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This version is an improvement of the MASTERSEKA V1.71 by BUDDHA. It uses the power of the REQ & POWERPACKER libraries. And it is now possible to read powerpacked sources. Just try the right button to see the 112 submenus of this version ! Remember this when using the gadgets: press b <=> click obl 4ln right gadget press m <=> click on middle gadget press v <=> click on left gadget Greetings to all SKIDROW members, and fuck to PENNYLAME ! 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FILENAME> PAGENo Errors of (Old was D0= bP~T A0= SSP=USP=SR= VBR=CACR= PC= *** Bus Error At $ *** Address Error At $ *** Illegal Instruction At $ *** Privilege Violation At $ *** Exception $ raised At $ accessing $ type instruction $BREAKPT>Reassembling... --SYMBOL TABLE-- -MACRO- option O: please wait... / EXTERN bytes used bytes free dir mathffp.librarymathtrans.libraryarp.librarytrackdisk.devicekeyboard.deviceconsole.devicetopaz.fontPRT:t.s........xnzvcDangerous acbQyO3tion: Be careful! Illegal DataUndefined ValueEOP Illegal Operand Workspace memory full** Warning: Insufficent memory to run Reserved WordDouble SymbolUndefined SymbolIllegal OperatorFile ErrorOut of RangeInvalid DestinationRelative mode errorWord at odd addressNo SymbolLOAD without ORGIllegal SizeMismatched quotesInvalid Addressing ModeAddress reg Byte/LogicalNo FilesBranch forced to LongRelative Word/ByteNo ObjectNot LinkableLink Option not specifiedNo FbRvDile SpaceInvalid DirectoryIllegal DrivenumberTrackdisk error No Disk in DriveDisk is WriteprotectedWarning: 68010/20 instructions used! ; 68020 instruction!Segment loaded at $No Segment previously loaded! Unload Segment at $Missing ENDMSEARCH>KREPLACE>KTry second mouse button in the editor for AMIGA KEYS !!!CTRL: a-page up b-mark blk c-cut d- del eol e-crsr eol j-srch k-cutCTRL: line l-lwrcase o-inst line p/f-paste q-crsr sol r-rot blkCTRL: s-100 up t-top u-upprbS׻case w-write blk x-100 down y/z-page downCannot allocate memory at $Pass 1 Pass 2 No mathtrans.library foundNo powerpacker.library foundLink option broken. I'm trying to fix it as soon as possible. Signed: BUDDHA Decrunched Filelength=Powerpacked source recognized Loading & decrunching... US?S=CC>SP>SF DF!CAC"USVBCAAMSISHAzRCzzEIBp'QL`cH S@|&cp&AzRCQbTؽOBBLa`clH S@|&cp&AzzCBQBBLan`~2+ kv+]f\A7A}*aa0+ 2+}*`HA]C I},G \*|<<a@<<a8<<a0<<a(<<a <<a<<a<<aLNu$| $HYBXB00BB BBXBBB +f|BXBBM d BJ+f( *HYM 0M F BBNuProjectRead Source RRead Image RIRead Object RORead Link RLRead Sector RSRead Track RT-------------------Write SobUturce WWrite Image WIWrite Object WOWrite Link WLWrite Sector WSWrite Track WTView Dir VUnload Segment UKill File KFKill Source KSKill & Read oQuit qDebugFast Assemble AQuick Start Q--------------------Assemble ADisassemble DJMP To Address GJSR To Address JSingle Step SASCII Dump NHEXA Dump QModify Mem MFind In Mem bVY%uFCompare Mem CFill Mem FIBoot Checksum BRegister Status XWork Info HEvaluate ?SpecialRescue Old Source ORead Extern Files YExecute Dos @Redirect Output >Create Sinus CS------------------------Edit Line EInsert Line ITop Of Source TBottom Of Source BGoto Line TSearch For... LPrint Lines PZap Lines ZKibWMmll Link File KLKill Abs Memlist KAKill Paste Buffer KPClear Screen CLSChange Palette RGBJump To Editor ESCEditorLine Number On/Off LAssemble AQuick Start QQuit Editor qBlockMark Block bCopy Block cInsert Block iVertical Insert vCut Block xSave Block w--------------------------Rotate Block oBlobXܓ@ck To Lowercase uBlock To Uppercase UInsert Comment ,Remove Comment .Cut Line kInsert Line lCut To EOL yMoveTop Of Source tBottom Of Source TGoto Line g----------------------------Beg Of Line Sft LfEnd Of Line Sft RgOne Page Up Sft UpOne Page Down Sft Dn100 Lines Up Alt Up100 Lines Down Alt DnJump MabY^:tching Label Alt RgJump Back To Label Alt LfSearchSearch For... SSearch Backwards aSearch Forwards s---------------------------Replace... RReplace Forwards rGlobal Replace GBlock To Search pBlock To Replace PExg Search & Replace eMarkSet Mark 1 Sft F1Set Mark 2 Sft F2Set Mark 3 Sft F3Set Mark 4 Sft F4Set Mark 5 Sft F5Set Mark 6 Sft F6Set Mark 7 Sft F7Set MbZo}ark 8 Sft F8Set Mark 9 Sft F9Set Mark 0 Sft F0-------------------Jump To Mark 1 F1Jump To Mark 2 F2Jump To Mark 3 F3Jump To Mark 4 F4Jump To Mark 5 F5Jump To Mark 6 F6Jump To Mark 7 F7Jump To Mark 8 F8Jump To Mark 9 F9Jump To Mark 0 F0s_K7#o[%V:vZ>572lO2Y%jO4w\A-; 5}dK2Qb[gajQ8<x|cN9$||gRM.L8$HHp\H4 =ȰRRRRRRzRqRhR_RXQRHR?R6R-R$RRR RRRVIV@V92V)V VV VVdR[RRRIRB;R2R)R RV VVVvVmVf_VVVMVDV;V4-V$VVV VVVV VVRRRRRRxqRhR_RVRMRDR;R2R+$RRR RRRRRR}vRmRdR[RRRIRB;R2R)R RR VVVVRRRvRohR_RVRMRDR;R4-R$RRR RR @` @` @`!Aa!Aa!Aa"Bbb\d6 "Bb"Bb#Cc$Dd$Dd%Ee%Ee&Ff&FAWa +}$g,@A|XprC}E} / N&_Jf. k} e k}"k +} Sfa`La`,x"k} +} N.AaԪ +} aa`A(aԖ +} aѠ<)aJaԈNu  #6TTUU*U>ULV_>_j_c͸"B mseka.docp]E##################################################################### # # # Welcome to the MasterSeka V1.80 Documentation # # Made by CORSAIR of SKIDROW in 1991 # # # ##################################################################### This file contains a quick reference table of (hopefully) all MasterSeka functions. CLI and/or 'MasterSeka.startup' file options -------------------------------------------- ㋕-Syntax (with '-') Explanation --------------------------------------------------------------- -a AbsoluteAdr : Workspace at Adr -b Scrollbarflag : flag: 0=none, 1=right, 2= left border -c : Workspace in Chipmemory -e Editorsize : size: number of editor lines -h Historysize : size: history size (default: 127) -l flag : flag: 0=linenumbers off 1=on -r FileRequesterType : 0=none, 1=ARP, 2=req.library -s Screendepth : depth: 0=window, 1=1 plane, 2=2 planes -w X Y WidthTt Heigth : Size of window (set either parameter to 0 to use its default, use PAL/NTSC size -w+ X Y Width Heigth : Dito, but use workbench screen size -X : Close workbench (only when start from WB) MasterSeka commands (optional parameters in '[' and ']') -------------------------------------------------------- = : WorkInfo >[Filename] : Copy output to file (close file with '>'!) ? : evaluate expression @[Command] : execute CLI command a[Address] : assemble川F (for options: see below) b : bottom bAddress : calculate bootblock checksum for Address c : compare memory ranges cl : kill source cls : clear screen cs : create sinus! (needs mathtrans.library) d[Address] : dissassemble e[Line number] : edit line f : find in memory fi : fill memory g[Address] : jump to address h : WorkInfo i[Line number] : insert line j[Address] : JSR to address ka : free absolute memorylist (see 'INCBIN') kf[Filename]B : delete file kl : kill linkfile in memory kp : kill paste buffer ks : kill source l[Searchstring] : search source for searchstring m[Address] : modify memory n[Address] : show ASCII dump o : old (get source back after 'ks') p[Amount] : display 'Amount' sourcelines from current q[Address] : hexdump memory r[Filename] : read source rgb : change palette ri[Filename] : read binary file rl[Filename] : read link file ro[Filename] :r read executable (LoadSeg) rs[Drivenumber] : read sectors rt[Drivenumber] : read cylinders s[Address] : single step code t[Linenumber] : jump to top of source or specified line u[Address] : UnloadSeg executable v[Pathname] : show directory vPathname : change directory w[Filename] : write source wbFlag : Flag: 0=Close WB, 1=Open WB wi[Filename] : write binary file wl[Filename] : write link file wo[Filename] : write executable ws[;Drivenumber] : write sectors wt[Drivenumber] : write cylinders y : load EXTERNS zAmount : zap 'Amount' lines Assemble options ---------------- A : Error on absolute memory adr mode (for debugging) E : Listing on printer H : Stop after each page of the listing L : Produce linkable code O : Optimize P : Listing on printer (same as E) R : Error on reloc entry (non pc-relative code) V : Listing on screen Shortcuts with Amiga-key (try right mouse button) -------------X_------------------------------------ editor A : Assemble a : Search backwards b : Mark block c : Copy block e : Exchange search & replace buffers G : Global replace g : Goto line i : Insert block k : Cut line L : Toggle line numbers on/off l : Insert line o : Rotate block Q : Quick start q : Quit editor P : Block to replace buffer p : Block to search buffer R : Enter search/replace strings r : Replace S : Enter search string s : Search forwards T : Bottom of sour /Mce t : Top of source U : Block to uppercase u : Block to lowercase v : Vertical insert w : Save block x : Cut block y : Cut to EOL , : Insert comment to block . : Remove comment to block direct mode A : Assemble Q : Quit start q : Quit masterseka o : Kill actual source & read a new one. Shortcuts with CTRL-key ----------------------- A : One screen up B : Mark block C : Cut block D : Delete to end of lines E : Cursor to End of Line F : Paste block (fill) J : Se }arch for text (jump) K : Kill line L : Lower case O : Insert line P : Paste Q : Cursor to Start of Line R : Rotate block S : 100 lines up T : Top of File U : Upper case W : Write block to disk X : 100 lines down Y : One screen down Z : " [ : ESC Shortcuts with ALT-key ---------------------- up : 100 lines up down : 100 lines down right : Jump to matching label left : Jump back to label call Pseudo opcodes (directives) --------------------------- Syntax : Expla [nation : Example -------------------------------------------------------------------------- align Size[,Offset] : align PC : align 32 blk.B/W/L Size[,Code] : fill block : blk.b 100,'B' code : code section : cnop Size[,Offset] : see 'align' : dc.B/W/L Value[s] : insert constants : dc.b "BUDDHA" ds.B/W/L Size[,Code] : see 'blk' : endif : terminate conditional : endm : terminate macro def. : symbol: equ : define symbol : sysbase equ 4 else : conditional assembl ˠ4y : even : align PC to even : end : end of source : globl : global symbol (link) : if Expression : conditional assembly : illegal : breakpoint $4AFC : incbin "Filename" : include file in object: incbin "Data" incbin "Filename",Adr : load file to Adr : incbin "A",$50000 list : assembly listing on : load Address : assemble to 'Address' : load $50000 symbol: macro : start macro definition: plop: macro nlist : assembly listing off : nolist : " : odd : a ޛlign PC to odd : org Address : generate absolute code: page : listing -> new page : plen pagelen : set page length : page 66 pwid pagewid : set page width : pwid 70 pinit expression : init page settins : section name,type : code,code_c,bss,bss_c : section aa,BSS_C 68020 instructions supported ---------------------------- index scale: eg. move.w (a0,d0.w*4),d0 DIVs.L DIVsL.L EXTB.L MOVEC Rc: SFC,DFC,CACR,USP,VBR,CAAR,MSP,ISP MOVES MULs.L MULs.L RTD TST An/D1T s6(PC)/D8(PC,Rn) Have fun & I wish you a happy new year.... -*- CORSAIR/SKIDROW -*- *ߪ*BBmseka.improvmentspE##################################################################### # # # Welcome to the MasterSeka V1.80 Improvements # # Made by CORSAIR of SKIDROW in 1991 # # # ##################################################################### MASTERSEKA V1.80: ----------------- - REQ.LIBRARY ----------- Use the req.library instead of the arp.library ! It has many advantages: - it does not re-read the dir each time you call it. This means you will save a lot of time using this library !! - it displays length of files. - it does not bug when diskname includes chars as '#'. - all windows opened with req.library open themselves where the mouse is (it is very usefull for people using dmouse or sunmouse !!!). - better presentation. But you have to know that the req.library needs a lot of chip-mem: for example if you want to open the filerequester window, req.m#Wlibrary needs about 11kb of chip-mem !! To avoid errors when selecting workspace, I reduce automaticly the memory of 11kb (which will be used by req.library). (in fact you have the same problem when using the arp.library: try to select the whole chip mem with the old versions of masterseka, and you won't be able to use the arp.library) This library is used many times in this version: - at the beginning, to choose type of mem and to select workspace and absoluteӫ3 memory adress. - to load/save a file. - when using the search & search/replace options. - when using the goto line option. - when using the modifie palette command (RGB) - when you quit Masterseka. - when killing a source or when you try to zap more than 20 lines. (to ask a confirmation). - when saving as an already existing file. (to ask a confirmation). So, if the '-r2' option is not in your 'masterseka.startup', add it !! >> If you don't want to use your mouse when a req.library window ask << >> you a choice, just press those keys: << >> << >> press b <=> click on right gadget << >> press m <=> click on middle gadget << >> press v <=> click on left gadget << >> << >> ex1: the first window ask you to choose your mem type: << >> +----------+ +------+ +--------+ << >> | Absolute | qp | Chip | | Public | << >> +----------+ +------+ +--------+ << >> press b for this press m for this press v for this << >> << >> ex2: when you kill a source, a have two choices: << >> +----+ +--------+ << >> | Ok | | Cancel | << >> +----+ +--------+ << >> press b for this " v for this << >> << >> Of course, you can continue using your mouse !!! << - WINDOW NAME ----------- When opening the file requester, the name of the operation is written in the arp.library & req.library window instead of 'Masterseka v1.71 by BUDDHA'. Displayed options are: - Read Source - Read Data - Read Executable - Read Link - Write Source - Write Object - Write Block - Kill File - Kill & Read Source - Redirect output - LINE & COLUMN ------------- Line & column of cursor are now displayed when you are in editor (as asm one or other good editors !!). - CONFIRMATION ------------ When you save a file (source, data, object...), which already exists, a confirmation is asked (only when using req.library filerequester). - USED & FREE BYTES ----------------- When using the 'v' command, it displays free & used BYTES and no more free & used BLOCKS. - COLOR PALETTE ------------- You are now able to modi ThFfy the palette directly from MASTERSEKA (!!): try this new command: RGB (just for fun) (only with req.library). - TWO BUFFERS ----------- The search & searhc/replace otions have now there own buffer (40 bytes each): this mean your search & replace buffers are no more erased, when you want search (or replace) a new string !! (req.library) - NO RETURN --------- In older versions, when you jumped in the editor, the seka made a return in direct mode, so you lost a line. O! No more... - CLEAR MOUSE ----------- When you press a key, the mouse pointer disappears, and it comes back, when you move the mouse again !! - JUMP TO TOP AND BOTTOM OF SOURCE -------------------------------- I modified the 'amiga+t' option because it was boring to go to the bottom of your source from the editor (you had to go to the top of it first) !! - amiga + t : jump to top of source (and stay). - amiga + T : jump to bottom of source. You can now reach 7 the bottom of the source at any time !! - SOME MOVED SHORTCUTS -------------------- amiga+u : block lowercase. (as ctrl l) amiga+U : block uppercase. (as ctrl u) amiga+w : save block. (as ctrl w) amiga+o : rotate block. (as ctrl o) alt+up : 100 lines up. (as ctrl s) alt+down : 100 lines down. (as ctrl x) Now all shortcuts are available with amiga/alt (you dont have to use ctlr+key anymore) ! - GLOBAL REPLACE (amiga + G) -------------------------- A !+hs in all very good editors, you have now a global replace option ! You can stop the replace by pressing any mouse button. - GOTO LINE (amiga + g) --------------------- This command allows you to reach any line of your source from the editor (only with req.library). - TOGGLE LINE NUMBERS (amiga + L) ------------------------------- This allows you to toggle on/off the line numbers from editor. - BLOCK TO SEARCH BUFFER (amiga + p) ---------------------------------- Yo dur current block is transfered to the search buffer. This is really cool when you use the req.library because you don't loose your buffer when you search a new string. Then you jump to the amiga+S option. - BLOCK TO REPLACE BUFFER (amiga + P) ----------------------------------- Your current block is transfered to the replace buffer. Then you jump to the amiga+R option. - EXG SEARCH & REPLACE BUFFERS (amiga + e) ---------------------------------------- With this optionZiv, both buffers are exchanged, and when you made a mistake with search/replace, this allows you to correct it easier. Then you jump to the amiga+R option. - VERTICAL INSERT BLOCK (amiga + v) --------------------------------- This option is the same as 'vertical fill' in ASMONE: your block is inserted and the cursor go under the first colon of the block. Try it and you will understand its interest !! - BUG REMOVED ----------- In older versions, using 'v+ret' as first k_command (this mean, if you don't use 'v+dirname' before), MASTERSEKA displayed '** invalid directory' no more... - POWERPACKED SOURCES !! ---------------------- You can now read sources crunched with power packer. In case of crypted sources, you are prompted for the password. But loading a powerpacked source will erase your actual source. So, read the powerpacked source first, and then read your 'normal' sources ! (with powerpacked.library) In fact, loading a ppsourc(e is the same as using the 'amiga+o' command (kill source & load source). - MENUS !! (JUST TRY SECOND MOUSE BUTTON) --------------------------------------- Yeeaahh !!! There are now 112 submenus in this masterseka !!! - 58 for the editor (they all are available with shortcuts). - 54 for all the fonctions of the direct mode. Other known but remaining bugs: - The link option is broken. I'll fix it as soon as possible - Depending on the DISKNAME (name includes speciw al chars as '#'.) sometimes a requester 'INSERT VOLUME etc.' appears. CHANGE THE NAME OF THAT DISK to get rid of that problem... It's a problem of the ARP filerequester! You may use the REQ requester instead! - Again: Warning if you are using macros. There IS some in- compatibility with KumaSeka: Please reread description of macros above (V1.41)! You'll have to make some minor changes to older macro definitions... No problem... - Not really a bug, but a problem cᰍaused by directly loading some data (pics,...) to an absolute adr. The new way MasterSeka handles the paste buffer may overwrite your previously load pic OR even worse: vice versa! To get rid of that problem I advise you to: a) Don't load your data to an absolute adr (bad style of programming anyway! Such a program won't run on all AMIGAS and won't be able to get the best out of every configuration) b) If you really WANT to load your data to a fix adr, use theZV INCBIN command! See description above! - Many users reported the same bug to me: Their CLI-utilities crashed if they tried to read/write to the filehandle they got from INPUT/OUTPUT! You definitely HAVE to check if your in/output handle is 0 and you mustn't assume you get a handle <> 0 if you've been launched from CLI (or your prg will crash if started with 'runback' anyway)! If your handle is 0, open a in/output window. At the moment, this window will open on tl&Nhe WB-screen... Trying to change this produces annoying side effects! The pr_CLI pointer definitely is a DUMMY value, so just use it to check CLI/WB start. It is not possible to read/not allowed to write further infos from/to this structure! >> - Still a mega-super-horrible-platinium bug with the editor !!! << >> Sometimes it becomes totally crazy. I am still trying to fix << >> it, but... << MESSAGES FROM CORSAIR --------------------- - Ok guyGiz, with menus, req.library & powerpacked sources, this MASTERSEKA is now a bit more professional than older versions, and I think this detail has its importance. - Hey pennylame: fuck you & die lamer !! - Chester/BRAINSTORM: tanx for your postcard... - Greetings to mister video, foxy, ffc, bandit, metallica, teacher & all other members of SKIDROW, the leading force ! - Hey BUDDHA, if you want the source of this masterseka, just write to: CORSAIR 9 chem dessous rocher 9hkO1120 palaiseau FRANCE (no illegal stuff) But as I am sure that a lot of lamers will write to this address and say: "Hey, I am BUDDHA, send me the source...", send me a proof to show me you a are the right & only BUDDHA. (the masterseka v1.71 source for example). - But don't write me for improvements/bug reports because I'll stop coding (read next ZINE issue to know more about this). Better write to BUDDHA/SPREADPOINT: SPREADPOINT postlagernd 8912 obfelden RC SWITZERLAND Have fun & I wish you a happy new year.... -*- CORSAIR/SKIDROW -*-