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Created by GORDON ??-V?Q@ b#tQuitA"g"XfNNu70G1C,yCBNh#vNu | ,yvN,y"yvNbNu# @# @ |"| <OQ#@ #@ Nua | ,yvNNu|,yr$&9JֹN,yr&$9"9N&9JֹN(9V( g"S,yr&<$<"9NQ,yr&<$<"9Na"9a 9N"yJ,yN.aDLNuHaJf#da2`#u # atJb+mf#Aa`z"<ah |#| f`V 9 "<,yN:#Jf#a`$"<a# f`,yr"9$9&9 N"9a y Gg#aN` (Og#a4` (Rg#a`z (Dg#a`` (Og#a`F (Ng#a`, (-g#a` (Pg#a` (Ag#a~` (T g#ad` (C g#aJ` (H g#a0`b,# # arJf#Aa`b"<a#F f`Fa0#  yVWXY Vg 9#P 9Vѹ`#  yRSTUVWXY#TT 9g Vgj,9V/<S/9RNT yTpH/<S/NTRTRRQ 9Vѹ`",yr&< $<T"9FN`,yr&<$<T"9FN yb-`=0RSTUVWXY/<S/9RNT/<S/9VNT,yr&9V$9"9FNa""9Fa 9 "y,yN.avLNu-1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 H /@ oD"|Unr vJj-Dd XS f0ReR`Бb.,XSgR`RB |S <#T gRTQ T,yr&9T$<S"9FNLNu;B@'d "y$|,yzNRNu"y$|,yzNFNu7  HT`jv "&04>BLP`t "2BR`f 2111247Bb/7F7f9<<<<<<== =4=F=b=======>>*>F>P>b>~>>>>??*?N?`?|???@@$@(@,@0@@@J@R@X@h@t@x@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@AA AA$A(A4A:ANAbAfA~AAAAAAAAAAAABB$B4BBBPCCCCCCCCCD DDD"D(D,D:D>DPDZDbDtDDDDDDDDb0DDDDDDEEEE E(E:EPEZE^ElEvEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFF$F*F\FbFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGG G&G4G>GDGTGZGnGxGGGGGGGGGGGGGHH&H0H4HBHLH^HdHjHpHzHHHHHHHHHHHIII,I0IFIJI`IdIzI~IIIIIIIIIIb1vIIJJJJ"J*J2J:JBJJJRJZJbJlJtJzJJJJJJJJJJJJJKKK"K&K,K0K>KBKTK^KfKxKKKKKKKKKKKKKL LL\L`LnLrLxL|LLLLLLLLLMnMrMxMMMMMMMMMMNNN N&N0N6N<NHNNN\NbNhNnNvN|NNNNNNNNNNNNNO"O&O4O8O>OBOPOTObb2%OlOtOOOOOOOOOOOOPP P P$P:P>PTPXPnPrPPPPPPPPPPQ QQ$Q(Q6Q:Q@QDQRQVQdQnQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQRRRRR&R.R6R>RDRHRRRXR^RlRtRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS SSS"S*S2S:SBSJSRSZS`SfSlSxS~SSSSSSSSSTUU$U6b3,UHUNUTUZU`UUUU &9B: Gpatcher.docp ___ ___ /\ _________| |________________|__ |_______________/\ / \ /\\ ___ | | \ \|\ \/ / / \\_| |_| |______ /___ /| \_____________ \ / / /_ | | | | ____/ /___/ / | ______ \ \/ _\__ \| |_| ||__ ___/| ___/ | |__ _/ ___ _/\ \ / \ \ | | / | | | | |_/ \|__/ \\ \ <\_ / ________/_____|___|_/__|[SP]|___| |_________/_______/ \_/\___/ \/ FILEPATCHER by GORDON --------------------- Introduction Patching Files has turned out to be a major need in the BBS-community. In most cases it is not desireable and even not allowed on many BBSs to upload a fixed, trained and otherwise changed files again when there are only minor changes to the file itself. This is why you need a Filepatcher. Features The major advance of this Filepatcher ahead of all others (like BSL etc.) is the capability to automatically create a patchfile without the need to find all the changes by ourselves and enter them with an editor or thelike. This releaves you of all the boring work to be done afterwards. Due to the widely spread BSL-patchformat and it's availability on MS-DOS there's even included a converter Xafor these patchfiles. However the use of the Filepatcher ist recommended, since it is easier to use and the patchfile is more effective and shorter. MSDOS and Atari etc. version will be available in the future. USAGE The Filepatcher supports an Intuition-driven window interface which is easy to use. The middle part of the window is used for status messages and the available gadgets work as follows: [Gadget Functions]: "+Find Patches ------------ This option checks two given files (selectable via filerequester) for all differences in the two files and creates a patchfile according to the differences found. Patch File ---------- This option modifies an unpatched file with a patchfile. [Menu Functions]: Find Patches ------------ Works exactly like the Gadget Function. Patch File ---------- Works exactly like the Gadget Function. Convert BSL to G-Patch-File --Ap------------------------- This converts a Patch-File in BSL-format to a Patch-File in G-Format. Convert G to BSL-Patch-File --------------------------- This converts a patchfile in G-Format to patchfile in BSL-format. G-PATCH STRUCTURE Example: dc.b "GORDON-PATCH" ; 12 Bytes/Is it a G-Patch? ------------------------- dc.l $103ff ; Offset (Longword) dc.l 5 ; Lenght of Patch (Longword) j] dc.b $ff,$e0,$12,$22,$22 ; Patch (5 Bytes) next Offset & Lenght etc. if you want to finish the Patchfile just write 2 Longwords after the Patch. BUGS etc. This program has been tested on the following computers with the following configurations: Computer CPU OS Version ------------------------------------------ A2000 68000 Kick 1.3 A2000 68030 Kicp!k 1.3 A2000 68000 Kick 2.0 A2000 68030 Kick 2.0 It has been tested with Mungwall and Enforcer and worked well. If you have any problems with this program then write a mail to GORDON on a wellknown board or just call ScHiZoPhReNiA BBS. THANKS Many thanks must go to JONES who helped a lot during the development of this program and it's testing. GREETS Amok, Mr.Rox, schulle, F ;Qred Feinbein, Tom-Idea, Mark, Free Agent Jones and to my lovely family ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- b=<?<??~?o?x1sv?~???1?Ӡ_w=p[/=Po}/0t_o ?b>²)I_`*/ _  ;Jt Jw저_TW-zLz@*o b?X!H!c$B??g@0b@ww@@@@@@@@bA@@@@@@bBƎ@@@@bC{-@@@@@@bD z?????????bEWlbFbGbHbIbJbKbLbM bN bO bPbQbRbSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZb[b\b]b^b_b`babbbcbdbebf;6x8xxd =04B4 4=0bgl`