercial the event, and the lower the quality). At abO{s rave, the DJ is a shaman, a priest, a channeller of energy - they control the psychic voyages of the dancers through his choice in hard-to-find music and their skill in anipulating that music, sometimes working with just a set of beats and samples, into a tapestry of mindbending music. A large part of the concept of raves is built upon sensory overload - a barrage of audio and very often visual timuli are brought together to elevate people into an altered state of physical or psybPchological existence. |CE| |CBDF| The Different Forms of House: "techno music" Opinions on this vary greatly, but there are a few ways to distinguish techno from other types of music. Overall, techno is denoted by its slavish devotion to _the_beat_, the use of rhythm as a hypnotic tool. It is also distinguished by being primarily, and in most cases entirely, created by electronic means. It is also noted for its lack of vocals in most cases. Techno also usually falls in the realbQxHMm of 115-160BPM. There are of course xceptions to every one of these rules, but these guidelines seem to survive the "what about..." test most of the time. There has also been a significant use of samples in techno songs, samples ifted in huge blocks and contributing a large share to a song's popularity. This can be both bad ("Theme to Sesame Street" in Smart E's "Sesame's Treet") or good (Star Trek transporters sampled in Eden Transmission's "I'm So High", giving YOU that transpbR-7orting feeling) or great (Tears for Fears sampled in Orbital's "Moebius"). This sampling has generated much controversy, and it is the opinion of the author and many others that sampling is okay as long as the sample is not the whole song; "Seseme's Treet" might be an okay song, but if you take away the sample (which was lifted verbatim from the TV show), you don't have much of a song left. "Rave" music has several different forms: a. (Chicago) House House music is where it all bebSʖgan, when Chicago DJ's started playing around with their Kraftwerk 12"'s with their soul records, and a brand new object called a DRUM MACHINE which they discovered they could use in their set. The steady and clean sound of the house rhythm coupled with uplifting soul vocals gave "house parties" an incredible energy. House also uses more piano riffs and generally sounds "happier" than most other forms of music played at raves. Good Examples: Best of House Music, Vol. 1, 2 (Gotta HbTHave House), and 3 (House Music All Night Long) Aly-us "Follow Me" b. Acid-House Acid-house developed when the Roland 303 and similar drum machines/synthesizers came out producing the "funky worm" - that VERY distinctive sound that just *sounds* liquid. The sound and the style is linked to use of LSD, but many people claim to feel many of the same sensations while listening to acid-house music. Others claim this is wrong, that acid was a term derbUWvived in Chicago for stealing samples from other records, i.e. the "acid burn". Still others claim this was a rumor created by people defending the scene in Britain, trying to unlink the party scene from the drug scene. Good Examples: House Hallucinates Pump Up the World Vol. 1 (A&M CD 3928) Adamski - Liveanddirect (MCA MCAD-6454) Maurice - This is Acid and more recently, more in the vein of acid trance: Hardfloor - TB RescbVKaKPru - "Darkrider" Ballad: Fabio - "Ghost In My Life" Acen - "Window In the Sky" e. Ambient Basically ambient (or ambient house) is designed to lull your mind through more soothing rhythms and samples. Good Sample: The Orb: U.F.Orb (Big Life/Mercury 314 513 749-2) Amorphous Androgynous: Tales of Ephidrina (Astralwerks ASW 6101) Aphex Twin: Selected Ambient Works (R&S BE AMB CD 3922) f. Trance Very similar to both ambient and acid-hob`BNuse, trance is softer on the ears and body than most techno, but still keeps you dancing (unlike most ambient, where the effects are more profound if you SIT DOWN and listen). It's designed to try and take you, literally, into another world. Examples: Eden Transmission - "I'm So High" on Exist-Dance. "Stella" by Jam 'n Spoon Any of the "Trance" comps, or anything on Guerilla A variant (or sub-genre) of this is hardtrance, which is currently veryba popular in the underground all over Europe. Characteristics, higher beat (c. 150 bpm), compulsory 303 sounds and string layers. Examples: Almost anything on Harthouse label (Overboust, Progressive Attack) Ramin: Vol III Sextant: Part of the Scene g. Tribal Tribal is denoted by exactly that - rhythm patterns and sounds which closely mimic Third-World and Native American and other "World Music" styles. The connection between modern-day raving and ancienbb'YGjt musical and cultural rituals is thus established, and the dancer can be transported to a more primal self (in theory). Examples: Studio X - Los Kings Del Mambo, 808 State - Reaper Repo h. Progressive This is the newest and least-well-defined genre; it's based less on sampling, less on wailing divas, and less on hip-hop culture, and more on authentic instruments, haunting melodies, and always around 120-125bpm. There's always a strong beat, and at times it resembles acid jazz.bcU> The appelation of "progressive" was given by a music magazine, so many people wouldn't call it that, but so far no other name has come to replace it, and it is fairly different from straight house. This is the most popular music at raves in San Francisco right now. Examples: "Cry Freedom" by Mombassa, "Mighty Ming" by Brother Love Dubs The Trance compilations vols. 1-3 Ritmo De Vidaa: Taboo Otaku: Percussion Obsession bd Y React 2 Rhythm: I Know you like it React 2 Rhythm: Intoxication D.O.P.: Groovy Beat Labels: Guerilla, Limbo, Soma, Hubba Hubba h. Deep House Deep house is a style of house most prominently influenced by a combination of gospel and old chicago strictly house beats. Look for wailing divas (I love them!) spooky organs and that old chord progression that we know and love. Deep house never nods in techno's dbeҔirection..ever.. Examples: Can't Trust Nobody - Sloppy Check out anything on Strictly Rhythm Records. The shelter club's theme song Ten City, My Piece of Heaven |CE| |CBTN| Creating techno music a. E-quipment Roland Roland produced a series of electronic instruments in the early 80's all with three character names. There's the 101 synth, the 303 bass line sequencer (popular for acid house), the 505 drum machine (the 505 is one of tbfs =he first drum machines to use PWM samples for creation of drum sounds) there's a 707 drum machine and the 727 . the 727 features latin noises instead of the normal drum kit (miami sound machine uses a lot of 727 sounds) the 808 drum machine has that big beautiful whooooommmmmm kick associated with early house (not to mention drippy sustained highhat noises and snares). the 909 is a midiable pounding drum machine, it kicks. it's used in hardcore techno; the majority of hardcore bands bgj#{I've seen live have a simple 3 part setup, some sort of sampler workstation/sequencer hooked up to a 909 and then the 909 syncs the 303. some even bring a dat machine along for backing tracks. MC-202 The Roland MC-202 is a microcomposer, which means that you can program songs into it. It saves to tape. It has sync and CV-gate but no MIDI. It makes some of the best bass sounds, comparable to nothing. It produces a rounder sound than the 303 (which is a bit squelchy) and the 101bh (which is a bit noisy). N-Joi and The Prodigy have stuff use the 202. (N-Joi used it in their "Live in manchester" album. and The Prodigy used it in the bassline of "Everybody's in the Place.") Basic setup well the basic set-up is any computer that can be plugged into some drivers including keyboard, drum machine, sampler, sequencer, and fm modulators. NeXTS, Macs and Amiga's seem to be the choice, largely because it has dedicated sound and video chips, so the cpu can be used fbiЎy|or everything else. Here's a list of the most used synths: Korg wave station Yamaha sy77 and sy99 Roland TR-727 (latin) Roland TR-808 (techno) Roland TR-909 (hardcore) Roland MC-202 Roland SH-101 Roland TB-303 M-1 Prophet Roland Juno 1,2 Roland Juno 106 Roland JV-880 (with vintage synth board) Roland JD-800 Emu Procussion |CE| |CBRT| ======================================================================== Radio and TV Shows ===========================bj`============================================= Radio Shows ----------- Alien Air Waves - 88.9fm KXLU. Sunday night 10pm-11pm. Alien Air Waves - 88.9fm KXLU. Sunday night 10pm-11pm. range: most of LA. Double Dipped Radio - 96.7fm KWIZ. Wed & Thurs. MID-1am. Eggroll and guests spin Techno to Progressive to Trance. range: much of the LA and OC basin. Groove Radio - 103.1fm (The old MARS-fm). Fri & Sat MID-6am. Swedish Egil returns to the aibkPage: 99999/99999("0>LZhv,:HVdr BFV^f:$@p<L?C    @`0P(???~???P