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There's lots of categories for you to read, and there was lots of votes to count, chart to code, music to compose, and graphics to paint for us. However, I for one have enjoyed it, even though it took lots more time than I have planned. But I guess that's how things often are. If you plan to have something out in august, it will probably be finished sometime around christmas. HabnZh ving said that, there are also some other stuff to watch out for, Nukleus will soon release another issue of Cows n Snakefights, and I will release Saxonia isssue four sometime. There will also be a demo from Void out sometime during the year, and perhaps other stuff if I get the time. I can tell you one thing. I have started to code intelassembly and the more I see of it, the more I want to work with my Amiga. It's nowhere near as tidy and clean as the 68000-processorseriebo@Ms, and also the systemroutines, which in my case is linux' systemroutines sucks ass. When did you last see a multitasking operatingsystem that didn't have routines for allocating and freeing memory? That's right, linux have no such thing, it's all located in the c-library. And don't get me started on the way to use libraries in linux. Shit, we are more lucky than we know, we Amigafolks. To use a library, you should be able to open it like you open a file, not linking it to tbq[he executable so it fills up a shitload of space. Arrgh.... Right, Breakpoint is getting close, and I hope to see some productions from there, sadly I have no opportunity to go. But you can bet there will be a review in Saxonia, atleast the productions that run on my Amiga. Also, it's nice to see that there are still parties for scenefolks. The Gathering is completely ruined by all gamers, it's a shame that what was once THE party has ended up like that. We sceners shouH㟟brvxs{BZ Amiga DemosBZ=TDOSb ld demand that The Gathering changes it's name, so as not to give us a bad reputation. Kefrens reigned The Gathering in 1994 with their Desert Dream, who reigns there now? Well, if you haven't already read Nukleus' scroller, I would recommend you to do so now, and if you have, read the charts. Rumrunner has spoken Scroller restarts rVersus - You're Not The Only One! So pretty weird with 2 scrollers. This scroller is dedicated to Nukleury~B\cps|B\sptu\u =T EDIT-BACKUPuence{t -*^df0:demo vwnwB\boot.txtpvH Where Amiga Memories Live On __ _____ (__) / _ \ _____ __ _________ / /_\ \ / \| |/ ___\__ \ / | \ Y Y \ / /_/ > __ \_ \____|__ /__|_| /__\___ (____ / xw_devspyz7zB\clsry|5 ?g $<Lv`$<Mv,yC@pN*@N"N"MNbpNudos.library Parameters are not required   / \| |/ ___\__ \ | | \| | _/ / | \ Y Y \ / /_/ > __ \_| ` \ | \ \____|__ /__|_| /__\___ (____ /_______ /______ / \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \/ http{KtB\ JTp|}u> };B\startup-sequences|;ydf0:c/border on df0:c/climaxx -c -t df0:boot.txt df0:demo df0:demo  ;fontsp~7tB\borderr~HzHHI&TNJg,$! !N. n (gB" & @I<(X/BrQ >D@ Ư!RC":c4@g=3sUE_(ր`J`J7BkpS ЃaZ,o>܄U!H mp9Q>h@9*k7QGB G dmTQ ҫۮ[$E[5:!{a+Pă[Oҥ`*t4e$#> OJo"=@a1ܩ)7-$Ĥ@Z*1'ػ;/=I8 B[_`F<Brp;(uT{Ch9>6- F9X@#~lTNa"2S|w1 yd Qd=qh3a'1p@4Ґ $a*GB*1 p0p$0pI(40k 49@oyfMg\Al1 FF43xL3< <&͆o iac%yΆ>rJFOfLf90Mh1@ɋ|  IcE9BNo8ÙeQΆmq 'N8 SԹ[)tļ2@n䅽FxI)ɨ!Ii|%|HDR)Hћl:A9AІ@ZJ p_B\htyper ,`mmNUH720|&P~Cp$,KN$@ J gprAQA"M$v,JN+@JfN|"$N&`N+@ <rHA,KNT+@Jf,JN|"$N&`nr @1|!| m+A+A+HgR mHHHg@phfp+@`pnfp+@`(HH+@A"C$ ,JNF`zJgzJgSJjAn~+H`zA+m~+HJfd"m Y+H+I gPB"$-,JNJg*N|.ptЀf~+mAB"C$ NF`~Jf"m i"(,JN m+@"$<N+@-N|."-NJf m+HA"C$ NF` -g8Jf2"$<N+@JfN|.+mA"C$ NF`Z -g"N "- Ja.Jg "-,JN"-,JNBJf"-NJgN|.ptЀf~"-,JN` -g"A$,JNF`Jgm "t,JN& 0f~`~ -g",JN -g",JN"m,KNN"-,JN"J,KNb`0|"P ipz!@ LLN]Nudos.libraryFROM/A/M,TO/K,OPT/K,HEX/S,NUMBER/S$VER: type 37.2 (21.1.91) Option '%lc' ignored Type can't do both HEX and NUMBER 2No files to type TYPE can't open %s 0123456789ABCDEF%04lx: %s %5ld %sNUH72.,&Hp*+@",KN+@Rg2JfJf p m,zN8A`\9fNuRaC  gfBA"$<A",zhN+@g"tvN"-tvN+@ g,r,xN:+@g"-$-&- ,z N mB0"-,z NJg(Aca maAXa"m - ,xN.Nu m"h. iX (g"|0) 2) i,zN,zNNuJxgNur < ,xN: @(@C0< QNAp0RB RԈJfR RԈ 0fC,xNhr&Ё @"PrA 3@H@2B97A!xNuH瀀AHpR(T( V(X( Q9L3 Nsgraphics.library"<,xxN(N:JfNu  gSNu zg" -ff ( gJ(f NupNu"$vRJf,z0NAC!IC!I,xN+@pN+@C#mx;|"m) fJ iCg>EL" C8#A #AE#Jr#AE| #@(NAN+m -N -Nu1mCLIMax v1.0 0m33mby RIFF RAFF of UNITED FORCES 0mUsage: CLIMax [options] Options... -f Fullsize, -b Borderless, -c Clear window, -a Add21k, -t Type text, -s CLI Stars -n No Fastmem, -w Wait for mouse 0 p ptj borderrۤxsystem-configurationx p9y||x|ni`@ " ,EpsonX[CBM_MPS-1250]P BB\ >devspv; \/ \/ /_____/ \/DB --- YOUR PORTAL TO AMIGA HISTORY --- buB\ jsystem-configurationxbzY#s, and the other one of coz to our sistergroup in Norway. Right now Browallia is typing, but I have actually NO clue what Rumrunner/Void is typing. Therefore, we will probably be telling you some information twice. But that doesnt matter, since most of we sceners are males, and as we all know, males can just concentrate on one thing at the time, while our dear AMIGA is doing the multitasking for us! :-) .... As you probably already noticed, from now on Versus has some paneb  lgraphics for easier navigation. Also hope you like the titelpicture, which in fact was made for Showtime. But since a new issue never showed up I decided to have it here instead. In the original version, the picture says: "It's Showtime" which also is the name of the picture. Also I hope we get some more voters. The best would be if we dont have to remind everybody to vote. Which can be seen as a hard or impossible task. Dont forget that this chartmag is here for you and fb nor the scene, and not for Nukleus and Void. In the end, we have other things to do (at least me, maybe Rumrunner sees it in another way). So if you read this, please vote yourself next time and tell your fellows to vote too! ...I can put this in another way for waking some sympathy for us: while you are offering 5 minutes of your time for a simple sheet, we are offering days and hours for every single Issue released in the house of Nukleus/Void. online vote: \ȯu/vs or get an asciisheet from Powerslave or Rumrunner! Also all help with distributing party sheets are more than welcome. Just send a mail to us. ..enough said about Votings. ....And now its time for the biggest secret ever released in Versus.. Do you know the biggest difference between Nukleus and Void?? .... ...? no? well, its about the roaming! Void can't roam like NLS! ... proof: MUUH! hrm! MUUH! ok, I think thats enough, but a great secret huhb l? Are you still focusing on my scroller? Thats good, you see, I have a lot more to tell, and its never getting bored here. You must admit that you can watch a scroller for hours but lets try to look on a tOrus or even a cube such long time. Pretty boring dont ya think? Well, yuack, twiii! Lets change subject. Lets talk The Party 04 in Denmark. Djiii TP is suddenly back again, I thought it was R.I.P but hell NO! Is it back, back for the future? No of coz not, but still quite ab musing, and it may be funny, and my senses want to drag my body over to a frosty Denmark during some frosty days before new Year. Why? Well easy, this Party was some kind of start for me and of nostalgic reason, I think I still may want to go to The Party! Just have to drag some of the others in Nukleus with me.. A@C|9f3 @3B3d3f#D#P#T3@(XAPCPQNuJ9fEAp"02A@bJP"HЀH@IIJgdGP(y~9f3 @3B3d3Lf#D#P#T3XIPG@QGP(H~9f3 @3B3Ld3f#D#P#T3XIPG@QHaLJ9f&J(H~#4B9f3B3@3d3b3L`3Lf#D#T#L#P#H3XIPG@QNuJ93gfaBP3gS93ffx y3bC. "G gR fR` f#3b3f` scene something, a rumour, poetry, or start a groupwar, simply write something in the comment-field while doing the online-vote or mail any from the staff Want to do the titlepicture for a comming Versus issue Then here is what to do: - 32 colors, lowres. - ECS palette will be used. - pure Amiga pixel style accepted. - Mail A@ACPEPGP9f3@3B3f#D#P#T32(X9f3@3B3f#D#P#T32(X9f3@3B3f#D#P#T32(X9f3@3B3f#D#P#T32(XNu9faP 96&H@2H@ @n A4n 3`8 Ann 3`& An 3` An 3` An 3` AHn 3` Awn 3` An 3` Abzm9n 3` An 3 ` ABn 3 ` Aln 3 `r @-m @6n A3n` Aln`9f ab`09 >96%mn(H96$n.m>36$Nu yl6&gRy6&` y6&gSy6&` y6(gSy6(` y6(gRy6(`dd y g Ry`Nu yg Sy`Nua9p99@QArgQP9L3NqNs WelcombN' e to Versus issue two As you can see, this issue is updated since last time, we now have proper panels and controls. There are two modules to select between, use right mousebutton to switch between them, except when viewing the messages and voters list where rightmouse pauses the scroller You can also use right and left arrow on you keyboard to flip trough pages. Reach the messages and voters list by pressing help. Rumrunner/VOID Best Demo: b ƙ1 Silkcut/TBL (66) [ 1] 11 Perfect Circle/TBL (12) [16] 2 Fake Electronic LS/EPH (22) [ 3] 12 Arte/Sanity (11) new! 3 Relic/Nerve Axis (20) [12] Goa/The Black Lotus (11) new! Desert Dream/Kefrens (20) [ 2] 14 Mental/Push Ent. ( 9) [ 7] 5 Smokebomb/Ozone (19) [10] 15 Fate Fits Karma/MaWi ( 8) new! 6 Lapsuus/Mature Furk (18) [ 5] Zero/Universe ( 8) new! b!N&dNexus7/Andromeda (18) [ 9] Tint/The Black Lotus ( 8) [13] Live Axxion/Up Rough (18) [17] 18 April in Paris/Up Rough ( 7) new! 9 Rain/The Black Lotus (15) [14] Concrete/Ephidrena ( 7) new! 10 Light 2/Iris (14) new! Heartcore/Iris ( 7) [ 8] Magia/The Black Lotus ( 7) [ 6] Best Intro: (Less than 6 pts are filtered out) 1 Planet Potion/Potion b"$:/ (58) [ 1] 2 The Castle/Loonies (37) [ 3] Gift/Potion (37) [ 2] 4 1000 Percent/Scoopex (28) [ 4] 5 Nonstop/Dual Crew Shining (17) [ 9] 6 Impossible/Loonies (13) [ 7] 7 Melba/Appendix (12) [ 6] 8 Dolphin's Dream/Push Ent (11) [ 9] Gush/Potion (11) new! Zeon/Nature (11) [ 5] 11 Future Vib#+sion/Potion ( 9) [14] Grid/Nature ( 9) [11] 13 Fad/Sonik ( 6) new! 14 2cb/Dual Crew Shining ( 6) new! Best 4k: 1 Ikanim/Loonies (48) [ 1] 2 Bier/Ephidrena (27) [ 2] 3 Finnmark/Ephedrena (22) new! 4 Humus 4/Push Entertainment (18) [ 3] 5 Timur Lenk/Ephidrena^Spaceballs (17) [ 7] 6 Humus 3/Push Entertainb$mment (15) [ 4] Rebirth/Push Entertainment (15) new! Revision/Extreme (15) [ 5] 9 Brus/Ephidrena (14) [15] 10 Humus/Push Entertainment (12) new! 11 Big/Ephidrena (11) new! Boom/Secretly (11) [ 9] Humus 2/Push Entertainment (11) new! Sotakyrpa/Ephidrena^Spaceballs (11) [ 9] 15 Beer/Ephidrena (10) [11] 16 b%6Extel/Ambrosia ( 9) new! Perspiration/Efreet ( 9) [11] 18 Peanut/Efreet ( 8) [ 5] 19 Dawn 1*1/Artwork ( 6) new! 20 Freedom/Extreme ( 6) new! Best Coder: (Less than 6 pts are filtered out) 1 Loaderror/Ephidrena (81) [ 1] 2 Kalms/The Black Lotus (66) [ 2] 3 Slummy/Spaceballs (36) [ 3] 4 Mavey/Potion b&|,7 (33) [ 4] 5 Exploder/Push Entertainment (25) [ 6] 6 Blueberry/Loonies (24) [ 5] 7 Psycho/Loonies (22) [ 8] 8 Kiero/Mad Wizards (22) [ 7] 9 Chaos/Sanity (19) new! 10 Rubberduck/The Black Lotus (17) [ 9] 11 Shape/Dual Crew Shining (11) [11] Stingray/Scarab^Scoopex (11) [13] 13 Laxity/Kefrens (10) new! 14 Antibyb'3p(te/Scoopex ( 7) new! 15 Dr.Doom/Iris ( 6) [10] 16 Krabob/Mankind ( 6) new! Best Graphician: (Less than 6 pts are filtered out) 1 Lazur/Pulse (45) [ 3] 2 Louie/TBL (36) [ 1] 3 Made/Bomb (28) [ 7] 4 XeNusion/Process (24) [ 3] 5 Cyclone/Haujobb (28) [ 2] 6 Dzordan/Amnesty^Anadune b( (17) [13] 7 Slayer/Appendix (17) [ 5] 8 Malmis/Nature (16) [11] 9 Cheetah/Ephidrena (13) [ 6] Pix/Scenic (13) [11] Ra/Noon (13) [13] 12 Frost/Tulou (12) [13] 13 Visualice/Haujobb (12) [ 8] Facet/TBL ( 8) new! Zaac ( 8) new! 16 Fade Onb)e/TRSi ( 7) new! Raven/Nah-Kolor ( 7) new! 18 Cougar/Artwork ( 6) new! Rodney/TBL ( 6) new! Best Musician: 1 Reed/Fairlight (26) [ 2] 11 Curt Cool/Depth (10) [23] 2 Esau/Traktor (22) [ 3] Skope/Up Rough (10) [18] Zixaq/Ephidrena (22) [ 3] 13 Blaizer/The Black Lotus ( 9) [ 7] 4b*̇ Jazzcat/Appendix^PSL (21) [ 7] Dizzy ( 9) new! 5 Virgill/HJB^SCX (15) [ 7] 15 Lizardking/Razor 1911 ( 8) new! Jogeir Liljedahl (15) [ 5] Falcon ( 8) new! 7 Mortimer Twang/DCS^UP (14) new! mr Death/Creators^SCX ( 8) [14] 8 Frequent/Ephidrena (12) [ 7] Revisq ( 8) [14] 9 Maze/Apathy (11) [14] 19 Muffler/DCS^Scoopex ( 7) [ 1] Ganja/Nb++erve Axis (11) [21] 20 Qwan/Up Rough ( 6) [12] Heatbeat/Carillion ( 6) new Best Website/Portal/BBS: (All votes include in this category) 1 (66) [ 4] 18 (4) new! 2 (58) [ 2] (4) new! 3 (43) [ 5] (4) new! 4 (Scenia) b,,Q(40) [ 3] 24 amiga news (3) new! 5 Amiga Demosc. Arch. (ada) (40) [ 6] (3) new! 6 (38) [ 1] Dial Hard bbs (3) new! 7 (Boondocks)(20) [11] irc ascii (3) new! 8 (17) [ 9] (3) new! 9 the Yard BBS (11) new! (3) new! 10 ( b-Pڰ8) new! 30 (2) new! 11 ( 7) new! (2) new! ( 7) new! (Nectarine) (2) [ 8] 13 ( 6) new! uphold the law (2) [10] exotica ( 6) new! Demotopia (2) new! 15 ( 5) new! 35 (1) new! ( 5)b.a new! Aminet (1) new! ( 5) [ 7] (1) new! 18 ( 4) new! Velkani (H7s) (1) new! ( 4) new! (1) new! ( 4) new! Best Demoparty (05.09.2003-05.09.2004): (All votes included) 1 Breakpoint 2004 (83) new! 15 Function 2004 ( 3) new! 2 Evoke b/742004 (36) new! Hype 2004 ( 3) new! 3 Solskogen (22) new! T.E.T 2003 ( 3) new! 4 Jamaica ROM 2004 (19) new! Floppy ( 3) new! 5 Symphony 2004 (17) new! Gathering 2004 ( 3) new! 6 Motorola Inside 2004 (11) new! 20 Elc xmas meet 2003 ( 2) new! Buenzli 2004 (11) new! 21 mfx+kwl bday 2004 ( 1) new! 8 the Ultib0'Wmate Meeting 03 (10) new! 0a000h 2004 ( 1) new! 9 Assembly 2004 ( 8) new! 10 Abstract 2004 ( 7) new! 11 Little Comp. People 2004 ( 9) new! 12 Kindergarten 2004 ( 4) new! Black Birdie 2004 ( 4) new! Boozembly 2004 ( 4) new! Best Ascii-artist: (Less than 6 pts are filtered out) 1 Dipswitch/Up Rough (32) new! 2 Zito (27) new! 3 Yop/Shrimps Design b1 (15) new! 4 h2o (13) new! Mogue/Arclite (13) new! 6 Acid/Kore (11) new! 7 nup/Arclite (10) new! 8 Kempy/veezya^Dcs^Aerosol ( 9) new! Ramone ( 9) new! 10 Elend/Impure ( 8) new! 11 Cru/100% ( 7) new! Desert/Dezign ( 7) new! Neurb2RtVodancer/100Percent ( 7) new! Zorro/Digital Graffiti ( 7) new! 15 Rotox/Art ( 6) new! Best Slideshow: (Less than 6 pts are filtered out) 1 Wild/Anadune^Nah-Kolor (44) new! 2 5977/Soopex (32) new! 3 the Puppets/Iris (28) new! 4 Divine/Gods (18) new! 5 Artcore/Scoopex (16) new! Blind Visions b39 (16) new! 7 Seven Seas/Andromeda (15) new! 8 Never Liked Uno/Lego (13) new! 9 Innocence/Faction ( 9) new! Pixelstorm/Abyss ( 9) new! 11 Prism/Melon ( 8) new! Sun/tRSi ( 8) new! 13 Dreams/Cydonia ( 7) new! Amiga Milestone: (All votes include in this category) Page 1 of 3 1 Amiga 500 b4Jj (20) new! 2 Hardwired/Silents^Crionics (17) new! 3 Amiga 1000 (+"Amiga Birth") (15) new! 4 Desert Dream/Kefrens (15) new! 5 AGA (14) new! 6 Amiga One (16) new! Tint/TBL (12) new! 8 Red Sector Megademo/Rsi (10) new! Amiga OS 4 (10) new! 10 Amiga 1200 ( 9) new! 11 Delub5~#xe Paint ( 7) new! Amiga madness at Bpoint 04 ( 7) new! PPC ( 7) new! 14 Cygnus Editor ( 6) new! Nexus7/Andromeda ( 6) new! 16 Alien Breed 3d ( 5) new! Commodore bankrupcy ( 5) new! Cont. next page Amiga Milestone: (All votes include in this category) Page 2 of 3 16 b6Z{ Jay Miner ( 5) new! GBG/Up Rough^TBL ( 5) new! Mental Hangover/Scoopex ( 5) new! Oldschool demoscene ( 5) new! Symmek 2001 ( 5) new! 23 68060 Turbo Card ( 4) new! Amiga 3000 ( 4) new! Brad S ( 4) new! Games ( 4) new! Planet Potion/Potion b7 ( 4) new! Sequential/Andromeda ( 4) new! State Of The Art/Spaceballs ( 4) new! 30 Amiga OS 3.5 ( 3) new! Asmone ( 3) new! Budbrain Megademo ( 3) new! Fatter Agnus ( 3) new! In Full Affect/Wildfire ( 3) new! Cont. next page Amiga Milestone: (All votes include in this category) b8£[' Page 3 of 3 30 Silkcut/TBL ( 3) new! Zine ( 3) new! Underscore 2002 ( 3) new! Video toaster ( 3) new! Dragon (accelerator) ( 3) new! 40 Workbench 3.0 ( 2) new! Guardian Dragon/Kefrens ( 2) new! Raw/Pmc,spb,indy ( 2) new! 43 Amiga 4000 ( 1) new! Hub9man Target/Melon Design ( 1) new! iff (ILBM) format ( 1) new! Lightwave 3d ( 1) new! Substance/Quartex ( 1) new! Workbench 1.3 ( 1) new! |DD|DDxDxDDx<@@@@<xDDDDx|@x@@||@@x@@|@@\D|DDD|DD|D|LP``PL@@@@@|DlTTDDddTTTL8DDDD8xDDx@@0HHHX4xDDxPL<@8x|DDDDD8DDD((TTTT((DD((DDD(| ||P\pP\8DLTd888|D|D8.GCpt$qdTQ~.H=q0.@ @g3b=%%.&fB.#.&fB.%*;n0.;@0.l`vKa0,@3aKM +n;nM +n;nM +n;nM +n;nl,g@B,J,g S,glJ,gQp,B,H9@ le.p,9@B,B,R,,, l|(eB,J,fNua 0.@gZ.gX g g g g" g g g;n g gvNu;nNup,H@J@g @g p.`p.`4.`*@r.HAr2.v$40PdTQNu;BNub>\|/`ZJ,f0p.J,fR@NuJ,f..'.'JgH@p.'g>AB0.+.+g*B.+ .r2.ЁЁ n Re n-H pLNu  +@1JaxŴxaJ1X(\:}hS@. xqR"}Y7{eQ>, ~wqLxU3xcO<* }vpFtbBOWOP/u`L:(}vo@oL+ r^J8&|un: kH'p[H5${tm4fD#mYE3"zsm.b?kVC1 yrlX(\:}hS@. xR"|Y7{eQ>, bCZwZ^~w~LxU3xcO<* }vwFtP/u`L:(}vq@oL+ r^J8&{uk: kH'p[H5${td4fD#mYE3"zs^.b?kVC1 yrbDΏTjgraphics.library](Tn^jz ~*08`dlbEw3b444444555,5>5P5b5t555555566 666.666D6L6\6n6666667@7P7\777788~88oooo:6d6v  $ "> 3j7~78J <,,  "$&(*,bFп{qO.02468:<>  ctu E V WR 8,,  "$&(*,.02468:<>4&5V3U8Xhxz  R g 6 R GX   cambodjaFucked in 30 minutes@Ripped shit made by @who knows?bGӳ'n@ ?@ ?st-01:hiclose-sfx@st-01:pianostrings-sf@bHƱ  bIӗ]M.K./       bJF       ppbK^ pppp ppP|P pp PppP PppP pp PppP ppP||P pp PppP  PbLǛlpp P pp PppP ppP||P pp PppP P ppP  pp P ppP ppPP pp PP ppbMEfPP pp PP pp  P P   P P   P P\ . 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S S U E \ |: No TWO \ / _____________\ ... |__________________________ \_/__________ \__ | \/ V E R S U S You're Not The Only One! EDITORIAL issue 2: -------vS--------- cODE..............................Rumrunner/Void mUSIC oN sTARTuP ('Cambodja')......x ..dIS/Nukleus mUSIC............................Curt Cool/Depth tITLEPIC aND pANELGFX..........Browallia/Nukleus sCROLLER 1..................................VOID sCROLLER 2...............................NUKLEUS Voting Deadline: .....7th of November 23:59 2004 Releasedate: .................20th of March 2005 For the 2nd Issue we got 43 voters. Thanks to you all! It's up to you if we will will get more for the next issue. Voting has already started for next issue and the votingsheet ,tZis included in this archieve. CONCEPT: ---vS--- 8 ordinary categories 1 none/rarely repeatable category (here: Amiga Milestone) 2 swap categories (iss 2: Slideshow/Ascii Artist) (iss 3: Writer/Diskmag) (iss 4: Musicdisc/Overall Group) (iss 5: Slideshow/Ascii Artist) a.s.o... Versus is released independently of VOID's discmag (Saxonia) and NUKLEUS discmag (Cows n Snakefights). With other words should you vote for supporting the Scene, NOT for supporting the authors! ؾL THE SWAPPER CATEGORY: ---------vS---------- The 'Swapper' category from Iss 1 doesn't seem to survive this chart or any other Amiga chart in the future too btw. It will be a category called 'Overall Group' from iss 4. If you still want the Swapper to appear in Versus, we need at least 15 mails from different sceners. THE DEMOPARTY CATEGORY: ---------vS------------ Some missunderstandings here: voting for Demoparty is only for one year, so please check the dates. Logically, to cgompare latest rank with the issue before doesnt make sense too. CONTACT INFO: ------vS----- If some info in the Chart is wrong, change of nickname, or whatever the only way to make this correct is that you contact us: Thanx for supporting the Scene! VOID/NUKLEUS, your Versus-team ZjtBZvs2.infop52 9Ǯhtc22d@Z(9` $ $ $ $$$ ?03777*77?76?9@5UUUUU\@@@ @ @ @@Q?0"UUUUUP????*????`\BZ file_id.dizpk8 ___________________ / \ / .----------/ \ _________/----------. | nukleus / /\___. \ void | |______ / / ! \ | |\ \/ / \ You | | \ / / \ Are | | \ v e r s u s\ Not | | \ / \ The | | \______/__________________\ Only | | One! | | the Amiga Chart iss 2 out now! 5$^ | `-20/03/05-----------------------fRD/GNG-'