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VERSUS #3 ...... You Are Not The Only One! * ._______ _ __ ___ _____| /__/\ __ _ __/\ \__\\ | // \\ _)_.___ \\ \ / | \ |_ / \ ___ __ _ \______/________/__ '/______//__// ._________ .____ \/ .____ _ __ _______| _/_| \ __. _ ___. _ ________ _| \ ____/\ \_\\_ \ | | \\ |____ |______ ___/ | \\ _ //___ | \ | \ _x _/___| \ __)____ \_ \/ \ __ _ |_____|\______|_________/_| \_ __ //_____ /_______/________//_/ yop |________/ \/ \/ VOID + NUKLEUS deliver Another Chart Issue to all Amiga Fans Out There, ofCourse also Supporting the Earliest Models Released 20 Years ago :-) tESTED oN: A500/1Mb A600/2Mb A1200/030 A1200/040 :::::::::: A1200/060 A4000/EC/030 A4000/P\8CPC/060 cREDITS:::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :...cODEwORK by Rumrunner/Void..: :::::::::::::: tITLEpICTURE by Matarazzo/ex-IRIS :::::::::::::: :...pANELgFX by Browallia/Nukleus :::::::::::::: :.tRACKERmSX by Slicer..........: :...aRTICLES by Rumrunner/Void, Menthos/Nukleus ::::::::::::::: dIS/Nukleus and Browallia/Nukleus Vote DeadTS1line: 5.08.2005 Releasedate: 13.10.2005 Versus 4 in action `sBZ file_id.dizp6ղ7NUKLEUS+VOID _______________ .____\ ________ /______ __ _ _ __ _____| .___.\ ____/_____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ | |_\__ _ / / // / \ \\ \ \ \| | |/ / / // / \__\\__\ \_______|__________/ /__//__/spt : | sCENEdIVING iN yOUR cLOSET VERSUS #3 : | tHE aMIGAcHART fOR aLL mODELS iS hERE! | | _ _ | |__\ o51310, yOU'RE nOT tHE oNLY oNE! /__| bHqqBZ demopccH     bddH„gfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! beeHB~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihbffHbggH?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"!      bhhHq|~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@biiH]:bjjHH     bkkH4_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! bllH t~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`bmmHvQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBbnnH`~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRboobH㟻sbrxs{BZ Amiga DemosBZ =TDOSbT17y@|@7y,x0.(gNj.Nz# NdCݴNh,@/.&/."N"NN/A?(W?(W?(W?(W0<1@1@1@1@A@Cp"3AHA3AA(PQ#30<9g9f9gQa#'6#)^a y#h#l!|8h!|lA@C0r 3@H@3@APPQ#3a3 3(aaaVJ9g3aX y!yh!ylA1_1_1_1_,_"_Nry~B\cps|B\sptu\u =T EDIT-BACKUPuence{t -*^df0:demo vwnwB\boot.txtpvH Where Amiga Memories Live On __ _____ (__) / _ \ _____ __ _________ / /_\ \ / \| |/ ___\__ \ / | \ Y Y \ / /_/ > __ \_ \____|__ /__|_| /__\___ (____ / xw_devspyz7zB\clsry|5 ?g $<Lv`$<Mv,yC@pN*@N"N"MNbpNudos.library Parameters are not required   / \| |/ ___\__ \ | | \| | _/ / | \ Y Y \ / /_/ > __ \_| ` \ | \ \____|__ /__|_| /__\___ (____ /_______ /______ / \/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \/ http{KtB\ JTp|}u> };B\startup-sequences|;ydf0:c/border on df0:c/climaxx -c -t df0:boot.txt df0:demo df0:demo  ;fontsp~7tB\borderr~HzHHI&TNJg,$! !N. n (gB" & @I<(X/BrQ >D@ Ư!RC":c4@g=3sUE_(ր`J`J7BkpS ЃaZ,o>܄U!H mp9Q>h@9*k7QGB G dmTQ ҫۮ[$E[5:!{a+Pă[Oҥ`*t4e$#> OJo"=@a1ܩ)7-$Ĥ@Z*1'ػ;/=I8 B[_`F<Brp;(uT{Ch9>6- F9X@#~lTNa"2S|w1 yd Qd=qh3a'1p@4Ґ $a*GB*1 p0p$0pI(40k 49@oyfMg\Al1 FF43xL3< <&͆o iac%yΆ>rJFOfLf90Mh1@ɋ|  IcE9BNo8ÙeQΆmq 'N8 SԹ[)tļ2@n䅽FxI)ɨ!Ii|%|HDR)Hћl:A9AІ@ZJ p_B\htyper ,`mmNUH720|&P~Cp$,KN$@ J gprAQA"M$v,JN+@JfN|"$N&`N+@ <rHA,KNT+@Jf,JN|"$N&`nr @1|!| m+A+A+HgR mHHHg@phfp+@`pnfp+@`(HH+@A"C$ ,JNF`zJgzJgSJjAn~+H`zA+m~+HJfd"m Y+H+I gPB"$-,JNJg*N|.ptЀf~+mAB"C$ NF`~Jf"m i"(,JN m+@"$<N+@-N|."-NJf m+HA"C$ NF` -g8Jf2"$<N+@JfN|.+mA"C$ NF`Z -g"N "- Ja.Jg "-,JN"-,JNBJf"-NJgN|.ptЀf~"-,JN` -g"A$,JNF`Jgm "t,JN& 0f~`~ -g",JN -g",JN"m,KNN"-,JN"J,KNb`0|"P ipz!@ LLN]Nudos.libraryFROM/A/M,TO/K,OPT/K,HEX/S,NUMBER/S$VER: type 37.2 (21.1.91) Option '%lc' ignored Type can't do both HEX and NUMBER 2No files to type TYPE can't open %s 0123456789ABCDEF%04lx: %s %5ld %sNUH72.,&Hp*+@",KN+@Rg2JfJf p m,zN8A`\9fNuRaC  gfBA"$<A",zhN+@g"tvN"-tvN+@ g,r,xN:+@g"-$-&- ,z N mB0"-,z NJg(Aca maAXa"m - ,xN.Nu m"h. iX (g"|0) 2) i,zN,zNNuJxgNur < ,xN: @(@C0< QNAp0RB RԈJfR RԈ 0fC,xNhr&Ё @"PrA 3@H@2B97A!xNuH瀀AHpR(T( V(X( Q9L3 Nsgraphics.library"<,xxN(N:JfNu  gSNu zg" -ff ( gJ(f NupNu"$vRJf,z0NAC!IC!I,xN+@pN+@C#mx;|"m) fJ iCg>EL" C8#A #AE#Jr#AE| #@(NAN+m -N -Nu1mCLIMax v1.0 0m33mby RIFF RAFF of UNITED FORCES 0mUsage: CLIMax [options] Options... -f Fullsize, -b Borderless, -c Clear window, -a Add21k, -t Type text, -s CLI Stars -n No Fastmem, -w Wait for mouse 0 p ptj borderrۤxsystem-configurationx p9y||x|ni`@ " ,EpsonX[CBM_MPS-1250]P BB\ >devspv; \/ \/ /_____/ \/DB --- YOUR PORTAL TO AMIGA HISTORY --- buB\ jsystem-configurationxbJ&"NN#pNuHJ9faJ9ga.J9g9gaHL3 3 NqNsAAO9f3I@3B#D3d3f#P#T3hXS9DfD9f y # Jf # ` f`AYrgRAR`ACtCPQ y@#@Jf # @` f`AYrgRAR`ACtCPQACH9f3 @3B3d3f#D#P#T3aXNuWell, well, well, so....bhG Versus three is finally out. It should have been quite some time ago, but problems get boring to solve after you have done it some times, and things take time. Right, now it finally is here, and I hope that everybody will enjoy this fine production. Is this the only chart on Amiga now? Im not sure but whether it is or not, but you can bet that we will continue as long as we get votes. And since there has been quite alot of new productions lately, it shouldnt be a problem tbYo vote. Its time for some advocation of coming Void productions. First and foremost, after releasing this chart my number one priority will be to finish a demo which has been lying around for too long now, its time to release it, and released it will be. Saxonia will also be released sometime soon. I don't have any other articles than the ones I have written myself, so if you have anything to contribute with, its about time you send it in now. I wont make a big fuzz if ybkou dont, Im tired of having to nag people for articles. Write if you want to, if not I will have to do it myself. The mag will then be smaller, but when I dont receive anything, I expect that thats what you all want. Right, a bit steamed up mood when writing this perhaps, but that happens to everybody once in a while. If you never get angry something must be wrong...... Right, its time to look a bit further down your screen and read the scroller from Nukleus, and if yb/Dgou have done so, its about time to read the chart itself.. Happy reading...........  Versus - You Are Not The Only One! Here Browallia on the keyboard. Its pretty late, and just doing the last touch of all textwork before giving it over to Void. We fixxed 3 issues the first 12 months, which is some kind of victory for us. But no time to celibrate, we are too busy. End of September, Nukleus has insider party, butb{ if you want to take apart, feel free! All info at Okey thats all for now. And consider to go voting and support. .... .. Hello folks! Slicer at the keyboard. My support for this diskmag is the mod, "Dismaggia", playing in the background. Yeah, yeah... I know... Pretty lame name for a song, huh? :) Well, when the song was done and it was time to give it a title, that was all I could think of. And I didn't want to spend a lot of time figuring out a stupid nambILe which I probably wouldn't be satisfied with in the end anyway. So, I just took the first thing that struck my mind. And besides, the music is more important than the name, right? Anyway, this is the first mod I've made since about 4-5 years back or so... Hope you like it! If you ever need a mod for your game, demo, diskmag or whatever then feel free to contact me at Ok, time for some greetz before I go. Greetings goes to.... All Amiga Fans Out Thereb  ! :) :) I would also like to say Hi to all the Tulou and Nukleus folks. +++ BREAKING NEWS +++ Voting for Versus 4 has started! We are keeping the traditional Amiga chart alive. Make a browse-trip to: That's all for now. See ya! .... .. 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Versus three is out, enjoy. Best regards from Rumrunner of Void. Also Browallia welcomes you. We have got a great support and could release 3 issues of Versus in one year. Thats something to celebrate! I would also like to say a few words about some categories. bj6 page 3/27 Scenesite/Portal/BBS : plans for adding irc-channel as a legal choice. In that case we would rename the category to 'best Community' which means scenesite/Portal/BBS/irc. good or bad? reactions would be nice! Best Amiga Game: This category is a rough one to get correct. So read the answers as you like. Take this as an example: After the Breakpoint 96k game compo, it suddenly appears more funny to play Lotus again :-) . The Breakpoint versb= ion was made after the first Lotus (Turbo Esprit) so adding Lotus I and Breakpoint version together, it will get a 5th place instead of 12th and 14th. Anyhow, this is a pur for-fun category, so don't die for wrong results. VERSUS You Are Not The Only One! ####################################################### 20 years girlfriend page 4/27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b H- - - - by Browallia and Menthos of Nukleus When it comes to friends, and their long relation to girlfriends, we may relax, lean back, and with a twinkle in the eye, smile a bit. The relation to the Amiga is for most of us a long going saga with rumours, promises, happiness and frustration. The essence of taking a trip with the roller coaster. Of the 20 years the Miggy has been on the market, I (Browallia) have had own Amiga 18.5 years. Are the Amiga ub!ϥYqsers wiser today, and what should we have done without the beloved computer? Thats an intresting question, or? What if it wasn't there? No one could pay for a Silicon graphics computer. So lets be realistic! Amiga users became the best people in the world when it came to Multimedia, DTP and Graphics. We became the most innovative people, when it came to impressive games, tools and program-sollutions with help of smart hardware chipset. And we are today the most b"6Gproud boyfriend to the best computer in the world. We are proud of our multitasking, a clever user interface, and the personality when working with the Amiga. We belong to the tribe of survivors. We have learned how to defend our lady, learned to defeat the logic faith of dying out, when nothing new seem to occur on the Amiga market. Learned patience. Learned to keep hope alive. page 5/27 The b#O`2Amiga was more than a hobby computer, not only a computer meant to the scene and definetly more than a game-platform. This article will not be a history lesson about our miggy. This you can read somewhere else, but lets say something shortly for honour Amiga models, or shall we call it "Lorraine"? It all started with Amiga 1000 in New York. Then we got the "Lobster" aka the project name for Amiga 500. A500 was the one brought to the masses! Also Amigab$ 2000 arrived the same time. With A3000 Motorola made the standard of 030 Processor and ECS graphic. Then we also got expanded 500, CDTV and Amiga 600, 3 models beeing released at the wrong time. Luckily, later same year (1992) the Amiga 1200 arrived. With AGA graphics it became a threat to SEGA and Super Nintendo! And with a fast processor to compete with PC again, and a cheap price competing with macintosh (and a far cheaper price than the popular Amiga 4000)b%Z. Ah, almost forgot the CD32, first presented later summer 1993. CD revolution was at last here! That was the past in a quick summary :-) now lets move on to the last years and presence of the Amiga. Following now is a short summary that may include some shortcuts, and errors - the last years have been a mess! page 6/27 AmigaOS4/AmigaOne ----------------- After some years of little hope and lots of prb&;Y,omises some brave new actors came in to take the Amiga-torch and move it forward. The actors are the guys at Hyperion and Eyetech and it all started a few years ago. Eyetech / AmigaOne ------------------ Eyetech had been trying to bring new hardware to the Amiga community and finally decided to use a hardware designed by Mai after a failed attempt to design one together with the company Escena. The resulting hardware was the AmigaOne and the first model tb'<{, o appear was the AmigaOneSE. Later on another AmigaOne model was released, the AmigaOneXE, and the SE model was discontinued. Both the SE and the XE models was in the formfactor ATX. As there still was a demand for new AmigaOnes and Eyetech had to find another way to sell the hardware outside the community to get some sort of profit the decision was to make a smaller motherboard (formfactor Mini ITX) and in two different flavors, the MicroAmigaOne-C and MicroAmigb(aOne-I. The I model (that what I know of have never been produced) was meant to be sold to the industry and the MicroAmigaOne-C model to the Amiga community. Right now there is no AmigaOne left in stock and the production has been halted due to page 7/27 a shortcoming of CPUs, but as soon as the CPUs are in place another batch of MicroAmigaOne-C will be produced according to Eyetech. The AmigaOne was, b)land may still be, sold as developer systems and not meant to be bought by the 'common man' as the AmigaOS is not yet released. A datasheet of the different AmigaOne models can be found at _by. Hyperion / AmigaOS 4.0 ---------------------- As the Amiga Inc. was not spending any money on bringing the AmigaOS forward, only producing and promoting the AmigaDE/AmigaAnywhere, tb*%zhe guys at Hyperion was not content with the situation of the AmigaOS. They wanted the OS to evolve and move forward so that they could continue their job providing good games to the Amiga community. They approached Amiga Inc. to take over the Amiga OS and start the development of the AmigaOS 4.0 (Amiga Inc. had been talking about the development of AmigaOS but nothing had been done...). The goal at this time was to port some of the OS components to PPC anb+mãd to create an emulation layer for most of the OS components creating a "new" page 8/27 AmigaOS in a short amount of time. This approach did not feel that good and Hyperion wanted more from the AmigaOS 4.0. So the timelines that first was announced, that now has been passed by a couple of years, was for an AmigaOS 4.0 that was not as advanced and updated as the one that Hyperion is working on rib,Q0eght now. The upside of this timeslip is that the new AmigaOS is near 100% PPC native with code rewritten from 68k assembly to C for portabillity and some to PPC assembly. As the timeline had slipped a lot Hyperion decided that the people that had been buying AmigaOnes should have a stable version of the AmigaOS 4.0 that was under development and released a 'AmigaOS 4. 0 Developer Prerelease'. To this day there has been 3 mayor updates of the OS and some updates ofb-~ the SDK itself. But what is an OS without applications? Well, applications is A and O in the usabillity of an OS and the AmigaOS 4.0 has an 68k processor emulation built into the OS itself making it able to run a lot of the system friendly 68k programs (and not yet ported OS modules). And if that is not enought (which it isn't!) there is 'a lot' of new applications and ports of linux/68k applications compiled for AmigaOS 4. 0. Some of them can be found b.3 on and more are coming nearly every day! To get the AmigaOS 4.0 completed there is more than 35 people involved in the development. Some with contracts and some doing their part for free. There has been said on forums that the AmigaOS 4.0 will be released this year, but who knows? AmiGBG 2005 page 9/27 - - - - - - - - - - - by dIS/Nukleus "Working with the Amiga has always been fun, b/B it's innovative interface and ease of use made the pc of the 80's look like a four-function calculator." /The Crew of AmiGBG How do you get yourself AND your girlfriend whos intrest in Amiga equals to zero to the biggest Amiga fair in Scandinavia? Promise a nice weekend in Gothenburg with hotel & the funny park "Liseberg"... =) Ofcourse there was first Liseberg friday evening and a night at the hotel. And saturdayb0>J morning we went off to Liljeholmen in Gothenburg. The place "Sience park" where the fair took place was kind of impressing, big building of glass. Ran around a few minutes looking for the entry but finally we found it. Well inside there was a nice proffesional reception. Checked the pre-paid list and printed out our nametags and turned around... But where the hell were all Amigas?! About 10 seconds later we saw a bunch of people carrying among other stuff an A4000, so wb1*:e followed them to an elevator that took us 4 stories up. When the door opened there was alot of red and white ballons in the roof, as u know the Amiga has its 20th anniversary this year. page 10/27 First table we visited was the new Swedish Amiga-reseller GuruMeditation, they showed some utilities and even an beta-version of IBrowse 2. 4 for AmigaOs4.0. To bad we of some reason kinda rushed b2™?-throu the fare and didnt really took the time to chat and hang with the people. Next was Martin Wolf showing his game Tales of Tamar. A game kind a like Settlers. Looked really nice. Then next was AmiDog showing his Playstation emulator. Kind of impressing. Amidog also made some other emulators, NES, Gameboy, MAME and C64. We moved on to GGS-data wich is another Swedish Amiga-reseller. That was when i saw the uA1 for the first time. DAMN its small. ;) Ofcoub3Frse he didnt have any for sale as Eyetech stopped making them. I was told there should be new ones for sale in autumn 2005. We moved on and got to Onyx Softs table. Never really got what they had to show but there was a few Pegasos system running there. Next i saw Azines table... Damn that guy makes good work with the Amiga-magazine. I have been visiting AmigaInfos center when that magazine was active and Magnus work is at least that good. It would have beenb4t nice if the magazine was printed in a full sizeformat but i guess its a money-issue. We talked for a moment about the making of the magazine and about Magnus joining Nls (Magnus joined NLS :-) /Brow comment). Next we moved on to UtilityBase. Dunno really what they do but it has something to do with Amigarelated devoloptment stuffs... =p Next there was the Amigaworld. net team showing their site and answered b5z: page 11/27 questions about the biggest online AmigaOne-community. It has about 3. 500 registered users. Another remarkable thing were the seminars. The seminars started in the big hall and almost every person rushed in there for a seat.. . We didnt... We moved on to Intuitionbase. com wich is an site including AmigaOne and Aos4.0-issues. PUGS, NAF and was kinda rushed byin a hurry as i saw is a swedish onlib6ƐOne forum with over 600 registered users. is by me the most visited forum both when I need help with Amigarelated stuff and other things. There are alot of people there that isnt afraid of trying to help you. And their heads together is almost a bigger FAQ then the whole internet. If you dont already signed up for an account there then DO IT NOW! (So far the site is only in Swedish language /Brow comment) At the fare Joppe from amigarulez had scanneb7ǁd high resolution pictures of different Amiga motherboards wich he had put in a frame and sold to the visitors. They even had som misc stuff as beer-glasses etc with the amigarulez logo. To bad I forgot to take out some money before we whent over to AmiGBG... =( Safir (Swedish Amiga communities with ambition to bind them together) was also present at the fare wich is a new online Amigaportal. (safir.amigaos. se) Next there was Compuspheres crew showing classic demos ob8w n a big screen. Didnt stop to look further. Next to Compusphere there was a retro-room including (i think) one of every Amiga-system released. Nice to see models page 12/27 you only have read about. =) And also there was some used stuff for sale and a Slam Tilt contest that everyone had the chance to set a new record in. The player that had the highest score by the en of the fare won a new Amigab9G/` Magic pack. (A1200 from Amiga Technologies) Dont gonna write here about my score... =p In the next room Ralf sat with his racketmounted AmigaOne and showed us AudiEvolution4. After looked a moment we went on further and had a look at the AROS team (Amiga Research Operating System) its a portable and free os based on AmigaOs 3.1 but with lots of improvments. Its a Open source project and opend for everyone that wants to improve and/or help. and in theb::֛ last corner SUA had a table. SUA is the oldest Swedish usergroup started in 1986. On the way out we stopped by Liselotte Bergstrms table where she showed and sold some AmigaArt. Really nice Amiga-inspiratedpaintings. In the seminar-room Kalms from TBL was presented talked about 3D programming. IBM was also present talking about Power and the new Cell-processor. Hyperion Entertainment was there aswell answering to questions about theib;Lr products. AmigaOs4.0, Quake & QuakeII for Amiga etc. I wasnt present at any of these seminars. Had to run to the ferry. To bad in the hurry I forgot to go outside and take out the silly 50 sek for the beer-glass. =( If there will be a AmiGBG 2006 i will make sure i have more time to really take a look at every exhibitor and also hang out some with all the people. ####################################################### A new place to pick up future scenecb<oders page 13/27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Rumrunner of VOID There's not many of my hours in school that's associated with scenework. It ususlly limits to scaring people with 68000-assembly solutions to problems meant to be solved in c, php, .net or similar stuff. However, I might have found a new place to get new coders to the scene. This year, I have been more of less free of picking the courses I fb=͆U ind interesting and not bothering with the others. This means that there's no more fucking .net framework or Windows on my part. I also dropped c-programming since the teacher is a loser who should never have had anything to do with people or teaching, and also the course focuses more on structures and solutions to made-up problems instead of focusing on purposeful coding like I enjoy. Yes, coding demos, intros, mags, this chart or whatever is purposefulb>16M coding, I wouldn't have made the courses if I hadn't been involved in this. Anyway, back to the main issue. I have watched some of the tasks other people have done, for instance in a course dealing with .net framework solutions. One of the tasks there was making a game. Well, having seen some solutions somebody came up with, I am sure that many of these page 14/27 people have what it takes to be a sceb?ϸ necoder. They didn't give a fuck about inbuilt functions, rather they wrote their own, making the result impressive, even if they used .net. So, what about the "market" for people coding .net or similar semi- languages? Could we vacuum this marked for skilled people like Funcom vacuumed the democodermarket in Norway? It would be interesting if this was possible. People hassling with the restrictions of languages like mentioned should be very happy to sit down withb@pA asmone on an Amiga, making whatever they felt like without having to write like Microsoft or whoever wants you to. Is it possible to make them understand that there's a platform where the only limitation is your own imagination. I know I have been able to impress people very much showing both old and new Amigaproductions. The problem is how to persuade them into buying an Amiga and start coding for themselves. It seems the biggest problem for people who are fairly interestedbA< is time. But hey, how long is it fun to install drivers and programs over and over again in Windows, and how long is it fun to fuck about with iptables in linux? Instead of setting up a new server, which is most likely not ever to be used anyway, they could be coding a production for our computer. People have said that the Amigascene is dying ever since the early nineties, page 15/27 and this is only bollocbBҺeks. The Amigascene will never die, the scene have a life on it's own, the spirits of the first pioneers are still flying over our heads, watching over us and helping us. While individuals gave life to the scene in the early years, now the scene has a life on it's own. I have been surprised many a time lately having looked at seeing all the new stuff released. Still, we should try to get more people involved in the scene, and I have hereby presented one possbCUible solution as to where to find the correct people. ####################################################### Amiga plus, the new deal page 16/27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Browallia of Nukleus German Amiga world got bad news shortly after my last review of 'Amiga plus' made in Cows n Snakefights #6. The monthly magazine didn't show up and nobody knew why. After nearly two months of waiting the subscribers of 'AmigbDԕ>a plus' got a thick letter. At last the German Amiga world got the news from the publisher and chief editor of Falke Media. The new 'Amiga plus' would be released with another magazine called 'Amiga-Magazin'. The reason why 'Amiga plus' is acting this way is understandable and excused. Its simply not enough news happening around the Amiga for this magazine to be profitable in its actual form. What gives this action a bitter taste, is the way the subscbE=&vribers of 'Amiga plus' have been treated. First they didn't get any info, so patiently wait before this letter arrived. No official statement was done, so rumours circulated in the forums at There was no clear directives about how the merged Amiga magazine would look like for the supporters. Then the 'Amiga-Magazin' was released together with this letter. A 16 pages thin issue with a complete other design and look than the 'Amiga plubF)Es' readers were used to. For 'Amiga plus' subscribers, it must have been a chock page 17/27 to go from 90 pages magazine to only 16. This issue was far away so good as issues of 'Amiga plus'. And for me personally, I was not impressed of 'Amiga-Magazin'. The confusing thing with 'Amiga-Magazine' is that they have twice as many readers than 'Amiga plus' (official statement). So why is the magazin bG{sso thin then? The third and most terrible thing Falke Media could decide, was the cooperation with a PC magazine called 'PCgo' which you also got in this letter from Falke Media. While the Amiga magazine contained 16 pages, 'PCgo' had 210 pages, 2 CDs with tools and full versions for your PC. If Falke Media need financial support and decide to cooperate with a PC magazine for reaching their readers, they should atleast not turn to such a low level PCbHT magazine with tutorials in Excel and Work. How should you interpret that? That all Amiga users, should start to learn a PC instead? Amiga people are no idiots. And when checking around in the Amiga forums, 'PCgo' doesnt seem to be that attractive. Perhaps 'Amiga plus' could make some more issues for half a year (official statement) so with a pure financial aspect, its understandable by Falke Media. Still, the treatment of the readers is rotten. Also the facbI!Nt that Falke Media try to convince the subcribers, that "the winner is yourself", a great deal if you accept the new deal with 'PCgo' and 'Amiga-Magazine'. You page 18/27 get this feeling that 'Amiga plus' wants to show its strength, but there is indeed no strength left. Instead, in my oppinion, they should have told the readers that 'Amiga plus' is out of money and can not be released in the curbJ=frent form. They should have excused the people paying for issues of 'Amiga plus' they would never see and try to release a smaller, less quality, not that frequent 'Amiga plus'. I know the Amiga people, and they would accept this more, than be treated behind their backs. Nico Barbat and his 'Amiga plus' team will continue to work with the news portal Also work with Kraftgold publishing (the publisher of underground magazine 'SCEEN' also writing about bK'the Demoscene) will continue. In my own oppinion, I don't think chief editor Nico Barbat is proud of this decision. I think he knows that this fussion will not serve the Amiga people in the best way. Instead he is cutting his last relations with german Amiga readers. He is leaving a burning ship, and for 'Amiga plus', it all turned out to a abrupt end. ####################################################### MESSAGES bLܙ! page 19/27 ================================================================================ AEROSOL ------- G R O U P N E W S Vouck left aerosol, Kempy joined Ansichrist joined ARTWAY ------ ArtWay is searching for new members... Contact Wayne: Cefa ---- Looking for more contacs and friendships again. page 20/27 CORIAL ------ corial just bought himsebM6lf an Amiga and will start coding Amiga stuff again. CRYPTOBURNERS ------------- visit for +80.000 mods and interviews from Amiga composers. ELCREW ------ check out the new site for gameboy demos! Geralth/JUMP ------------ snailmailrulz Daniel Grabalski Miasowa 139a 28-305 Sobkow POLAND page 21/27 LIQUID SKIES -----bN`------- M E M B E R S L I S T Angeldust - music, gfx, web DaFreak - org, gfx Kuadziw - gfx Lahve - swap Lcr - music, org Maxus - music Reddline - music Ritzu - music Tripper - music MOODS PLATEAU ------------- G R O U P N E W S Climber (music) joined (june 2005) DaFreak (gfx), Nk-Tux (3d,gfx) joined (april 2005) The russian coder Acidrain has left the crew. page 22/27 M E M B E R L bOPuI S T Blakkhar - music Cie - music Climber - music Dael - web, photographer DaFreak - gfx D@tablade - trade, ascii D!rt!e - music, org, web Dodge - music, gfx, code Dr.K - music Elapse - music Esemgy - music Ghandy - trade, editor Maze - music Nk-Tux - 3d, gfx, web Psycreator - music Raztaman - music Tripper - music page 23/27 NATURE ------ G R O U P N E W S Rex has left bP)Nature Nature arranged the GREP 2005 party together with Traktor from the 12th to 14th of august in Skvde/Sweden. Check it out at: RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN --------------------- G R O U P N E W S may'05: Deeq changed handle to Densho april'05: DaFreak left the crew M E M B E R L I S T Angeldust - gfx, music Britelite - code Cahva - flash Densho - org, music, gfx, design Fragment - gfx, 3d, code bQ+H8 page 24/27 Jpv - code Kure - music, gfx, design Rm - music Roz - music Shd - code Tft - org (rno-records) Tundrah - code SCARAB ------ G R O U P N E W S Zito left [S]carab R E L E A S E I N F O lotus96k, 96k game @ BP05, ranked 1sts lvis, 4k intro @ BP05, ranked 2nd crackTro4k, 4k intro @ BP05, ranked 5th page 25/27 SHRIMPS DESIGN -------------- G R O U P N E W S DaFreak joibRtZned (april 2005) M E M B E R L I S T DaFreak - gfx Nex - web, sysop Plauze - music Suicide - code T0y - web Yop - ascii, sysop Swedish law ----------- The swedish government just want to inform all swedish demosceners that since 01.7.2005 the new law concerning equality between sexes occured. This means that girls attending demoparties have to pay same price as boys. Free entrance or unequilities payments between girl- and boysceners is a bSVQ  page 26/27 crime. Thank you for your attention! resource: VERSUS STAFF ------------ Articles can be submitted online: (don't forget toggle the checkbox for 'vS' ) Also send in your gfx, modules and groupnews. Voting for issue 4 has already started! VOID ---- G R O U P N E W S Skinner joins Void as coder, gfx and web designer. Void PC section is born! Most Active VotinbTsg GROUP, (press HELP for Individual List) page 27/27 ================================================================================ Moods Plateau 4 ** Jump 1 Plastic 1 Nukleus 3 Rheingold 1 Science 1 IRIS 2 Tbc 1 Nature 2 TEK bU* 1 Tulou 2 Traktor 1 Zenon 1 Drifters 2 * Up Rough 2 * Aerosol 1 * Scarab 2 * Dual Crew Shining 1 * Void 2 * Gods 1 * Rheingold 1 * Apathy 1 Veezya 1 * Artway bV;3 1 Cosmic 1 Liquid Skies 1 ** Cryptoburners 1 Shrimps Design 1 ** Cube 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Depth 1 Without Group: 5 Elcrew 1 Focus Design 1 * double membership Gnumpf-posse 1 ** triple membership BEST DEMO 1 OceabWAn Machine/The Black Lotus (67) new! 2 Silkcut/The Black Lotus (48) [ 1] 3 Fake Electronic Lightshow/Ephidrena (38) [ 2] 4 Nexus7/Andromeda (26) [ 5] 5 Multiverse/Loonies (22) new! 6 Respirator Stories/Ephidrena (21) new! 7 Desert Dream/Kefrens (17) [ 3] 8 Magia/The Black Lotus (14) [18] Smokebomb/Ozone (14) [ 8] 10 Lapsuus/Mature Furk (10) bXE[ 5] 11 J/Ephidrena ( 9) new! Live Axxion/Up Rough ( 9) new! Mental/Push Entertainment ( 9) [14] 14 Heartcore/IRIS ( 8) [18] I Want To Be A Machine/Appendix ( 8) new! 16 Little Nell/The Black Lotus ( 7) new! Perfect Circle/The Black Lotus ( 7) [11] Rise/tRSi^Mellow Chips ( 7) new! 19 Chrystler/Bandwagon^Fit ( 6) new! 20 Major Release/Da Jormas bY[\ ( 6) new! BEST INTRO Less than 6 pts are filtered out 1 Planet Potion/Potion (62) [ 1] 2 The Castle/Loonies (41) [ 2] 3 Gift/Potion (35) [ 2] 4 Zeon/Nature (16) [ 8] 5 1000%/Scoopex (14) [ 4] Gush/Potion (14) [ 8] 7 Future Vision/Potion (11) [11] 8 Dolphin's Dream/Push Entertainment (10) [ 8] 9 ElectrbZicity/Appendix ( 9) new! Mi 05/RNO ( 9) new! One/Nature ( 9) new! 10 Grid/Nature ( 8) [11] Impossible/Loonies ( 8) [ 6] Melba/Appendix ( 8) [ 7] 13 Codex Permutation/Software Failure ( 7) new! Grid 2/Nature ( 7) new! Incision/Push Entertainment ( 7) new! Nonstop/Dual Crew Shining ( 7) [ b[ s5] 17 Fetish/Ozone ( 6) new! Zebra/Pas Maters (Mas) ( 6) new! BEST 4k Less than 6 pts are filtered out 1 Ikanim/Loonies (63) [ 1] 2 Finnmark/Ephidrena (51) [ 3] 3 Noxie/Loonies (44) new! 4 Bier/Ephidrena (29) [ 2] 5 Timur Lenk/Space Balls^Ephidrena (26) [ 5] 6 Rebirth/Push Entertainment (22) [ 6] 7 Humus 4/Push Entertab\&inment (13) [ 4] 8 lvis/Scarab (12) new! Peanut/Efreet (12) [18] 10 Sotakyrpa/Ephidrena^Spaceballs (11) [11] 11 Totenkreutz/Tulou (10) new! 12 Revision/Extreme ( 9) [ 6] 13 Boom/Secretly ( 7) [11] 14 Nano/Scarab ( 6) new! Humus 2/Push Entertainment ( 6) [11] BEST CODER Less than 6 pts are filtered outb]Ob 1 Kalms/The Black Lotus (93) [ 2] 2 Loaderror/Ephidrena (59) [ 1] 3 Blueberry/Loonies (57) [ 6] 4 Psycho/Loonies (33) [ 7] 5 Stingray/Scarab^Scoopex (31) [11] 6 Rubberduck/The Black Lotus (22) [10] 7 Kiero/Mad Wizards (20) [ 8] 8 Exploder/Push Entertainment (18) [ 5] Mavey/Potion (18) [ 4] 10 Slummy/Spaceballs b^4; (13) [ 3] 11 chaos/Sanity (12) [ 9] 12 Pezac/Nature (10) new! 13 Dr Doom/Iris ( 8) [15] Scicco/Scarab ( 8) new! 15 Krabob/Mankind ( 7) [15] 16 Britelite/RNO^Dekadence ( 6) new! Todi/Tulou ( 6) new! BEST GRAPHICIAN 1 Louie500/The Black Lotus (59) [ 2] 2 Lazur/Pulse (33) [ 1] 3 Slayeb_Eèr/Appendix (29) [ 7] 4 XeNusion/Process (25) [ 4] 5 Cyclone/Haujobb (14) [ 5] 6 Cheetah/Ephidrena (13) [ 9] 7 Malmis/Nature (12) [ 8] Wade/Haujobb (12) new! 9 MRK/Jewels^The Gang (11) new! Noogman/Scoopex (11) new! 11 Frost/Tulou (10) [12] Made/Bomb (10) [b`% 3] Mime/Scenic (10) new! Visualice/Haujobb^Sunflower (10) [13] 15 Bridgeclaw/Gods ( 9) new! Exocet/Spaceballs ( 9) new! 17 Destop/CNCD ( 8) new! 18 Browallia/Nukleus ( 7) new! Fireball/Nuance ( 7) new! 20 Acryl/Haujobb ( 6) new! Farfar/Loonies ( 6) new! Pix/Scenic baĠ ( 6) [ 9] BEST MUSICIAN 1 Esau/Traktor (24) [ 2] Reed/Fairlight (24) [ 1] 3 Yolk/The Black Lotus^CNCD (21) new! 4 Zixaq/Ephidrena (17) [ 2] 5 Virgill/HJB^SCX (14) [ 5] 6 Dirtie/mOOds pLATEAu (12) new! Frequent/Ephidrena (12) [ 8] Jazzcat/Appendix^PSL (12) [ 4] Jogeir Liljedahl (12) [ 5] 10 Lizabbprdking/Razor 1911 (11) [14] 12 Heatbeat/Carillion (10) new! Loaderror/Ephidrena (10) new! mr Death/Scoopex (10) [14] 15 Mice/Zenon ( 9) new! Moby/Noon ( 9) new! 17 Jester/Sanity ( 8) new! 18 Banana/TEK ( 7) new! Goto80/Hack'n'Trade ( 7) new! 20 4-mat/Anarchy ( 6) bcnew! Booster/Loonies ( 6) new! Curt Cool/Depth ( 6) [10] Maze/Moods Plateau^Apt ( 6) [ 9] Skipp604/Nah Kolor ( 6) new! BEST WEBSITE/PORTAL/BBS All votes included page 1/2 1 (69) [ 1] 2 (48) [ 2] 3 (38) [ 6] 4 (Scenia) (34) [ 4] 5 bd^Amiga Demoscene Archieve (ADA) (33) [ 5] 6 ( (16) [11] 7 (22) [ 3] 8 Dial Hard bbs (10) [24] 9 uphold the law BBS ( 9) [30] 10 Acid Storm BBS ( 8) new! ( 8) new! ( 8) [ 8] 13 ( 7) [15] 14 the Yard BBS (beG 6) [ 9] 15 ( 5) [13] 16 AMP ( ( 4) new! equalizer BBS ( 4) new! ( 4) new! ( 4) new! ( 4) new! 21 ( 3) new! ( 3) new! ( 3) new! BEST WEBSITE/PORTAL/BBS bfwID All votes included page 2/2 24 (Boondocks) ( 2) [ 7] 3daddict ( 2) new! ( 2) new! (nectarine) ( 2) [30] ( 2) [10] 29 ( 1) [24] Aminet ( 1) [35] ( 1) new! Exotica ( bg ( 1) [13] ( 1) [35] BEST DEMOPARTY (19.3.2004-20.3.2005) All votes included 1 Breakpoint 2004 (66) 2 Evoke 2004 (29) 3 Solskogen 2004 (18) 4 Motorola Inside 2004 (13) 5 Assembly 2004 (10) Symphony 2004 (10) 7 Jamaica ROM (JRP) 2004 ( 9) 8 Buenzli 2004 ( 8) 9 The bhZ>Gathering 2004 ( 6) 10 Deadline 2007 ( 5) Synthesis Party ( 5) 12 Abstract 2004 ( 4) IGDRP ( 4) Kindergarten 2004 ( 4) Little Computer People (LCP) 2004 ( 4) T.E.T ( 4) 17 Floppy ( 3) Function 2004 ( 3) 19 the Ultimate Meeting (tUM) 2004 ( 2) binO20 Marast '05 ( 1) SummerArtWay 04 ( 1) BEST DISKMAG WRITER Less than 6 pts are filtered out 1 Ghandy/Moods Plateau^Scarab (68) new! 2 Zerox/IRIS (29) new! 3 Darkhawk/IRIS (27) new! 4 Zito (23) new! 5 Browallia/Nukleus (20) new! 6 Darkus/Mangoo^tRSi (16) new! 7 Gone/Scarab bj^^% (11) new! Lord Helmet/Spaceballs (11) new! Sane/Haujobb (11) new! 10 Fishwave/Scx ( 9) new! Wade/Haujobb ( 9) new! 12 Rumrunner/Void ( 8) new! Strife/Apathy ( 7) new! 14 Dipswitch/Up Rough ( 6) new! Magic/Nah Kolor ( 6) new! BEST DISKMAG Less than 6 pts are filtered out 1 Jurassic bkkPack/Moods Plateau^Scarab (97) new! 2 Eurochart/IRIS (79) new! 3 Cows n Snakefights/Nukleus (41) new! 4 D.I.S.C./Gods (33) new! 6 Versus/Nukleus^Void (28) new! 7 Saxonia/Void (18) new! 8 Oepir Risti/Agony^Citron (15) new! 9 Raw/Spaceballs (14) new! 10 Taboo/Appendix (12) new! 11 Devotion/Haujobb ( 8) new! blD12 Generation/Artwork^Endzeit ( 7) new! Showtime/Darkage ( 7) new! 14 Insomnia/Looker House^tRSI ( 6) new! Save Da Vinyl/Mad Wizards ( 6) new! Speed/Nah Kolor ( 6) new! Upstream/Balance ( 6) new! Zine/Brainstorm ( 6) new! BEST AMIGA GAME All votes included page 1/4 1 Turrican II (32) 2 Sensible SbmOQoccer (25) 3 Secret of Monkey Island (21) 4 Super Frog (19) 5 Slam Tilt (17) 6 Payback (16) 7 The Settlers (15) 8 Shadow of the Beast 1 (14) Turrican (14) 10 Monkey Island 2 (13) 11 Speedball 2 (12) 12 Ambermoon (11) IntbnQ2]ernational Karate+ (11) 14 Quake (10) 15 Alien Breed 3D ( 9) Chaos Engine ( 9) Dune ( 9) Fears ( 9) Lotus Turbo Esprit ( 9) 20 Code name hell squad ( 8) Dolly Buster ( 8) Dreamweb ( 8) Flashback ( 8)boRC BEST AMIGA GAME All votes included page 2/4 Ruff n tumble ( 8) Turrican III ( 8) Twintris ( 8) 27 DynAMIte ( 7) Dynablaster ( 7) Elvira 2 ( 7) Foundation ( 7) Lotus Challenge 96k ( 7) Timekeppers ( 7) bp Worms ( 7) 34 Great Giana Sisters ( 6) Lemmings ( 6) Pinball Dreams ( 6) t-zero ( 6) Xenon 2 ( 6) 39 Civilization ( 5) Lotus 3 ( 5) Masterblaster 2 ( 5) Mortal Combat ( 5) Trip to Breakpoint bqB&( 5) 44 Beneath A Steel Sky ( 4) Elite 2 (Frontier) ( 4) Moonstone ( 4) BEST AMIGA GAME All votes included page 3/4 Tetris ( 4) Ufo - Enemy Unknown ( 4) 49 Apidya ( 3) benefactor ( 3) CrossFire II ( 3) Myst ( 3br8) R-type ( 3) Space Taxi ( 3) The Fairy Tale ( 3) 56 All Terrain Racing ( 2) Cannon Fodder ( 2) Feeble files ( 2) Kick Off 2 ( 2) Logical ( 2) Loom ( 2) Napalm ( 2) Perihelion bs=D ( 2) Transarctica ( 2) TV-lingo ( 2) 66 EvilsDoom ( 1) North And South ( 1) Pinball Fantasies ( 1) Simon the Sorcerer ( 1) BEST AMIGA GAME All votes included page 4/4 Simon the Sorcerer 2 ( 1) Super Stardust ( 1) |DD|DDxDxDDx<@@@@<xDDDDx|@x@@||@@bt8DD DABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-+*/()=.,!"':;[] ^@?%graphics.libraryd(b|p| @LX^fB^pbv"$Xfr|2JX^b|(2P*H $&8>HNP"l8>| <,,  "$&(*,.02468:<>  cbwDtu E V WR 8,,  "$&(*,.02468:<>"!22CT D e vw v   w h  zFCPLX_TP3dismaggiaP@y^gM@xRh@@8i)#@+ A @qJ'@u x@@@-6 ( 08@HPX`hpxbxM=5 (08@HPX`hpxBGbmCmzC #eNabe-N\ - A ` A m A lL ,i b 9z) zc  F.} i:m 7P7  sP^@q@ $ !!{!!"E""#!#Y#"$'$!$%H"%%&<&a&&'Ks'u'(O(y()S))**J*by ɔ)S))*+&+^++       "<L"   ",    w   ,   @͞}ޜ`b  ",  #"\ "  "  " bz " " " " """" """")0#"### #### """" """")0#"### ####p")#"###")#" "))## b{ yd   w")#"###")#" ")  )##   ?000OCCC?<<< <%<@0CCC?<<< <%>`0aCCCp" #"###")#" "b| _&2))##   ?< <<\yQ*QQ Q L}}OL0L%L `a")yQ*QQ Q `a)!ў}b} 4+e”Æ Q#$! 00@@PP !!! #AR!}ќ`al\@C C#!1$!1!1!!#1 121@b~x    }\0 @   !#1 1!#1 ##1 } pp p p pl0 @!#1 ##1!#1$##1 }pppppbTKbm!#1 1!#1!# 1 ##1 !#1 ##1!#!# # 1 !#1 # #1!#1 ##1 !     !#1 ##b;)G1!#1 ##1 \0 @Ɣ        /)# !# # ##R ,5# !#   !#   } p pp p pp p p pp p p pl0 @\0 @        / #   ##b_?}pppppp p p pp pp ppp pp        / # ## # # !#  #   } p pp p pp p p pp p p p         /,5 ##,5 ,5 ,5 ! !  !  }b{dpppppp p p pp p pp ppp p/,5 #    #  ,5  #    !  # ! ! } p pp p pp p p pp p p p/,5 #  ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 ,5 )@")" !"# !#  # #}pppppp p p pp p ppppp p/1 #  ,5   ,bW5   ,5  #  ,5   ,5   ,5 } p pp p pp p p pp p p p         /  ! 1 q"#!Q}pppppp p p pp pp p p pp p         !"#" !" 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