DOS pCNJg @ hpNup`dos.library-ЍT0102,$0304,$0506,$0708,$090A,$0B0C,$0D0E,$0F10 DC.W $1214,$1618,$1A1D,$2023,$2626 DC.W $2320,$1D1A,$1816,$1412,$100E DC.W $0C0B,$0A09,$0807,$0605,$0403,$0202,$0101,$0000,$0000 DC.W $FFFF RASTASINE1: DC.W $0000 DC.W $0000,$0000 DC.W $0000,$0102,$0304,$0506,$0708,$090A,$0B0C,$0D0E,$0F10 DC.W $1214,$1618,$1A1D,$2023,$2626 DC.W $2320,$1D1A,$1816,$1412,$100E DC.W $0C0B,$0A09,$0807,$0605,$0403,$0202,$0101,$0000,$0000 DC.W $0000,$0000 DC.W $FFFF RASTASINE2: DC.W $0000 DC.W $0000,$0102,$03-f604,$0506,$0708,$090A,$0B0C,$0D0E,$0F10 DC.W $1214,$1618,$1A1D,$2023,$2626 DC.W $2320,$1D1A,$1816,$1412,$100E DC.W $0C0B,$0A09,$0807,$0605,$0403,$0202,$0101,$0000,$0000 DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 DC.W $FFFF NEWCOP: DC.W $0180,$0000 DC.W $3C01,$FFFE,$0180,$0003 BUMPRASTER: BLK.B $168,$00 DC.W $FFDF,$FFFE DC.W $1801,$FFFE,$0180,$0000 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFE $0444,$0222 RASTABAR2: DC.W $0220,$0440,$0660,$0660,$0440,$0220 RASTASINE0: DC.W $0000 DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 DC.W $0000,$;9+H$m fane2rvfabeLrBDad6DrfaNQQ`8rx`ra@ m gra062<` 2< BTB6aSJ QmNu DNuSABB3f DQNu0<@P0 ] P.lM P| 20 @ZAOfP<@H ńX,H9,p4,%@^ 1 , 0 BP$= Ak tdɃNZY::{#RlL9)gKAt 3-gS;)W2Z geVt750" "7q52pkMffkeU!PO9;taa@Os8"j8?$ZJF`= P(!R- Il`$ <@Iz l0HC_^H\ A8PA! F/ 2 48 Q)Gd̽F>z( AD `Ѐ& 2FQD( @ א%-@)G^Q$<ED| VAC@%{ӕv7w353t50G MPZ: lH+X08P@Ni,Ԉ4k#_DCJ0( ()BD`,!Sd"!j B)ʹ 88c@ʪCBER4< Д;t+ {2 $ ao@Sy $@ѬB_DC< aE!492@\cӇ5A2 <@bbcb`x 0+0S@ Q :J8saDv$.P$(`P*P+X :bʹ 8:A!ĐuP 6i38$Ј`" $50AO @ ,)E(H c!(0@*1NˆD(@D,!BV81P{QU@(- +'XCa hYdٜ9 \')Fhoă kHxxx03- ATf~UkM m2 "A_|i@PF.(hٙ! H)s`Ф2!Ĭ@DDE A a @$% a AEA 8 Gbd @&H@" PB@H@E`9p-( 8)@QJ_aH=JC `@0@~V@ P$CB0h!Jqps~p4+x !O~ T FS 0!H.K x.("RRHE@ Vπ?(T j00000000000000000000f<>< 000000000000000000|`f00f<~@ ff` ;|<d9 ? S8 3 <  f3  p 0 @c0ff Ht000000000000000000af<><~ 000000000000000000|`f f<~ `ff` 8 9 ;|< `3    @  00  p    1f ?0000000000000\:g00000000f<>< 00000000000000000000|`f 0f<~ 0ff`  ;|<  <  3hf3    p f<G3p000qac1a@000000000000000000000ó303p 00000000000000000000033303030333301g1߁}o`HH񙙙ـa- MOVE.W #$0000,CLEAR_PASS MOVE.L #RASTABAR0,A0 MOVE.L #RASTASINE0,A1 BSR PLACE_BAR MOVE.W #$FFFF,CLEAR_PASS MOVE.L #RASTABAR1,A0 MOVE.L #RASTASINE1,A1 BSR PLACE_BAR MOVE.L #RASTABAR2,A0 MOVE.L #RASTASINE2,A1 BSR PLACE_BAR IRQ_ENDCODE: MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 JUMP: DC.W $4EF9 OLDIRQ: DC.L $00000000 OLDCOP: DC.L 0 GFX: DC.L 0 FILL_COP: LEA BUMPRASTER,A0 CLR.L D0 MOVE.W #$2D,D0 MOVE.L #$A001FFFE,D1 FILL_LOOP: MOVE.L D1,(A0)+ ADD.L #$01000000,D1 MOVE.W #$0180,(A0-h)+ MOVE.W #$0003,(A0)+ SUB.W #$0001,D0 BNE FILL_LOOP RTS CLEAR_COP: MOVEM.L D0/A0,-(A7) CMP.W #$0000,CLEAR_PASS BNE NO_CLEAR LEA BUMPRASTER,A0 MOVE.W #$002D,D0 CLEAR_LOOP: MOVE.W #$0003,$06(A0) ADD.L #$0008,A0 SUB.W #$0001,D0 BNE CLEAR_LOOP NO_CLEAR: MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0/A0 RTS *-> This route needs as input: A0: Pointer to the bar colors *-> A1: Pointer to the sine PLACE_BAR: CLR.L D0 MOVE.L A1,A2 MOVE.W (A1)+,D0 ADD.W #$0001,(A2) ADD.L D0,A1 CLR.L D0 MO-T9VE.B (A1),D0 CMP.B #$FF,D0 BNE GO_MAN MOVE.B -(A1),D0 CLR.W (A2) GO_MAN: BSR CLEAR_COP ASL.W #$03,D0 LEA BUMPRASTER,A3 ADD.L D0,A3 MOVEQ #$06,D7 PLACE_IT: MOVE.W (A0)+,$06(A3) ADD.L #$0008,A3 SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE PLACE_IT RTS CLEAR_PASS: DC.W $0000 RASTABAR0: DC.W $0022,$0044,$0066,$0066,$0044,$0022 RASTABAR1: DC.W $0222,$0444,$0666,$0666,$0444,$0222 RASTABAR2: DC.W $0220,$0440,$0660,$0660,$0440,$0220 RASTASINE0: DC.W $0000 DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 DC.W $0000,$ 00? ppp\ p8>p@p8np@@e@p8@p8@@p8p@ppp@p@@?#@@@@  J? `cÏf )c ``?ǀǀg001330 9*03010000 6ʐ 3  00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000  $F?     .yp <?  f<'_dzA0 SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE MOVE0 MOVE.W D0,-(A0) ADD.L #$04,A0 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MOVE1 RTS VE.L #$70000,$32(A6) MOVE.L $6C,OLD MOVE.L #IRQ,$6C MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLD,$6C MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) ; MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 MOVE.W #$50,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ COP0: MOVE.W #$018)#u&%00003,(A0)+ COP0: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ ADD.L #$01020000,D2 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS COLORS: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0404,$0303,$0202,$0101,$0003 MOVE: LEA $7000C,A0 MOVEQ #$00,D0 MOVEQ #$)$X:00,D6 MOVEQ #$00,D7 MOVE.W #$0050,D6 MOVE1: MOVE.W $02(A0),D0 MOVE.W #$0020,D7 MOVE0: MOVE.W $06(A0),$02(A0) ADD.L #$04,A0 SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE MOVE0 MOVE.W D0,-(A0) ADD.L #$0E,A0 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MOVE1 RTS 6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) BSR MOVE MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 MOVE.W #$50,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$018+% $e02c,$dff09a move.w #$83f0,$dff096 rts disk_ready: btst #$05,(a0) bne disk_ready rts disk_motoron: move.b #$ff,(a1) and.b #%01111111,(a1) ; motor on and.b #%01101111,(a1) ; select drive 1 rts disk_motoroff: move.b #$ff,(a1) and.b #%11111111,(a1) ; motor off and.b #%01101111,(a1) ; select drive 1 rts disk_seekzero: btst #$04,(a0) beq disk_onzero bsr disk_backstep bra disk_seekzero disk_onzero: rts disk_seektrack: tst.w d0 beq disk_seektrack1 disk_+&_`seektrack0: bsr disk_forwstep sub.w #$0001,d0 bne disk_seektrack0 disk_seektrack1: rts disk_backstep: bset #$01,(a1) ; set direction = backward bclr #$00,(a1) nop nop bset #$00,(a1) bsr disk_delay bsr disk_ready rts disk_forwstep: bclr #$01,(a1) bclr #$00,(a1) nop nop bset #$00,(a1) bsr disk_delay bsr disk_ready rts disk_delay: move.l d0,-(a7) move.w #$2e00,d0 disk_delay0: dbf d0,disk_delay0 move.l (a7)+,d0 rts disk_loader: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(+'@3Qa7) lea $dff000,a6 lea $40000,a2 move.w #$8400,$9e(a6) move.w #$4489,$7e(a6) bsr disk_ready move.w #$4000,$24(a6) move.l a2,$20(a6) move.w #$9b79,$24(a6) move.w #$9b79,$24(a6) move.w #$0002,$9c(a6) move.l #$80000,d3 loader0: move.w $1e(a6),d2 btst #$01,d2 bne loader1 subq.l #$01,d3 bne loader0 move.l #-1,d7 bra loader2 loader1: clr.l d7 loader2: move.w #$4000,$24(a6) move.w #$0400,$9e(a6) mfm_decode: move.l A2,A5 nop nop moveq #$0B,D6 mfm: move.l D6,+((K-(A7) move.w #$4489,D0 mfm0: cmp.w (A5)+,D0 bne mfm0 mfm1: cmp.w (A5)+,D0 beq mfm1 sub.l #$0000000A,A5 lea $0008(A5),A0 move.l (A0)+,D0 move.l (A0)+,D1 andi.l #$55555555,D0 andi.l #$55555555,D1 lsl.l #1,D0 or.l D1,D0 move.l D0,mfm_long moveq #$00,D0 move.b mfm_long+2,D0 moveq #$09,D1 lsl.l D1,D0 move.l A3,A0 nop nop add.l D0,A0 lea $0040(A5),A1 move.l A1,A2 add.l #$00000200,A2 move.l #$0000007F,D4 mfm2: move.l (A2)++ 6 ,D1 andi.l #$55555555,D1 move.l (A1)+,D0 andi.l #$55555555,D0 lsl.l #1,D0 or.l D0,D1 move.l D1,(A0)+ dbf D4,mfm2 add.l #$00000440,A5 move.l (A7)+,D6 subi.l #$00000001,D6 bne.L mfm movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts mfm_long: dc.l $0000 d2 bne loader1 subq.l #$01,d3 bne loader0 move.l #-1,d7 bra loader2 loader1: clr.l d7 loader2: move.w #$4000,$24(a6) move.w #$0400,$9e(a6) mfm_decode: move.l A2,A5 nop nop moveq #$0B,D6 mfm: move.l D6,*bA2@@@8Æ<a8pp@8x A8p8@p<8pp8@+8p8ppp@8p8p@8p8pw@py8ps@8@y 8q@8`8pERy_0 0-&RN+dF̛bcU8_5|gHGqBy]n8qVC`Zln#h=&he#k(yHYQ4-ƀ@ ( ފ8ϣQC oΠtZmߦ5#E 2=8}nY@wF7"NADw<р1z\g:ͯ2Y33=S8x 0x$(P#AD7 p$%  l*PA4@@HB]%A$ ,1G2&c_A6%NGIB:ÁQ~HC2r(T'9ƮN2;pq߯A^)!r'!r '(9piTJ9#gxYG"_r'됇%M뒩93. ʾH+MM{9[CM|͏ȜJ:q Nr BsQ 0ɜ5E 8su^tA"v¨V8C"v/Gɡ>H ZH4'Y |д C(`_T4(*W >DAFd*gqX%(BI( 1Ԋc"=fSBĈ*tHwB4@@HB]%A!|Js"a>ob^y^yt(CF>l9Xz1Naz">`HO|3M$Efgo6*ZCE(S(T#y9q@#QSySB1@Ñ4 :#/BTNPR k!DvLy|°'J '%$qqܯyO=!t=vJ1IxFg # : H'/8@C$d>^2!&COLORS: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0404,$0303,$0202,$0101,$0003  Rd - FUNZINE III - R6 R'!O90,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 ADD.L #$01020000,D2 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS COLORS: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0404,$0303,$0202,$0101,$0003 MOVE: LEA $70008,A0 MOVE.W #$0050,D6 MOVE1: MOVE.W $02(A0),D0 MOVE.W #$0020,D7 MOVE0: MOVE.W $06(A0),$02(A0) ADD.L #$04,#3BORS1,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 COP0: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 LEA COLORS2,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 COP1: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP1 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS COLORS1: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0{t"E.W D1,(A0)+ SUB.W #$0101,D1 LOOP1: SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP1 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS  R  - FRIENDSHIP RULEZ! -p#4404,$0303,$0202,$0101,$0003 COLORS2: DC.W $0003,$0001,$0002,$0003,$0004,$0005,$0006,$0007 DC.W $0008,$0009,$000A,$000B,$000C,$000D,$000E,$000F DC.W $000F,$000E,$000D,$000C,$000B,$000A,$0009,$0008 DC.W $0007,$0006,$0005,$0004,$0003,$0002,$0001,$0003 MENAGE_SYNC: LEA $70008,A0 MOVE.W #$0200,D7 MOVE.W D7,D6 MULU #$04,D6 SUB.W #$02,D6 MOVE.W $00(A0,D6.W),D0 MOVE.W D6,D5 SUB.W #$04,D5 SYNC0: MOVE.W $00(A0,D5.W),$00(A0,D6.W) SUB.W #$04,D6 SUB.W #$04,D5 SUB.W #$01,D7 #'a BNE SYNC0 MOVE.W D0,$02(A0) RTS #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 LEA COLORS2,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 COP1: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP1 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS COLORS1: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0%6^ + MOVE.W #$08,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS1,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 COP0: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 LEA COLORS2,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 COP1: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP1 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS COLORS1: DC.W $0003,$0101,$0202,$0303,$0404,$0505,$0606,$0707 DC.W $0808,$0909,$0A0A,$0B0B,$0C0C,$0D0D,$0E0E,$0F0F DC.W $0F0F,$0E0E,$0D0D,$0C0C,$0B0B,$0A0A,$%f0909,$0808 DC.W $0707,$0606,$0505,$0404,$0303,$0202,$0101,$0003 COLORS2: DC.W $0003,$0001,$0002,$0003,$0004,$0005,$0006,$0007 DC.W $0008,$0009,$000A,$000B,$000C,$000D,$000E,$000F DC.W $000F,$000E,$000D,$000C,$000B,$000A,$0009,$0008 DC.W $0007,$0006,$0005,$0004,$0003,$0002,$0001,$0003 MENAGE_SYNC: MOVE.W #$0200,D7 LEA $70008,A0 MOVE.W $02(A0),D0 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E poi, in fondo, diciamocelo chiaro e tondo: Ma e' mai possibile che un popolo com & $8,֒_ (,BT $QР= @f,O%~ pKњOYJ5,TI5 ` Έ& f[ 䨓# 6T+# `(I s<|ff{y\.]NBLKtcC-` fDH2A!"Pp~a NTcA"]̎5Reb3@Q 9a İZX `f0.̖ķ s-E 6pȝ7 В(g`7 " "cDqL/1HWS t# aPdN dFAE "~iPyCHeQAE⢐P'R wB:GA.\.(toK%׈ tȂ+DFC #mDZ9pFkHwZ/ /S&F_60`=W '≲q5uXZ.,/%]1.Aze)e@$|vÖFxxșZN;M qqP\s;$Z5:1BU<%̑mkD(VD#1u*V`$)B2Bb0xSaT ПI3&.iu3?~(]WFXXZ.O)A4< Ā fO+stm-sDXcm_MA g /䨴/59K0@@8`[0.O+A1C4+00 y<SBk0~T!= 8J#В*@,мp  ƂF |822궇}**x8~QCg A`<(pcou4AJ! L-AD[jW J {Dlu<5r&99fp^'ǢbTC!P@wN%O  !f)hA!`BPp@PA,Ǐ xHJ<U 9l!Юj"u j.q)#ߔe<)<"Խ/!jTǤhxCfaP-q`tcBJ{F`;sBMҺ̀aMl!>hБ}cA0ֶ,@Ѧ֑E!w,Hp0 EIdHTH=<2z]Y8x0Mx1Պ,Qh6F(hPDiV:")й&UX@h){lB*^F&? 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HsA x<x<< &=`u0<x< 1  <  '  >@0! <xp '>"cN>UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU()UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT@ing house in Croatia, near Sibenik. Condition : At least ten (10) families" (!!!). You won't believe : the house was sold in a minute! But it's not strange for Serbs who know how the Albanians live (at least 5-10 kidz in family). Anyway, they got in new house. After some time people from commune called Serbian and said that's not fair, that they're going to repair house and everything will be OK. But, no way my sons! He went to Serbia and started living happily. Alb &.anians are pushing us northward, my friends. One day they'll swallow whole Europe. You shouldn't be suprised when you see a pile of kidz playing near your house making noise more than Metallica. You'll say:"I was far away". But it'll be too late... MicroStar! use every day". Same thing happen even there. After good thinking he decided to go to south Serbian are Kosovo(90% Albanians). Few days after in local Albanian newspapers "Rilindija" appeared the following text : "SellBh9# Homosexual ? - No ! - What a pity! 3. - How do hodgehogs make love? - I don't know ! - Very, very carefully ! 4. A letter to Funzine editors: - Dear editors, my husband is a real sexual maniac. He never leaves me alone. He makes love to me whole night, under the shower, while I'm cooking the lunch, clearing the dust... What shall I do. Desperate. p.s. Sorry for bended hand-writting! 5. An idiot comes to psychiatrist. Doc draws a circle and asWh#ks: - What does this remind you on ? - Sex ! - Answers the patient. Doctor draws rectangle and asks : - What about this one ? - Sex ! - You stupid idiot! You are a sexual maniac ! - Well, doctor, who is drawing a sex : you or me ? 6. On highway in America there's a message : "Beware of Joe The Homos". A driver finds more and more warnings. He finds a light arrow leading from the highway. He follows it and comes to another one poiaDCGNw(i0x8Hn/V/-j{ޮKM@Ϡρk63c9*i*?mFx",2n7iL%|۠nuI8]}<:ʼn z6  uZ$ "Qq'cxy`ZI8 hx6JL'a=בyH'.i\b hgKy7H\(pW{Q4O~bEL;/"Mw^@#Ux畭7ƥcÒ~3B^'-}\82[O^Oyo8Ϧ"!霷lOnw>/y&yvQ`Gٌ_s.Kci{lh4#LAqr+ڏ(QVlΡ n㴉U۬Ch=nDid.O\N'}cz|/5nb̭0Tl2ip8cFr@Q7ӗ a V:Q^>!x uA P^ð<:^ 5^B @Mc QEzsdGcxEQ@v+ZE ѦEq8EC4DssƉK53eìGÈdZǣMI'&r.XI k6p@ _`Q>Ԋh r}CTcgԭF'j|4pԺv+A=:|9`:ivĢiJL\:jFPD}yD4Ԡ=zb4(׊D Hv,YiDEcqFo6TἉypZ;COi&ib9$!-5]G eH!' 9ǐ6Fp[Ʉn4[he5ZaafVJK>.Q\[=Q9Ln᳜ɞ`(%ý/ ެ!As.1Lb-ْxXvtVY*a$agb:ϒ2OgPNfm4~"]B$(k< Eϕ}fĽ^cEP< k3bFli;g b>U6#=5,L45\NYR>Cю K䌤<b[2xZfIiՉ?g߱G1<_;V'I=w'yyuGg&uArwRs\gMi Av{>gi?o7mQt߇|ɡu_"^'%2M_b *|<`9)!x#Jx~n`=^ԏc&ں=ȱx>G}Kq-=/q䤰 MDz_T|WV'NGu_ת5좥~Gsz=~}_-rQJ< Yv=^y9y=[$zÒ o;uC̊ XkMsMV(>0r4}K)+ation of young footballers? Probably a lot. So do I. But These guys have no chance to play 'cause Osim is stubborn and takes his favourites to play. You have seen that Italian trainer haven't allowed Baggio and Scillachi to play. But under the public pressure he yield, let them play and they showed how big they are. It is impossible to make Osim think like all YU football fans. He makes players play old fashioned football, with too many calculations. Man, football is not philosophy,LlAI it's just a game so let it be game. They should play for thousands fans that come to stadium, and milions at homes, show wish, speed, strength, and give some goals. If they lose from e.g. Germany we won't cry, 'cause Deutch are much better, but they have to show that they want to win. Not just standing as sheeps, talking to referee, kicking and pretending to be kicked... Anyone watching Mondial '90 has to admit that he saw really great game: England-Holland (0:0), and a total shit : Jy> Yugoslavia-UAE (4:1). Even if (definitevely impossible) Yugoslavia win world cup there's no man in the world who can convince me that Osim knows how to lead the team. Microstar haven't allowed Baggio and Scillachi to play. But under the public pressure he yield, let them play and they showed how big they are. It is impossible to make Osim think like all YU football fans. He makes players play old fashioned football, with too many calculations. Man, football is not philosophy,?8ted again and again, but messages appeared again. So he went to the police station and asked for help. Croatian cops rudely said him to fuck off. So he went to commune and asked for help:"Listen people, I don't care about that messages, but I have no money to lime my house every day". Same thing happen even there. After good thinking he decided to go to south Serbian are Kosovo(90% Albanians). Few days after in local Albanian newspapers "Rilindija" appeared the following text : "SellOUd~played by bands who wanna sound a bit different from the ordinary Rock. It was groups like Black Sabbath and Deep purple who started this. The first LP came in 1969 by both Black Sabbath and Deep purple (if i don't remember fault). On the 70's more and more band started. ex: Uria Heep, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy and ofcourse Kiss - Probably the most famous Hardrock group for all lamers. In the end of 1970 was some groups born under the name: NWOBHM which stands for: New Wave Of Brittish P]Heavy Metal. And that was groups like: Saxon, Judas Priest, Def Leppard and ofcourse Iron Maiden...all started in U.K. At this moment HM was very popular and more and more bands was born over the world. Some died fast but some are still alive. Ok, let's talk about some groups from my country (Sweden). The most famous group have to be EUROPE and they started at that name in 1982 (if think). They where called Force before that... They been world famous with thier 'The final countdowQIJn' (Which sounds SHIT! -I know.....). Some other bands from Sweden worth mention: Treat, 220 Volt, John Norum. In the middle of the '80 a kind of speed/trash metal was growing fast and there is still many groups who starts as trash metal is the most growing market. Many records is sold in that kind of music. At this is time (1990) more and more groups uses keyboards to expand the sound (and maybe to be more commercial). Sometimes it's sounds very good but it can also sound SHIT Rh^`(in Europe's style for example)... And now some big names in the scene (as I (Rocket) like) * HELLOWEEN - A very good group with good musicians, good lyrics, good sounds. A perfect group in my opinion! They have been most famous with there 'Keeper of the seven keys' records..... * YNGWIE MALMSTEEN - In my opinion the very best guitarist. He is from Sweden but he lives in U.S.A (Californen) right now. By the way i'm right now listening to his latest LP called: ECLIPSE,Sp which is mega good! * QUEENSRYCHE - A good group and i just loooooove thier 'Operation mind- crime' LP which is a theme record. Very good lyrics and music. Have you not heard the record above then you have heard nothing........... * RATT - A small but good group from the states. Cool sounds and musicians * METALLICA - Ok, lets get tough! The first trash band with style! they have the speed, lyrics and so on. A good group. * Iron Maiden - A quite old group who uses moreT\ݬ keyboards lately. They release a new record nearly every year. They are among the very famous... * Judas Priest - Also a group from the late 70's. Good songs and music Ok, it's exist more cool groups but this is the best around.... Feel free to contact me for Heavy Metal swapping as well as Amiga stuff: Lars c Ormesberga S-340 36 MOHEDA SWEDEN Well, I think this was enough for this time. I'5;+ll be back with more stuff for this magazine..... and i just loooooove thier 'Operation mind- crime' LP which is a theme record. Very good lyrics and music. Have you not heard the record above then you have heard nothing........... * RATT - A small but good group from the states. Cool sounds and musicians * METALLICA - Ok, lets get tough! The first trash band with style! they have the speed, lyrics and so on. A good group. * Iron Maiden - A quite old group who uses moreVpHcopper list should look like this: dc.w $00e0,$0004,$00e2 bpl1: $0000,$00e4,$0004,$00e6 bpl2: $2800,$00e8,$0004,$00ea bpl3: $5000,$00ec,$0004,$00ee bpl4: $7800 To scroll upwards your routine (to be called avery vb frame) should look like this: ScrollUpwards: sub.w #$28,bpl1 sub.w #$28,bpl2 sub.w #$28,bpl3 sub.w #$28,bpl4 rts Of course you can create counters so that once reached a value the scroll restarts from $40000 and so on. To scroll downwards the thing to dWto is just the same! But of course instead of decreasing you must increase the values. The horizontal scroll is a bit harder, becausem as you read before, a row is 40 bytes (or more for larger pictures) but a pixel is one bit and therefore you must operate with bits and not with bytes. So the operations aren't anymore add and sub but lsr and lsl (but inly ATARI-ST CODERS do scrolls with logic shifts! -ed-). But there's another way to do it and it's to combinate an addition/subX,,Mtract of 1 byte to the copperlist values (as you've seen before) using the $dff102 (delay) register. This way seems to be rather complicate especially when you have many bitplanes to handle. The third (and the BEST! -ed) way is to use the BLITTER (yeah! -ed-). This is the routine: of course before remember to turn on the blitter and so on. Call it every vertical blanking interrupt: Scroll: move.w #4,d0 ; number of bitplanes to scroll move.l #$50000,a1 YH"' ; pointer to the piccy Doit: Wtbl: btst #$0e,$dff002 ; wait blitter bne wtbl move.w #$c9f0,$dff040 ; bltcon0. In this case the speed move.w #$0000,$dff042 ; bltcon1 move.l #$ffffffff,$dff044 ; mask move.l #$00000000,$dff064 ; modulo (0 bcoz it's 320 pixels) move.l a1,a2 move.l a2,$dff054 ; pointer to destination d add.l #$02,a2 ; important: 0 scrolls rightwards ;2 scrollsZ\u leftwards move.l a2,$dff050 ; pointer to source a move.w #$0c16,$dff058 ; start blitter. This size scrolls just a little piece of the screen. add.w #$2800,a1 ; go to next bitplane sub.w #$0001,d0 ; check if all bplanes are scrolled bne doit ; otherwise scrolls the next one rts In this routine the SOURCE A and the DESTINATION D registers of the blitter point to the same address U, but of course you can use differnt addresses. For example load the piccy to $40000 and scroll it to $50000. Don't forget that the copperlist pointers must point to $50000,of course! Well, I think that's all for this issue. Hope you'll enjoy doing bullshit with the blitter next time you wanna code something. Bye! Filippetto of Savage #$02,a2 ; important: 0 scrolls rightwards ;2 scrolls\t fans, and are the richest. Current trainer of YU-team is Ivica Osim, mathematician, but complete idiot. He has never choosed team right team, although he can choose some real good players. He always chooses his favourites, imbecils like him : Faruk Hadzibegic(stupid as timber),Zlatko Vujovic (old, slow, ineffective), Safet Susic(too old, too slooooow (as ambulance)), Mirsad Baljic ( no comment), Zoran Vulic(=ZX81 ),Predrag Spasic (born to kill forwards), Vujadin Stanojkov]̊ic, Tomislav Ivkovic+Fahrudin Omerovic(goalkeepers=holes), Davor Jozic... Real good players either sit on bench or stay at home. Some of them : Dragan Stojkovic-Pixi/Red Star (world class player), Alen Boksic/Hajduk (same as Pixi), Robert Jarni(unstoppable), Robert Prosinecki/Red Star(the best young player in the world '88),Darko Pancev/Red Star(the best scorer in YU:cup+league, born to win),Dejan Savicevic/Red Star(no comment), Davor Suker+Andrej Panadic/ Dynamo, Boro Cvetkov^\Vڢic+Dragisa Binic, Drazen Ladic/Dynamo(best goalkeeper), Marovic/Red Star,Aljosa Asanovic/Hajduk,Sinisa Mihailovic/Vojvodina, Miroslav Djukic/Rad, Djurdjevic/Parizan+ more good players. You haven't heard for all of them, but they all can play for any team in Europe. There must be something. These days I discovered that players Faruk Hadzibegic & Mehmed Bazdarevic(another fool, didn't come 'cause of punishment) bought house near seaside to Ivica Osim!!! It's no wonder then whJyDy such a things happen. He is in continuous war with sport reporters who are giving him advices but he's deaf. When he's asked something, he just loughs, shows his thumb and says :"These guys came here to play, we should understand them and give them chance".What? Chances? He destroyed Dejan Savicevic(ask people in AC Milan who is Dejan)! It'll be great if he's the only one. There are at least ten good guys. So, what do you expect from country that has the best represent[r` be a complete disaster. Why is that?-You might ask. The answer is in following : WRONG TRAINER TOOK WRONG GUYS. Trust me, I'm watching YU-football for years. Football in YU is not on high level 'cause lodsa great players are going abroad, clubs have no money, politics is everywhere, there're more and more hooligans and nationalists on matches. The only team that is on a European level is RED STAR/STELLA ROSA from Belgrade. They are playing best football, have the best team, the bes_a٨{4A'hgMfM%84!ux;M QJǫ|yVW9z4_J^J#MƾU'rJ5m*\gb<{E`x>"Dg>Ru}">FԄPq7}ݚaI&黏R¿xzcy-jyb?2hiʨ#VyBi4Ih"؎SIhhfs`) "N1n"ٖ{8Xu >6Y2h>9ipZ6hOfٸ29jq=n#,xMEddru >s(1,&!4(jiO>6uf })(T Rc P׮f>nflnqç'4n琌>s(\c9i ----------------- FUL IR = FireBall Wizzard OH VEN = Cloud of Poisen Wizzard OH KATH RA = Explosive FireBall Wizzard DES EW = Kill Raith or Ghost Priest DES VEN = Poisen Wizzard Potions Who gets the most out of this ? ------- ------------------------------- d{VI = Increase Helth ALL YA = Increase Stamina ALL YA BRO NETA = Increase Vitality Priest YA BRO DAIN = Increase Wisdome Wizzard OH BRO ROS = Increase Dexterity Warrior/Roge FUL BRO KU = Incresse Strength Warrior ZO BRO RA = Increase Mana Priest/Wizzard VI BRO = Cure Poisening All YA BRO e֢7T = Protect from Poisening All ZO VEN = Pure Poisen Only those you throw it at Other Spells Who can do this ? ------------ ----------------- YA IR = Protective Shield Priest OH EW RA = See Though a wall or Door Wizzard FUL = Light Wizzard FUL BRO NETA = Spell Shield g_/Priest ZO = Opens some Doors Wizzard ZO KATH RA = Makes a Magic Missile Wizzard FUL BRO NETA = Fire Shield Priest ADVANCED SPELLS --------------- Thease Spells are not clear in what thay do :- OH EW SAR = you must find out (do you want to cheat ?) YA BRO ROS = Magic Footprints ? OH IR RA = Another spell for LIGHT ? DES IR SAR = So you don`t want LIGHT ? Ho Hum you want mor& f People" know "Spanish Lamers". And the spanish crews not lamers, are maltrated and used like a shit. If you want a hot-contact in Spain write only to: DARKNESS, AMIGA VICE, AVENGER HAWKS (very late swap) or BARNA BYTE BUSTERS. This is all. BLACK-NINJA (BARNA BYTE BUSTERS). R /textphEe, perhaps you did not BUY this wonderfull game. If that is true HOW can you sit there and look yourself in the face? I buy anything I play ( a lot ??) honist ! Oh well ? here`s a littel more I gess. Hint ! find the compass. What ! more ? If you read the Manual you know all spells need to be set by setting the power level first "LO" is for the Novice ( can you cast MON OH EW SAR ? ). If you know about this tell me, if you know what it does that is. What you can`t remem^Fber how to cast a spell ? You Joke with me, first you need the MANA. Oh ! the runes ! OK I will remind you what it says on page 26. Please buy it if you have not. Mouse to go on Wiz/Phaze 101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ear in what thay do :- OH EW SAR = you must find out (do you want to cheat ?) YA BRO ROS = Magic Footprints ? OH IR RA = Another spell for LIGHT ? DES IR SAR = So you don`t want LIGHT ? Ho Hum you want morj[Sopperlist you have the various bitplanes' pointers. All you have to do is simply making visualize a row upwards every time and you can do it by increasing the copper counter values. Here's a short example. Let's imagine that your screen is 320 pixels wide and 256 pixels high. Every pixel is a bit , so 320 pixels are 320/8 bytes, this means 40 bytes ($28). Let's imagine that the picture was loaded from $40000. So the copperlist should look like this: dc.w $00e0,$0004,$00e2,$00U}}~00 ; this is 1st bitplane dc.w $00e4,$0004,$00e6,$2800 ; second bitplane: infact 40 bytes * 256 ; scan lines = 1024 bytes = $2800 dc.w $00e8,$0004,$00ea,$5000 dc.w $00ec,$0004,$00ee,$7800 and the other things like colours and so on... The values you are interested for are $0000,$2800,$5000,$7800 this means the low-bitplane pointers. Every frame you must decrease them by $28. Of course to do this every pointer should have a name, so the new Tl/=EBTa/[ ~;8+Ž4cbʶJL ~䬰xr.Ip0N%᳖;dA\ WNwC {CxF,T*r821ϫLFG@ <+3]u/ӮЈ>8$sy|g6jއr. +, zatZ$CIY%pA+`ufHu=(1JV݂3bݴa`Y1(XH (Qqz1 H) `x6"B 'eI$}zeFZǏZT5rgl=.ݸFy9ZAי`äm ͲP~ 0o*eGZ~Bڍ '5!%p) Z`ht cX[J0)pKUmKD@1T+V}0f&c:+F>6*p6!6m72p;eׂx :p +bC}#¹VEB(@0ry0"Fr2`0Jt1n3s&n* H6=cӖUjLYŠpUH}`ٳ6NIeT.sl831<2Jd0B24ٲ!soe@!TǶ/[VG}S 9-ъ\wede 0`uDgk dnaUBRW̥ H>BCnv=rJ#vwI:R71L怀 ‡]mnZ cӭR1[4(L@9{ױfy )Bo61ہem ɄkSe,G[g+3#BGZ;w2Vng Jf8LΤ 뗢"'Psa+A쳭O _ׇ|zBXw 7Aȟ rGqÑ@ɏ&40VJ4i[8qCPX̣M;gYaB)ba36` +Ee֬빈g@P:@z$!MTM%+bW( jE%$.GKԺ[+w$=kD6Pj6Hx`Νۡ p53KIJ !kzf1#,3&_ !η܌Y@dZ( cuks@|N &3S6t'WQ]$dp(Ӂbx;n9Les`$P\`AObymWF\J)6sqZf0P<2 Д8D$}o7wL[A V pY@8N[/rix؝O;jLq3Rb8p" !T["?e9]ܸv0U#A4R"HBI푥.X`<XpyIĐy%#Ӊ5U Nzcչ  ^K˱h ZvYW*^Z z\2@uXA%{?B>q h\A6/C0bqX <}}; @i*%5'<i9 Iz?`'|.w `F%cxVd|ǐ|9o/paViuQ ϼjD91 >de։!# .; JbC. !jP QJAҭ1LBbڎrCU8kUGHiǓ%PjҭWwӺ-{ Gϭ<֩+Eɦ sxazH K'{ z}Uk|)s:ח$`lORdQ"ܦorY.uv`ݭߴo7YLz V*)u]G|Xp}G{f"\Yqd^SR~&/)Lo(pxo' Qt=ǘ3<%pc;@tH\YTҵb9Zi0.輙OW-'.Ǒ}cl{YO(>pr,W@@uB>bu*rid 1/6*,'@iG <vW6MGi9,jSŘ[EܦsЩg9>Ѣip \j0"]#BO2Lg w]ƕPvj~'ZrMGvEm>/cx=6807Op |1 zSݎƻfXB\cD<WQu݉2]GٵX`6= 0_݀x:6R!{0M%U`OEA/df)ʈ;N@ =.q:Ne WfϬxlvAبRi}w\K5M8i9 %8椳z%EcMC\ʸEj;2yp4Xog?ol[.ֈ)Z'XDIQ 4w% bSRaH ߬qhsMs˾ < K'p:1j9dxQGEJVm X%cY hV *gec΅"EKGA]"Ǡ2.Ǒd(4M/4k$M׽XOVB[si gyb?|e+ ivZ9Ep4^f[7o7i >P]VߕjoqMzεch" %[6$5f$-6GrWHA pTq(}X<ڋhՆdv JכUw*%aXN@@VX VCT#ԵXfxT ЖPAMQLHN>I لdh`L;mz^O,iX,EzBSvMGr{6L&[2nTJ<緥_GY!t O9FsT/Wj \ \Gխ6 A|}T-qq %V2^̶] MYʯzgd{EymWk͞tl}饸&ATS:HYr0x|17 ~$HhuG$#>ӏ2<h9LS9Z j}dζ 굜 h arv|4 Cr>1 ;\fݸ.j}R`D*~dIiv8L&KN}iUKG ,{qne({;/=4\#| b8} Av־"S)X>cP]8']u2di^q41 [%XLx<~JC*|%׺_̈'uC,AGMsrhg*{XhN֕qP|7=|>\(pV ~Y)Aj* " I<?xy$Ρ4i"i8='s:N܅=O2u#,VGJq:Ɇq.mhsvN=-/FqM6@?+O&BRWk.ЍM"Di⚌ճkVlɭ&]gR 6L&8[UClyG^`mE $Z!Uဤӌ佘O7!gMf[#v2+E>x;.i^yc`}53nw=<g\:Q^i4׽d9o&yg-=sn(͞~jFgՉ1L4`8[Px*k76.ג ӤB'_g t3=nB&1oVRVs!,VDK%wqL~WZiͬe3R-Clcq4#zGI\GI$Au$}l'c!BMi"jzOއBԓ8L[ `h[X?tzхcfQd#ɻZs` |"Dy΃4i;UJx> !e~.W{o>0,#!S q}ߧw1tV<@׎N!a"Ox@}[ H+̬#o}zBG0Yaw) .&iָÑ{筘>oL(kd@ H\ Ğ8h>EbK  c4vhCMn<Á!Zxd^fn2l纎R0u z;.IۿÊ=LG Rw:2:m6SU}ǢDiې n]fa:u:CYRyڝSu!Q QF#d[p\OKyjQm ;iӗjFkLMCm=kGdw|e0?dQ < gqkvK[$9A^lï ,$C8#P!B D+fF[4Yq`zs{>'CwFQM cmчl(,ͪI~4ɝx1Z΃"fn>z=6/ jv$p` x^[f6li$ -Q9;˩y1 [Ō.r1v<5cؔpp/xsQz]wP뜴E 8;\"iTHWؖ$C k0PH0t }y;^{n*Lz g,b'jD4YoYgYei#&er\w}. 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Then I put on the CRYPTOBURNERS MEGADEMO II. After a little time loading the main menu showed up and I loaded AROUND THE WORLD DEMO II (GREAT!) So FABIO (one of my cousins) had to say his bullshit of the day... "CRYPTO BURINERS?!" At that time all my cousins and a metal kid went on laughing! But I and TRM decided they were only lamers! Soon after TRM said me to make the metal kid listen to the PURE METAL CODER9ǺS digitalized intro (CAZZO CHE FRASE!) and then the metal kid farted! Then we loaded that masterpiece (AHYEAH) that MENTAL HANGOVER/SCX is and they said that it was acceptable! After that we loaded some I.B.B. demos to show their incredible abilities on coding! They agreed with us that the demos were shit! Finally we showed our great demos and then the lamers had to go home. The party ended at 23.00 o clock! It was a nice boring party! IRAX/ZERO DEFECTS "L9/ d to reset the machine for boreness. Then I put on the CRYPTOBURNERS MEGADEMO II. After a little time loading the main menu showed up and I loaded AROUND THE WORLD DEMO II (GREAT!) So FABIO (one of my cousins) had to say his bullshit of the day... "CRYPTO BURINERS?!" At that time all my cousins and a metal kid went on laughing! But I and TRM decided they were only lamers! Soon after TRM said me to make the metal kid listen to the PURE METAL CODER=F$6~|?kpIVzt\udpw;=z\+D czOk5Wq8*GG4Eۮ 0=,;s/_R rdZ8\hˆC2:m[o'y|=).uc"ՊNñ4m >7=UHj<_+ky{bs!iʖr^_?Sku8GO^,1حlplp2vIs!W&h=2MiK6Nin.p5=~ESWGl.'܂:;C51&u<v[< /vnwǟ9F#;~0`Bϧ8~5υ9*V&%z(i_q 2ssi !PfK\& _i%Mr)UcC- k5tn=-;51n)ji^S׀LΰI@<@+m(re 0GuĒX>R5;tZ U+2IIT*5SH'vꌋ@ꥣDnxg,RnqZ绡l2{7j$IT,?> 0nEb8sX?@O #t]9'4tDHg3ڭN1tΣkF.1P)?zbP( F҆s[(2JΌI Q؁ ]%} z1Fx(JqF<ؾSe>bp{ );Oo*Y .Knp0z.QM-Ćf̽'ЀFPD1~2.yRut4$&.UܑU8ݨɧ,b.n7oػeB,T 2iŴ(Ovc,9x"-ֲF- =?$Tw`RD+#X0>4_Vys,0hI F?Jsfvæ_h>y4irV\PS AqtEk 牤Q[nw y;O'e(V{ M 2+yQ#džd3AԨ}Br S.<椙܃laB)c|wo9=$qX=az;vk>|0Gb ,җsun9ƬPdyRE%!&HZC`c@h22f/HCl$B@{tkGIelyJD@\c`svwSMt4_%۝9WDE8 csp n #stӘtɅbVJ{lDD4 d>N{y%N@ Bd1YØB ?ho>0MOPd;9q8YT Ba$w2H`4B*&Ѡ`*+? }Hr5"BYtW79ÙtG94HzJ@}/Y&/_9kɇ1(SG6\,Cn]Ax@2G#a<}iqt1>/h_J2i$sywz<0P ~1tt+cqY W0eJ8rsx=HFz[Ŗ+g)cIc}ͼ<vy?# d+âp:C%PԹ%8YGCP.DL>-{950b7N09LY ,Z<șLZ.vG͗go>mMDƺqktlA]hE?<%ZP펽>>T3ƙ2/[r922twF jvPZʓ^Bu<( 9^sU=k6b0??tEdSI.xٻ}å~τ|<[-فMA+o+sEFR1dP)G5@_VHs^pi0Xf~a3r.:6 N2 6s@*.-Ϸ/@z4hIa@JΉ4ԇK " w%Ɨ*졩8\&.sݶ~3m,AWy$x.bź"p0anNAPpMH}2ҙ+G˹|7ޏ0&Tf<!gWyxEj8-8 lXA%D|s .Kk$Cq#AJǀqjn1_81$^Ɠ\sIhdU&E4Px &.H `I mqf"JqqCJ[&3z. 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Doct:o*T Ǝ`~2% @Y* $LFV h%`E>Q9H")ȄGMa Nm(!{9e ЕG/`L@L` Ѐ.|$ Fn!bV"kAPQ 'E >`ph$G 8ԒTdHMXF[ދ$7P FF8aLg`&Q"% 38~Ў0g̡ E(Oz"j#bDoh, (f~LP#-28`5 x3FPl ,ڡHe=ZKr Rb =DEC0G|5*Ő0\ PU#x DSP(z#!A*U<./$ Pc0 ܪH8^H'x-gXHJ<$;f#42 (V A*%o"; -[DXI D]l CQȘ%R3Pa Tr!@@X2C@C7! Hj@L&BJ*T@d)X 4R"ܡXD&  l!'d쁴-h>@̀ 8)@CP8B" $BT="~O1S*OSodpnsEڏ;5AmLI|bz/ӷLWj΅7;Y,ׁp}>i=^ӕc6<_ep^'Auk=-t~Wa}9nKػy~?\;o]&O{zФg&>ePxVcmD?e[ 1I&Xt>@bDOp9VTG ŏUMeSpIg7r1O2͵gCJlsA \N$s Kp<`=B}ٸM#;([h {P "mh իlman:M%6A#q=~]M>[j?1 H Jr@aI 8 (}-gt ֑aܷ FFT |aOI9j:Gp]k⧓{wAe0[I0 @@'%(tt<я P(BʨRb^<R0@gFzQW7n+D-kU(_'x\+1*Vv޷Z2$3 JqC5%T, Apq+ʂ>Ҵ=9R#k>K_2u \(e˜~q>mdM&.hCz3oaZ! 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I passed the rest of the afternoon answering to my friends calls 'bout thy 'xam (that waz really good! thanx ya all!!) ...but the worst haz to come!! ED3& vening came. At 20.00 there was thy match Italy-Argentina, so we met to follow the event together... After 2 hours of suffering Argentina won (WHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!) at penalities (BITCH GENERATED THIEVES!). I was re aaaally down... I told my friends to go drink somethin' somewhere. We got the road back to Udine. We were just started when one of us (the most (and the only) stupid) went too fast to a curve, damaging his car. We had to take the car off the road with our handuFs under the shitty rain I said above. Shit. We carried the driver home and finally we went for an icecream (It was better not to drink after that event). Well the icecream was unbelievably bad, but also very expensive. Nice. Shit again. We left that place at 00.50 thinking that that forgettable day was finally over... I was going home with one of my friends when an highly drunken shitheaded driving a drunken car did not give me the right of way. ǞI tried not to crash into him, but the road was slippery (the above mentioned shitty rain)... NO. It was not possible. I was inkazzed over every human limit. I had to repair approximately my car & compile all the accident documents (till 02.00am...) saying things that could make a priest run away shocked. When I reached my bed I was so furious that I couldn't sleep till 03.40.What is the moral of all thiz?! WELL JUST FUCK OFF!! FUCK THE EXAM!! FUCK ARGENTINA!4! FUCK TUBU'!! FUCK THIZ FUCKIN'DRIVER!! FUCK THE UNIVERSE!!!What else can I say? I can only hope that you'll have a similar day... for the happiness of yar psychiatrist. Reflex of Zero Defects d, but also very expensive. Nice. Shit again. We left that place at 00.50 thinking that that forgettable day was finally over... I was going home with one of my friends when an highly drunken shitheaded driving a drunken car did not give me the right of way. z 54 original version other wise don't worry.. (-ed-) broken you AUTOGENE TRAINING that you do every day in front of the MIRROR telling: "I'M THE BEST ITALI AN CODER! I'M THE ONLY ONE! " But everyone can keep his opiniion and you can't change it by crying! But let's talk about you so called: LEADERSHIP in amiga coding. Your first production was a pack with two demos of yours and with some words in german...and now we ask to you...when have you learn to write in german if you aren't go sĪv1 ?>A^$d;OG}^a(m dX+a tla^ LJoew~x:\8 `o t6#1bDӱ.t=ӵx(0r? -ڥC|uXۦA6!HcQی S7!% vٰ|6<~;v=P`2:׏H{<)6c v+5<1[ Z1XJJ(q_ qjFB}V03&< &ctø{c!8!FU|spC V<=%y17uX .Fa89EvOCb|kF@aYp1 .bNΜðtذZ({;\>/z׶9&܉`""WB_ hڷVã C f^Zk9FkY,s,gAP {!2o\x2:#d@z&0GVcXv,d^,62a瑌m2Ѵُ:r hKDط_ ;_?Y<\;vs !V VA0pJqd_.Ln8>`~s往HOޢ`8pCz8.?^df03r!!T@0ՐI$BvOcc324Tf@C:(Haɕ   ek Ap@@byF *YafPT!H$ArewH kޜ lE ,pC%CHfdŕYztcO%6/Aq(@D0|0`N zChQ dx;`_8 *dŻCI%Ud*@0fXi??' D>D z"nedʀB@?!Qѡnk`!% <HBd $SA`"H)m0HwX4qp0sDA3-G m.SOKa,n|L^Ϧ'FH.`Υtu.u Nj$|2癴wOsp(k6]9->+ÊD|YQ<ώ0`<0` >ǀπf7 x `<``13vcِ0`Ꮐ?~c񏙐~ @? @a3ncq0p@?p `33f13  `   0@ ?`; 08| π?fߐ/~p8l f6 0p?o ~燆p%m ff0>?~<? f7~|@ cp?x`>?9`8a8a `  q8-g6c>}?7cǃp???qq@g6c~_?  h`p 8 @?p0`p 8O A gpӢv >A`6 dxt e#[+ 3~  ` 3f3<̓ x ?6l?< 3f̓0 0` `0` ??Ǐ?f̓00a ~0` 6l3 ?f̓0  ֏-'6l333~o17bٳ6l` ` .3>6oپ0` ` ``xx?>x00 ``  c`0000 Cx ` 0 `00   u / Phaze 101 P.S Our Friends are promised a reply but you will still have to contact Paranoid for my address if you do not have it. expensive Synth in the Casio range you can have all this in stereo with more than four channels. Those of you with Yamaha Synths will be able to only do this if you have more than one Synth and change the instruments/timbre`s by hand. When going into a music shop if you aCa( some gooood sunny days, I realized also that I had got a cold!! And so, after such a wonderful waking up, I merely went school... After some hours of tremendous, anxious, nervous, stressing waiting (with the only positive aspect of some comfortation from a nice girl who was waiting to see my exam, thanx Lea!). Ok, than I was called: the exam was quite bad, but funny for me... I talked about computer business instead of Geography & Italian! Well,   @> 9n|p `<0!3z t|?@? 8@cpL 1C@ ;|~=&x}P0q8@`<??~ >b0?$(>?D ?4@ ? 1 ?@D  @?H0!  @ 0  @1  L p @@!' $x@0<`l7͘<n0@ 0`@4l  ٰ<p  !d` <<0@`# r\6 ` 08 `$7 `?1$#`$  H?sfo>~|7癞f|fo3~0ٿ<ߟ3fl n30͘`6 ߌv3fl;f1ٳ`6n03$>`y7ߌ~3$?f0߳xo`3<l6̀` 6 ٌn0`3<l7f0 ٳ`6m`o3>yٞf|0`o3H`>G @8 0`SGaCɎyes9 T* \)f`' > ~>8Xp?&0@|><',A8> '&<8 D<< ,= gx<|>::  bn< _ 6<>Y|?~@ ||?0?}p8D@8? ?>>\?1?`>8x>_?p?@>>W6Ppy@0骪2?   p ` ȩ,8p<q <8|3~|7 <>|>?`016 |< `| xx17 g ` 16 ?@bcჁ ~`>1 (@bqÇ1 ($1f 3~!8(D@ 3f `̀?(@`|'3$ x?)@  `?3< `?* =||xٳ~?*@_*0?*@0?2@8x|<P?? ? @ ? @8` ? O@<" @`08"<x&" @# #8" @!  y>  #p @>70  ? ` B "@1`8@  C4?X1 ` B?&ې8q&# C4?l& 8.8 @bO?! yp0 ! @"4<x p  m D.M.C.S. can send a clock signal to keep the Drum Machine in time with the music as well as runing up to sixteen seprate synths each playing eight notes. If you have a more expensive Synth in the Casio range you can have all this in stereo with more than four channels. Those of you with Yamaha Synths will be able to only do this if you have more than one Synth and change the instruments/timbre`s by hand. When going into a music shop if you a ׸*sk about any of the things I have been talking about do not be supprised if thay know nothing about it after all how many computer shops realy know anything about what thay sell. If you realy must write to me and ask something you will have to write to Paranoid and ask then maybe I will write to you but rember I like you have other things to do beside write letters so please let it be for a good reasion or you may not get a reply. Ye Old WizardJ2KJ}qϻ﻾āĤ ę*F0  DC  G > DLBs4Ē$@"$Dyw8@w}9:M,N*O(P&Q`G \٘ \RQ@\fxmx1 $H$Q $EE$P R@ $F$ 4A $@ $A$ ,A8 $I$ $A $$@QRE tu passi 10 ore al giorno sul tuo computer per ottenere solo questo ? E poi osi sputare veleno su tutti ? La mia risposta e' una sola: BAH ! E pensare che in uno slancio di estrema generosita' ti avevo perfi no proposto di entrare a far parte del nostro gruppo....... Ringraziamo solennemente DIO e la tua immensa megalomania per aver risposto di no !!!!!!!! Ma, a parte questa lunga parentesi sui misteri del lato buio della psiche di alcuni pseudoappartenenti a pieno titolo al genegAre umano, vorrei ora parlare un po' della situazione italiana, ma vista sotto un'ottica completamente diversa rispetto a tutti gli altri. E voglio cominciare subito con una frase: " VIVA L'ITALIA !!! ". Sia ben chiaro che non sono un fervente patriota o un fanatico Mazziniano dell'ultima ora,ma scri vo questa frase tanto per dare un' idea del mio punto di vista dal quale voglio affrontare questo argomento. ITALIA = TERRA DI NESSUNO IN OTTICA COMPUTERISTICA ED AMIGHIANA, e' una equ }azione "CAZZONICA" perche' non corrisponde assolutamente a verita' Si', ci saranno pure gli storici GRANDI LAMERS, come T-MARK1 ( che poi, per chi non lo sapesse ancora, anche lui deve i suoi natali alla focosa e brulla terra di SARDEGNA.) e MAKSOFT di ROMA,ci saranno pure i cultori del BUSINESS,che pagano per fregiarsi di nomi illustri, come i vari QUARTEX ITALY, ORACLE ITALY, PARANOIMIA ITALY, ecc., ci saranno pure quelli che si "fregano" tutte o parti delle demos altrui (..." ma ^_"chi e' senza peccato, scagli la prima pietra ", VANGELO secondo MATTEO 11/4, caro TERMINATOR... ), e cosi' via.... E allora ??? E tutti gli altri ??? Quelli che se ne fregano di fare parte di un gruppo o di vendersi i programmi o di fregarsi un pezzo di demo fatta da altri, dove vogliamo metterli ?? Questa massa silenziosa e semi-sconosciuta, ma capace e valida, non conta proprio nulla ??? Io credo sinceramente che invece conti parecchio, anche se non fa proclami o spiega vessilli e{` gran pavesi al vento. Queste persone si trovano dappertutto, in ogni citta' d'Italia. Io, solo a ROMA, ne conosco almeno 40,e non conosco poi questa grande enormita' di persone. Per cui e' da stupidi dipingerci, e da noi stessi oltretutto, come un popolo di ZOMBI incollati con occhio vitreo davanti ad uno stupido videogame e basta, come un popolo solo di LAMERS, come un popolo solo di LOOSERS e cosi' via. Ma voglio dire di piu': Anche chi fa parte di alcuni gruppi, per lo piu' sra puttanati e vilipesi da molti altri,perche' si rubano perte di demos altrui e cosi via, anche questi non sono da buttare del tutto nel secchio della spazzatura, come invece tutti per lo piu' ponti ficano. PERCHE' ???? Ma perche', in mezzo al ciarpame che di solito tirano fuori, alcune volte producono anche qualcosa di originale, e,anche solo per questo poco, sono, secondo me, da assolvere in parte. E poi, in fondo, diciamocelo chiaro e tondo: Ma e' mai possibile che un popolo com e il nostro, che ha sempre segnato in modo decisivo e positivo lo svolgersi e il crescere del progresso umano, sia ora improvvisamente diventato una congrega di fottute seghe ????????? CERTO CHE NO !!!!!!!! E questo nonostante tutte quelle " CORNACCHIE " che " PONTIFICANO " continuamente ( e che continueranno a pontificare ) sul " LAMERAGGIO ITALIANO ", non rendendosi conto che i primi LAMERS sono in fondo proprio loro ........... FIRMATO: FRANZ of I.B.B. PS: Se qualcuno vuole xisure that we arent disk stealers and of course the routine that our coder use in our intros and demos are selfmade, Terminator doesn't need to steal any routine.(Perhaps I.B.B. coders need it, but I can't say anything about! Also becoz I'm not a coder) However, to prove that we havent steal any routine,on this issue you can find our FILLED VECS routine explained personally by TERMINATOR. Now a message to FRANZ/I.B.B.: First of all I'm not the little slave of TER tTMINATOR, we are just good friends each other, we are not like you that say LAMER to other members of your crew! Second, I heard from my friend PARANOID that you said I am an ignorant in ENGLISH... Well, by reading your articles on Bad Tongue I have realised that if there is someone who doesn't know a line of English that one is you!!There are a lot of mistakes and irregular construction s so you should better go to an ENGLISH SCHOtdOL and try to learn how much you can... I suggest sincerely you to do it. Well now I don't want to speak about your demos and graphix so bye and... STAY COOL! N)Have you already started studying maths for the repair-exams? YEAH! I)No,I will start the next month... OK bye... and see ya at the SAVAGE/ ABAKUS party in Italy. (If there will be a party!). ined personally by TERMINATOR. Now a message to FRANZ/I.B.B.: First of all I'm not the little slave of TERtLsio Synth you will need D.M.C.S. no I am not jokeing Deluxe Music Construction Set is a real Lame looking program but still will do things not possable with any other software on the Amiga, Musicians! tell me how to do Quintuplets in tracker? for example. This is something I have been working on how to solve problems with tracker like Triplets and Quintuplets I have some of the answers and if you like I might tell you some of the answers in another issue of Funzine. |LmONTACTS!! SEND DISX TO: - - ROBERTO MANUNTA - VIA ZUCCA, 5 - - 07100 SASSARI - ITALY - - TEL. ++39-79-276206 - ------------------------------------ -ALWAYS REMEMBER NO DISX NO ANSWER!- - AND... NO LAMERS PLEASE!!!!!!!!! - ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Swapping with ARMADA write to: COOK LADDERSTA S-198 00 BALSTA SWEDEN --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Swapping wit^h TRIAD write to: COOK LADDERSTA S-198 00 BALSTA SWEDEN and I'll get the letters to the TRIAD swappers --------------------------------- --------------------------------- NEWS: TRIAD is coming soon on AMIGA after one year of holidays. --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - AHYEAH! WE COOOOOOOOOL! AHYEAH! - ----------------------------------- - SINCE WE ARE THE BEST ITALIAN - - CREW FOR EVERYTHING WE DO - - WE DON'T NEED TOS7Y HAVE LAME - - SECTIONS AROUND THE WORLD... - - WE ARE SELF-SUFFICIENT! - ----------------------------------- - ITALIAN BRAINLESS BOYS SHOULD - - REMEMBER THIS FOR THE FUTURE! - ----------------------------------- -A ZERO DEFECTS PRODUCTION IN 1990- ----------------------------------- WANNA TRADE STUFF WITH A COOL DUDE? IF SO WRITE TO ROCKET/HYPNOSIS: LARS C. ORMESBERGA S. 34036 MOHEDA SWEDEN ...AND REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE A DISC FOR ANSWER! NO LAMERS!!3!!!!!!!!!!!!! T W I L I G H T ------------------------ FOR SWAPPING WRITE TO: P.O. BOX 2242 5500 BE VELDHOVEN HOLLAND DISX = ANSWER ----------------------- ----------------------------------- DREAMS OF POWER For swapping or membership write to DOP VIA FORO BOARIO 3 48022 LUGO RAVENNA ITALY ----------------------------------- THE BEST ITALIAN - - CREW FOR EVERYTHING WE DO - - WE DON'T NEED TO  r+a long time... eg. I.B.B. E)Do you like paper mags? I mean sport, music, comic mags. I)Of course I like paper mags,I buy some comic mags like...TOTEM, AAC and COMIC ART. And some mags for skaters like SKATE AND SNOWBOARD + THRASHER USA. I don't buy COMPUTER mags. Why?! Coz in Italy they taste shit! F)What kind of music do you listen? And Films? I)I listen to Thrash Metal... but I prefer AMIGA MUSIC, by the way..I think that the music from Mental Hangover (Uncle To  Wm) is great,I don't understand why many mag eds consider it as shit! Why?... Films? Well I don't like shitty westerns and classics.. P.VILLAGGIO is the real number one! G)What do you usually eat for breakfast? I)I dont eat anything for breakfast H)Imagine that you are forced to live for 1 year on a desert island What do you carry with you? I)I carry with me GIRLS, COKE,and AMIGA of course,also if there is no electricity on the island! I)Which country ha es the most beautiful girls? I)California has got the most beautiful girls, by the way I think that Californian girls are all bitches! L)And the most friendly swapper? I)PARANOID of PHAZE 101 of course! M)Ok just stop here...have you got something to add? I)Yes I have something to add... I have just read the new issue of Bad Tongue... Well I like to advise all our contacts and fans around d world that what I.B.B. is saying about us is just bullshit.. you can be   Alo. Gia' te lo dissi per telefono e te lo riscrivo ora qui sopra: passare dalle 8 alle 10 ore al giorno, tut ti i giorni o quasi a cercare di programmare sul computer, danneg gia sicuramente i circuiti cerebra li e tu ne sei l'esempio piu' ecla tante. Mi risulta poi che alla base del tuo profondo odio e livore nei nostri confronti ci sia una mia affermazione circa il fatto che, secondo me, i 2 migliori CODERS UNDERGROUND ITALIANI dell'Amiga si trovano nel nostro gruppo. Forse, dice B^Mndo cosi', ho incrinato il tuo TRAINING AUTOGENO che fai per circa 3 ore al giorno davanti allo specchio, dicendoti " IL PIU' BRAVO PROGRAMMATORE ITALIANO SONO IO E SOLO IO !! ". Me ne dispiaccio molto di averti contrariato cosi' profondamente, ma come ben sai, ognuno di noi e' padrone delle proprie opinioni e non basta battere i piedi in terra, come un bambino moccioso e viziato, per far cambiare idea agli altri e costringerli a fare e dire quello che vuoi tu... Ma parliamo pure di A.N questa tua indiscussa ( secondo te...) LEADERSHIP nella programmazione sull'Amiga. Uno dei tuoi primi prodotti fu una collezione di 2 "vostre" demo, da noi esaminate a suo tempo. Bene, all'interno di queste demos ci sono, chiaramente visibili, alcune scitte in lingua tedesca. Ora tutti noi all'unisono ci chiediamo:" Ma da quando sai scrivere in TEDESCO, visto che non riesci nemmeno a scrivere bene in INGLESE ?????".... O forse all'epoca in questione, preso da un raptus "LAMERISTICOъ", ti sei bassamente fregato qualche succosa routines di qualche gruppo tedesco ?????. E, venendo alla tua ultima fatica, cioe' la tua demo vettoriale solida con effetto di zoom, bene, abbiamo esaminato anche questa, e tutta la la tua fatica si riduce a 3 routine ( nemmeno tanto originali poi,visto che si trovano su alcune riviste tedesche di 3 o 4 anni fa....), che praticamente usano tutti e che fanno tutto da sole. E questo secondo te significa essere un bravo programmatore ????  VIP cards!!!! So our coders went down and fixed VIP cards, and we went up to the 4th (elite's floor only!) floor of the school. There was two other groups in the room and it was: Classic and Triumph. Ok, so we took up our things and started work- ing on our vectorballdemo right away.... I and Trinty was running through the school to search for friends of us. We meet the cool guys in Dual crew and H2O and talked a lot. It was not so much hot, cool stuff around, but i meet some of my contacts so i cop- ied that i didn't have already (not so much). Some big groups where there: Scoopex, Defjam, Silents, Red sector, VF, Trilogy and so on. The demo compo should be at 5:30 pm on sunday the 15th. But our demo wasn't finished!!!!! so a half an hour later we gave our (still unfinished) demo to Horizon and the rest. The competion started around 6:30. The demos should be seen 3 minutes each by all the people at the party in a large room called 'aula' here in swede}n. The 20th demo was made by us (Hypnosis) and when our 'Dildo man' appeard on the screens of the TV:s we heard a 'ooohhh' and lots of laugh!!!! When the voting started. The groups leaved thier vote-papers to the arrangers! Then they started to count..... The prices where: a 14400 baud modem, 20mb harddisk and a external drive! Then the results came: 3rd place...Dual crew 2nd place...Fairlight and 1st place...Scoopex Finland! ...and we (HYPNOSIS) came on the 4th place (3due to the demo wasn't finished, but i thougt our demo was much better than Dual crew's and Fairlight's anyway!!!) So the results: 1st....Scoopex finland 2nd....Fairlight 3rd....Dual crew 4th....Hypnosis 5th....Silents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We will release the full (and finished) version of our vectorballdemo on week 17, so have your eyes open for it..... Signed: ROCKET OF HYPNOSIS..... ' here in swede5fhm 1/4 W R3 = 10 Kohm 1/4 W C1 = 1 microF poliestere To test it load your favourite Shoot'em up and play it! O.K. that's all falks. BYE BYE .... signed: DREAMS OF POWER  Rtextp m= - VIA VESCOVADO 39 - - 35100 PADOVA - - ITALY - -------------------------------- - GIULIANO GALEA - - VIA ZENSON DI PIAVE 2/B - - 31100 TREVISO - - ITALY - -------------------------------- TAXON For swapping new stuff contact us at: PLK 118107 C 70100 HEILBRONN (WEST) GERMANY PROLOGIC To swap with STRIDER of PROLOGIC write to:  O 11 MANOR FARM CLOSE SELSEY CHICHESTER WEST SUSSEX PO20 OLZ ENGLAND ------------------------------------ - FOR FRIENDSHIP AND ELITE TRADING - ------------------------------------ - CINEFEX DESIGN - - TUNVEGEN 1B - - 2600 LILLEHAMMER - - NORWAY - ------------------------------------ - NO DISX NO ANSWER! - ----------------Q-------------------- ----------------------------------- - Z E R O D E F E C T S - ----------------------------------- - SWAPPING IS NOT A PROBLEM!! - - - - SEND DISX TO: (?) :OT XSID DNES - ----------------------------------- * CHRIS NUVOLI - VIA CARBONAZZI 3 * * 07100 SASSARI - ITALY * - OR TO: (??!!??) :OT RO - * CANDIDO DESSANTI - VIA S. DAU 9 * * 07100 SASSARI - ITALY * -------------------------------yKpeacker is like the ones of watches. Components: R1 = 10 Kohm R2 = 10 Kohm R3 = 10 Kohm R4 = 470 Kohm R5 = 1 Kohm C1 = 470 nF U1 = CD4001 P1 = Switch usually opened LD1 = LED BZ = loudspeacker To test this hard interface enter in CLI and type INSTALL DF0:. If it works you'll see the LED indicating you that someone is writing on track zero by lighting and the loudspeacker will buzz. We wish it will be usefull for you and if you got some problems, please contact)N l us. signed: DREAMS OF POWER ///////////// AMIGA VIRUS DETECTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////// The problem of viruses is finally resolved: a simply interface finds any writing suspicious disk access. This project warns users about any access to zero disk track by switching on a led and a small loudspeacker. To find used components used is very simple and cheep. Resistances are all 1/4 watt, switch is usually opened and the small loudsTz---- - LETTERS WITHOUT DISX WILL BURN! - ----------------------------------- - P.S. .S.P P.S. .S.P P.S. .S.P - - - -WE ARE SEARCHIN FOR WELL TALENTED- - MUSICIANS SO IF YOU THINK TO BE - - THE RIGHT ONE THEN SEND US YOUR - - TRACKS!!! - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - DOOM ITALIAN DEPARTMENT - ------------------------------------ - THE ITALIAN LEADING CREW SEEKS 4 - - HOT CF G60[ 6s< 3HcLC]H(*! I I hʀH! I I X x!q IH%H! I I >9< 3I4 IJ6way to know what happens in the scene. My top 3 list is... 1st: ZINE 2nd: D.I.S.C. 3rd: C. J. I dont know what is missing in mags Perhaps articles? (HEHE! joke!) C)Do you prefer cracking/training or demo groups?why? I)I prefer demo groups. Why? Only because I hate games...they are all equals! Some times there are improvements... but, who cares? D)A moral question... How do you consider those guys who use cartridges (Action Replay) to make trainers, cracks,  $xrips? Dont you think it can be considered ok if those people do it very professionally and don't stop their function to the only pression of a button? I)I consider that guyz like lamers who have finally their chance to do something! But they can't do anything without cartridges (their instruments of pleasure!) I can accept them only if they are at the beginning (the lame days!) But I can't accept it from other crews that are in the scene since " 6gKefrens, The pride, Gonzo and the other lads in Flash Production, Static bytes, Kaktus & Mahoney plus lots of others. Some guys played Romeo Knight tunes from 2 mighty speakers. A couple of tunes made by our musicians where also played. They got good credits for them! Well, the party was quite nice and well arranged by the groups who hold it. The main attraction was the demo compo and the result fell like this: 1...Budbrain (With thier megademo -a quite cool one, but no hard co#`eding) 2...Crionics (Also a megademo! -nice filled vector and 'Madonna movie') 3...Silents (Made by the Swedish division. A few parts in onepart demo) 4...Flash prod. (Yet again a megademo. Some nice parts but no news really) 5...Upfront (Sorry i don't remember this one) Ok, so we didn't release anything at this party because lack of time, but we have some good 'n nice products under development. Stay tuned!!!!!!!! We leaved Glostrup at 17.00 sunday the 1st july. We had s$۽till problems to find the right way back to the ferry place so we had yet again to ask some people. We got some help from some nice girlies who sold glass and Hambugers!....but too late!! WE CAME 2 MINUTES (I REPEAT: 2 MINUTES) TOO LATE FOR THE FERRY! just guess if we where totally pissed off. Anyway a message to everyone in Sweden who would like to go to Denmark. Don't take SCARLETT LINES FERRIES!. Ok, so we had to go to Helsingor for coming over to Sweden and that was quite ex~pensive! anyway, we had a good time so the trip was well worth it ! Catch ya' later! signed: Rocket of Hypnosis . A few parts in onepart demo) 4...Flash prod. (Yet again a megademo. Some nice parts but no news really) 5...Upfront (Sorry i don't remember this one) Ok, so we didn't release anything at this party because lack of time, but we have some good 'n nice products under development. Stay tuned!!!!!!!! We leaved Glostrup at 17.00 sunday the 1st july. We had s!lself! after 2 (two) hours we got to Glostrup (Can you imagine! We had drove around in Copen- hagen city in over 1 hour to find the way!!!! I suggest more SIGNS!!!!!!!! Anyway, we paid the entrance and went into the big hall. We got a table next to Silents. The first thing to happen was that Jesper Kyd asked me about to borrow HOLE my diskbox to check my stuff. We met lots of cool guys at the party like: Eddie, Animal, Utophia, Goofy and a few more in Silents, Seen + some more in ;' <( =)} o30>π<0"I IIHBIIpHBI I@ H>*EBI I I H33083<0?+@,)`mu}! At least some of them in our town Yeah they are!!! ZD: THE BETTER WAY TO BE FAMOUS... PMC: A better way to be famous: 10 beauty girls and one Amiga 3000 and some 500 with 3 big BBSes. ZD: IF YOU COULD KILL FREELY, WHO ARE YOUR TARGETS (IN ANY FIELD) PMC: I don't know because I have no targets! ZD: IF YOU FIND THE AMIGA OF ALADIN AND GIVE YOU THREE DESIRES WHAT DO YOU ASK HIM...? PMC: I'll ask him for 1000 million dollars, because then I coul} dkN'd buy everything!!! ZD: AS LAST QUESTION, MAKE YOURSELF ONE AND ANSWER IT. PMC: Ok Flush, what's your last word? PMC: I'll give you my address for swapping. FLUSH of PURE METAL CODERS GAMLE POSTVEI 30 4300 SANDNES NORWAY Only demo groups will get answer!!! ZD: THANX FLUSH FOR YOUR AVAILABILITY. of them! - Part of Female:CENSORED/CENSORED of course! ZD: WHAT ABOUT GIRLS IN NORWAY ? PMC: Girls in Norway, they are BEAUTY @m - VIA VESCOVADO 39 - - 35100 PADOVA - - ITALY - -------------------------------- - GIULIANO GALEA - - VIA ZENSON DI PIAVE 2/B - - 31100 TREVISO - - ITALY - -------------------------------- TAXON For swapping new stuff contact us at: PLK 118107 C 70100 HEILBRONN (WEST) GERMANY PROLOGIC To swap with STRIDER of PROLOGIC write to:  AOa 11 MANOR FARM CLOSE SELSEY CHICHESTER WEST SUSSEX PO20 OLZ ENGLAND ------------------------------------ - FOR FRIENDSHIP AND ELITE TRADING - ------------------------------------ - CINEFEX DESIGN - - TUNVEGEN 1B - - 2600 LILLEHAMMER - - NORWAY - ------------------------------------ - NO DISX NO ANSWER! - ----------------Bt&-------------------- ----------------------------------- - Z E R O D E F E C T S - ----------------------------------- - SWAPPING IS NOT A PROBLEM!! - - - - SEND DISX TO: (?) :OT XSID DNES - ----------------------------------- * CHRIS NUVOLI - VIA CARBONAZZI 3 * * 07100 SASSARI - ITALY * - OR TO: (??!!??) :OT RO - * CANDIDO DESSANTI - VIA S. DAU 9 * * 07100 SASSARI - ITALY * ----------------------------------Ci- - LETTERS WITHOUT DISX WILL BURN! - ----------------------------------- - P.S. .S.P P.S. .S.P P.S. .S.P - - - -WE ARE SEARCHIN FOR WELL TALENTED- - MUSICIANS SO IF YOU THINK TO BE - - THE RIGHT ONE THEN SEND US YOUR - - TRACKS!!! - ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - DOOM ITALIAN DEPARTMENT - ------------------------------------ - THE ITALIAN LEADING CREW SEEKS 4 - - HOT CDEOONTACTS!! SEND DISX TO: - - ROBERTO MANUNTA - VIA ZUCCA, 5 - - 07100 SASSARI - ITALY - - TEL. ++39-79-276206 - ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Swapping with ARMADA write to: COOK LADDERSTA S-198 00 BALSTA SWEDEN --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Swapping with TRIAD write to: COOK LADDERSTA S-198 00 BALSTA SWEDEN and I'll get the letters to the TRIAD swappers ----EVUw----------------------------- --------------------------------- NEWS: TRIAD is coming soon on AMIGA after one year of holidays. --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - AHYEAH! WE COOOOOOOOOL! AHYEAH! - ----------------------------------- - SINCE WE ARE THE BEST ITALIAN - - CREW FOR EVERYTHING WE DO - - WE DON'T NEED TO HAVE LAME - - SECTIONS AROUND THE WORLD... - - WE ARE SELF-SUFFICIENT! - --------------------------------FQ:G--- - ITALIAN BRAINLESS BOYS SHOULD - - REMEMBER THIS FOR THE FUTURE! - ----------------------------------- -A ZERO DEFECTS PRODUCTION IN 1990- ----------------------------------- WANNA TRADE STUFF WITH A COOL DUDE? IF SO WRITE TO ROCKET/HYPNOSIS: LARS C. ORMESBERGA S. 34036 MOHEDA SWEDEN ...AND REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE A DISC FOR ANSWER! NO LAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T W I L I G H T ------------------------ FOR SWAPPING WRITE TO: P.O. BOX 2242 5500 BE VELDHOVEN HOLLANvD DISX = ANSWER ----------------------- ----------------------------------- DREAMS OF POWER For swapping or membership write to DOP VIA FORO BOARIO 3 48022 LUGO RAVENNA ITALY ----------------------------------- CE WE ARE THE BEST ITALIAN - - CREW FOR EVERYTHING WE DO - - WE DON'T NEED TO HAVE LAME - - SECTIONS AROUND THE WORLD... - - WE ARE SELF-SUFFICIENT! - --------------------------------/H0I`@``0@ 1J@   @0@  0@ `@0@``@2K@ 83`>-I H@ H3L*Ip@ h*I`@@ X(I HHH̀3 >3 46}NWNorway is a country with lots of group.Very many good groups and of course some fucking lamers going around I think Crusaders and Cryptoburners are some of the best group in Norway.But, PMC is coming up!!! ZD: SOME WORD ABOUT YOU (AGE - HOBBIES ETC.) PMC: I sit with my Amiga almost every hours, but sometimes I am playing football. ZD: HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND ON AMIGA EVERY DAY? PMC:I sit with my beauty computer 6-7 hours every day and more if my eyes works}OW+ longer.(Just Kidding) ZD: WHAT ABOUT PARTIES? PMC: I have not been in so many parties so I dont know what to tell you about it. Maybe PMC and some other cool group here will arrange a party in Norway. (Who Knows???) ZD: AND ABOUT LAMERS ? PMC: Hehh...Where should we get disks if lamers not exist!!!! Keep sending because I need some. ZD: DEMO-M.D-GROUP-CODER-MUSICIAN-GFXER PMC: The best demo groups: Red Sector, Scoopex, Flash Production Best Magazines}P&: Cracker Journal, Zine and of course FunZine!!! Best Groups: Vision Factory, Paranoimia, Quartex. ZD: HOW IS COMPOSED YOUR HARDWARE? PMC:Amiga 500, 3 xtra drives, xtra memory, monitor, panasonic kx-p1081 printer and lots of disks, I think that's enough!!!! ZD: YOUR NAME, WHEN AND HOW IS BORN? PMC: I was walking in a town and suddently a dog came to me and he took his foot up and pssssss on me and I began to FLUSH!!!! (just a joke guys!! But now I'm FLUS}Q%bH!!!) ZD: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE EURO SCENE AND THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY. PMC: I think it's hard because everyone want to be the best! Then it becames lot's of war around in the groups. It's not so many wars in Norway, because we are friendly...not lamers!!! ZD: WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACT IN ITALY ? (JOKE!) PMC: The best group in ITALY... let my see.... I think it must be I.B.B.... NO!!!! I'm just kidding with you!!!! Of course it's ZERO DEFECTS. (With }<#this answer you'll give me some problem n.d.Xenio). ZD: COULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR AVERAGE DAY (LONG REPLY PLEASE!) PMC: Ok. here we go! "First I brush my tooth and fix my hair,when it's done I go down and pick up all my letters (3 hours after) I eat something and continue on my computer. Four o'clock I play Football and after that shit I'm home and sit with my dear computer!!! That's it I think..... ZD: DO YOU LIKE HEAVY METAL OR WHAT KIND OF MU$S%T&U'V7 \(Wk0V٘ \@\fxmx1 $H$Q $EE$P R@ $F$ 4A $@ $A$ ,A8 $I$ $A $$@)XG`Ɏyes9 *Y+ZP%ǻ,I(Y2 K,[l˲J  BIG݀-\.G^_`|e 0`@@@`0 ``a5`` ~`0` ``0 f``btk@@f`@ ` > 6s< 3ccLCBH(*! I I hʀH! I I X x!q IH%H! I I >9< 3d e!fJ}qϻ﻾āĤ ę*F0  DC  G > D"gBs3Ē$@"$Dyw8@w}9:#Rijklmn} o30>π<0"I IIHBIIpHBI I@ HoEBI I I H33083<0pq)E-I H@ zG H*Ip@ h*I`@@ X(I HHH̀3 >3  { | }q@dIIA&LIATAPAHqTqPAHAtA0AI$I0DI$I hɅ8GKLMNOs5~8<~<PjfcST<slJ  BIG݀ABCDEFWne? COOK: I like the layout and the ni- ce stuff in it. FUNZINE: Which is the best group in the scene? COOK: DEFJAM! (what a short interview! -ed-) 3d R AntiRam.IFFrGHIJ~6789:;<=>?@+,-./012345 ~m0qÀ8`pϟ ` p`x~x0  ?  !-l?0 pp p|` `x``0`08 00p"p00lpf0`pw0<8# H< 0p``πp`<$8+`nǀ`>y``l8p|%\c`0 p` |``  ax `a<0 ` a0? `>|8|x?q ?À  q1p`10 0(^Sp101x1!01 1000 1000oa)7``*5R p   `0 p  r(?88s008x`ppÀ<<<s 8hG2 ?9p0~p8><0D: s`0g `p8?v8Ç?` +?00??0WU0`p`  8Ɂ@ 800c >`` c8`` 8p`<`E&w<~^> x9>0` |0<< `0 0000 0888 `|o?p0 0 00p?`08}?|p0    c?? 3 c?? c> c?xxx?x{ rn c;88; 8? g9899  ` 0 6 ` 0?0` ` ax` c8 ) 0` c9 ?` `9 `s` ` `` `x 0=` ` `0` a? 8g` ` ` ?  6p`   6 `   >`0   8p0 8 880 Ș 0 pxp0 p``` ` 0 `p` c< a `0`8 ?8c1 `0` `a`8q 00`  `a 8ɛM38 `0`< ~`8 p00x8  8800f ? <? ?1 8 `  ? ` pʨ p9||q 0<8 0a c70  1a p a>  a`s 0a < 8aa  0cs` yx0 00 p p0`  <8ṵ9&(300pc!40(d4q4AbK1H}=Ӳ!`F8yxń? X":WqAv%."$1GCH&y# lyBy|FXtDpަ>d#{,.a:c8s$.gxW'59 z zod nor in english!? Maybe you ripped some routine from others!? And now to your vector demo... we have seen it...and all your work is reduced to 2/3 simple standard routines...(that you can find on a german magazine of 3/4 years ago) And this means to be a good coder? You spend 10 hours per day to get only this? And i, in a moment of extreme gene- rosity, asked you to join us! I greet GOD that you said NO! Sorry but i'm too tired to translate more! Just learn italian to read the5so, ma che prova un particolare piacere a gettarla in faccia al genere italiano in particolare. Ho letto inorridito una sequela di abominevoli calunnie ai danni di questo o quel gruppo italiano, con maggior o minor fondamento di verita', e patetico risulta anche lo sforzo di alcuni di questi figuri di scrivere questi articoli in lingua inglese ( e che inglese!! Sicuramente nemmeno lo "SLANG" dei portoricani di NEW YORK contiene tanti errori e strafalcioni....). Costoro scrivono qu7legli articoli in questa pseudo-lingua inglese coll'intento di rendersi belli e interessanti agli occhi del resto del mondo ( al quale, detto per inciso, non frega un bel niente di queste patetiche lotte di famiglia fra piccoli ducetti italiani che salgono in cattedra e pontificano contro tutti e tutto). Per questi motivi ho voluto scrivere questo articolo e proprio in lingua italiana, non perche' non sappia scrivere in inglese, anzi so farlo abbastanza bene e sicuramente molto mҷ}eglio di quei pontificatori di cui ho scritto prima, ma proprio per essere capito senza alcun possibile equivoco. 'E ORA DI FINIRLA DI PARLARE MALE DELL'ITALIA E DEGLI ITALIANI !!! In particolare, anche se e' da un po' di tempo che pensavo di dover scrivere questo articolo, la molla finale ( e cioe' la classica goccia che ha fatto traboccare il vaso ) e' stato l'ennesimo articolo sulla situazione italiana scritto da due loschi figuri rispondenti ai nomi d'arte (!) di TERMINATOR ed ELECTRO del gruppo sardo degli ZERO DEFECTS ( ma sarebbe stato piu' esatto se si fossero chiamati MILLE DEFECTS!), pubblicato su FUNZINE n.2, dove,con mio sommo stupore , lessi che, in questo ennesimo zibaldone di accuse e calunnie velenose in cui si tradu ce l'articolo suddetto(uno dei piu' violenti apparsi su di un giornale elettronico ), veniva tirato in ballo addirittura il nostro gruppo, gli ITALIAN BAD BOYS, tacciati di incapacita' nella programmazione e accusati di creare pԐgroduzioni cosi' dette " merdose ". Anche se gira da tempo la voce di un certo mio caratteraccio, dovuta agli strombazzamenti calunniosi del caro, inneffabile "LAMERONE MAKSOFT chi mi conosce bene sa che sono un classico "bonaccione",sempre pronto al dialogo,all'amicizia e a dare un aiuto o un consiglio che spesso mi viene richiesto telefonicamente da persone che non ho mai visto ne' conosciuto di persona. Il lato oscuro, ma secondo me non troppo, del mio carattere e' che se una persHOona ,alla quale ho dato la mia amicizia, si rivela poi un falso amico e mi pugnala alle spal le io divento la classica vipera e non ho piu' alcuna pieta'. Premetto innanzitutto che non ho mai avuto alcun genere di prevenzio ne contro gli Zero Defects,anzi uno di loro,e cioe' SANDRO,e' e resta per me un amico,tant'e' vero che qu ando ultimamente venne a ROMA, lo volli con piacere a pranzo a casa mia. Anche con l'ineffabile TERMINATOR ho avuto numerose conversazioni telefoniche,doUQsve,fra le altre cose, mi prodigai, in perfetta amicizia, nel dargli consigli utili e prezio si per ottenere piu' e migliori con tatti all'estero. MA QUALE DIFFERENZA DI RISULTATI !! Si, perche' Terminator,ossessionato dall'idea di divenire (o di essere) il piu' bravo programmatore italia no prima,e il piu' bravo del mondo in un futuro molto prossimo ( alla faccia dell'umilta'!! ), mi faceva tutte quelle telefonate col subdolo scopo di riuscire a trovare qualche crepa nel nostro gruuu /HYͥ03+9J 5&;\84 2Q õ=W/,2 Yh8-)15'g%F'!0W@Ǻ 7P2 #)ھ;P *9 0O>%UQ::#["+' AQ%/>+ $ NN=' - #(⠸ ,3  # .TI 4[>w*4('5  KlDE"4/ Ʃ:;txAAW2(# *  -B+BfL## u`%ߨ 6A :.% !;$ #5,    3$ S9,]8 4=  */-% -/))$!. ݶ- Rfɷs+.ɽ-;    = $+/̰&mV թ!@* .L)<>< 1/ᯍ"6ȹ&"%,'+E',!_ ̵8C"    o6JEʹH.}2?-(5  %  <"A+> u ޯ4% ()% *)9@ # (7! ʵ~ᯂ48"  '( _':*}'4, _H  " ,   僿 +@-.&1:() +m^/?: ?o G92JOo 0 '   ,0 .7 5& 99 ͽ61cz' q "  #,*9m'6,$0$u?$J * Ӟ !3+"=%K,1  !" 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The REAL italian scene... Hello boys, the guy behind this article is: FRANZ of ITALIAN BAD BOYS. In the latest times i've seen a lot of mean articles, all of them with the same title "The italian scene" (or things like that) and almost all of them infamously. It seems that there is a lot of people which like to throw shit against the whole universe but they especially like to throw it in face of the italians. I've read (horrifi ed) a long serie of abominz|able libe ls against this or that italian gro up, with more or less truth, and it seems really patetic the will of this people to write their articles in ENGLISH (and what english...for sure neither the SLANG of the NEW YORK portoricans is full of so much errors...). These guys writes their articles in this pseudo-english trying to get a good image to the eyes of the rest of the world (to whom the patetic actions of these italian duxes don' t care at all!). For this reasons i decidedzpݪ_ to write this article in italian,not because i'm not able to write in english, instead i can do it well enough and surely better than those guys (... hummm... -ed-), but just to be understood without problems. IT'S TIME TO STOP TELLING BULLSHITS AGAINST ITALY AND ITALIAN PEOPLE! (...yeah!...)The reason to write this article is to answer to two guys called TERMINATOR and IRAX of ZERO DEFECTS (but it should be bet ter to call them THOUSAND DEFECTS!) In their article on FUNZINE II z1i've read one of the most violent arti- cles written on a disk-mag where they even told about our group... ITALIAN BAD BOYS..telling that we aren't able to code and that our products are "SHIT!". Even if there are some rumors about a supposed bad nature of mine ('cos of the mega-lamer maksoft) those who know me well realize that i'm a real good nature ("bonaccione") always ready to dialogue and to friendship and ready to give helps to those who need it! The dark side, and not so darz3bk, of my nature is that if a friend of mine show to be a bastard i become really angry and have no mercy! First of all i wanna say that i had never any kind of pre-concept again st ZERO DEFECTS,instead one of them SANDRO (XENIO) is and will always be a friend of mine and when he was at ROME last time i gladly wanted him to have the dinner at my home. Even with TERMINATOR i had a good friendly time, when at the phone i gave him (in perfect friendship) some tips to get more contacts. BzUT WHAT KIND OF RESULTS! Infact Terminator, obsessed by the idea of becoming the best (or being !) italian coder and the world best in a short future, did all that cal ls just to find some faults in our crew to use to fight us! He found just NOTHING (of course!) and so he was forced to try using and offer made by XENIO to E$G of IBB: XENIO told E$G to write for him a menu for his compilations and E$G (glad for the friendship showed by XENIO) sayd yes! Of course E$G left on the menu tzhe FULL CREDITS to XENIO and this is a great advantage for him cause we spread our productions to hundreds of contact! And so, dear TERMINATOR, you can't tell that we aren't able to code a menu by ourself.Maybe your cerebral circuits are broken down! As i told you on the phone if someone try to code on a computer for 8/10 hours per day, their cerebral cells broke down, and your are THE EXAMPLE! I also know that you are afraid coz i told that, in my opinion, our two coders are the BESzJFT UNDERGROUND CO- DERS in italy on amiga. Maybe i've broken you AUTOGENE TRAINING that you do every day in front of the MIRROR telling: "I'M THE BEST ITALI AN CODER! I'M THE ONLY ONE! " But everyone can keep his opiniion and you can't change it by crying! But let's talk about you so called: LEADERSHIP in amiga coding. Your first production was a pack with two demos of yours and with some words in german...and now we ask to you...when have you learn to write in german if you aren't goH$9)('&%:9876543210EDCBA@?>=<;PONMLKJIHGF[ZYXWVUTSRQfedcba`_^]\qponmlkjihg R38ds+.iffrg)xPIC!HeK     $#"!  R~36tiram.iffr 'hPIC! ?pIcP RB24mada.interviewrn The COOK of ARMADA was interviewed by PETERPAN of MASTERFORCE. FUNZINE: Tell us something about the members of ARMADA. COOK: We have members in UK, ICELAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN and GERMANY. FUNZINE: What is your function? COOK: I am a swapper and also "STICKER MAKER". FUNZINE: What are the future plans of ARMADA? COOK: No special plans, except that there is some gamecoding goin g on. FUNZINE: What do you think about this magazi̟ R~ \37r2fA File is NOT AVAILABLE! ,A@?>=<;:984IHGFEDCa`rqponmlkuts R;37rH2(=<;:9876543HGFEDCBA@?>SRQPONMLKJI^]\[ZYXWVUTihgfedcba`_tsrqponmlkj~}| R39rali.iffrr_'OPIC!8~?p `?8  ?? ??p H ^ R x40ralipage2.iffrPIC!F0`0`0a`0`|w`0~~~`0`0烜Ǐ`0n`n`0~@`0pwǜp`0`0` p 0 _: x0p 0 ` p8 3xx À|  %r x  80 0 ` x 9x`  ! |0 ~x0 ` > `  ` 8 `  d{ g `l fl`l <f|0l <`0 0 <p   b 80  `8 ` > `  c8; x `;?   `8?;!  ) RC08anz.itarJFEDCBA@?#i R48r q R *25rҷ3 INTERVIEW WITH PEINCEPS/DESASTER AREA BY PARANOID 1 TELL US YOUR NAME, AGE, GROUP. In the scene I'm known as PRINCEPS. I'm in the group called DESASTER AREA. In August I'll turn 17. 2 SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR GROUP PLEASE. I founded DESASTER AREA together with some friends in my home village in Switzerland (Sarnen). This was at the beginning of December '89. Our members are... SECRET SCIENCE (coder, swapper), HIGH JINX (coder), CPU (composer), METAL MANIAC (GFX-expertϘhgedcb i R03rbwD_ Dungeon Master ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we go ! Who am I ? Ye Olde Wizard, who else do you think plays D&D games? You did not say Who in the Hell is HE ? did you realy ? AH! well such is Fame. Some of you are Wizzards and Priests too but for those of you who are not. Here are the spells for our favorite adventure. Missiles Who can do this ? -------- Hd0/.-,+*)('&;:9876LKJIHG\[ZYXWVUTSRgfedcba`_^]rqponmlkjih}|{zyxwvuts R04_picrTPIC! ǻ,I(Y2 K Vc R26rYf MIKE OF - E L I T E I N C. - WAS INTERVIEWED BY TERMINATOR/ZD. FZ:WITH WHOM I AM TALKING? EL:YOU ARE TALKING WITH MIKE OF ELITE INC. FZ:WHAT'S YOUR TASK IN THE GROUP? EL:I ORGANIZE, SWAP AND MAKE SOME GRAPHICS. FZ:SOME WORDS ABOUT YOUR CREW. EL:WE ARE 20 MEMBERS, 19 IN SWEDEN AND ONE IN FINLAND.WE GOT 12 CODER HERE IN SWEDEN AND WE ARE WORKING ON A MEGADEMO. FZ:WHAT DO YOU DO BETTER AND WHAT ARE THE BEST PRODUCTIONS TILL NOW. EL:ALL OF THEM. FZ:WHAT DO YOU THϏ R02r(L THE END OF SCHOOL 'ACCOPY' PARTY (I wrote ACCOPY coz there wasn't any Amiga but many girls!!!) NOTE:This text has been written by 3 people simultaneusly "the day after". BANZAI! (YEAH! e' usato troppo spesso e questa e' la prima esclamazione che mi e' venuta in mente...) Ok..ok..ok...Here we are, last night there was a great end of school party and this morning we are here on this amiga trying to remeber what happened. FIRST:Where we go? Where we go? We go to Citta' Alta to eat A.some pizza and drink some beer!!! (the crowd:cooool!) SECOND:We were 15 (boyz & girlz) with 6 motorbike and a moto. I donno in your country reader but in Italy it's forbidden to have a secong guy on a motorbike like ciao or grillo. AH! AAAH! But we weren't afraid so I (THE PUNISHER) jumped on BEN's motorbike, and, with BEN driving we arrived at Citta' Alta. All the other arrived after a few minutes and on one of the motorbikes there was three boys!. Unfotunately we (me and BEN) tQIJ4ook a wrong way to CA, and so we drove througth all the city taking all the one-way streets in the wrong direction! We didn't kill ourselfes or someone only coz probably god had a regard eye for us...... THIRD:At the pizzeria everyone took at least 2 pizzas. All the girls took a coke (ah!ah! good!). Me, Ben, Angel, Ronc and Michaelus are a story apart. We drunk about 3 bottles of Chianti (Well no one here seems to remeber what it was exactly) and about 2-2,5 liters of beer by boy....o FOURTH:Saby had a fight with his boyfriend..but that's another story.... FIFTH:We went to the Rocca (a park on the highest place in Citta' Alta). We were totally drunked and Michaelus was to fall asleep when ronc sayd: "Let's have a joint!"...So they made a joint...A really stupid way to end the party: WINNERS DOESN'T USE DRUGS! (S. William Departement. F.B.I., 1989) ...Ah!ah! Mandrake had to go for a piss in the park and in the darkness he was going to piss on a boy and a girl fuckging behind a tree!!!! Luckly he stopped in time when he heard things like :"OOOHHH!","AAAH!YEAH!" and so on..... The party went on till around 2:00 AM normally (drinking, fucking, smoking..). The only thing to report is that Ronc (the most smoked of the Jointing lot) decided to take me home. I came home at an average speed of 140-150 km/h on a mountain like road...I must thank again god.....ALOAH! CREDITS FOR THIS SHITTY TEXT: typing and Marlboros........THE PUNISHER Text editorjo.................CAP. ZOCK! Silly party reports.........BEN Paying for his name here....MANDRAKE  rk on the highest place in Citta' Alta). We were totally drunked and Michaelus was to fall asleep when ronc sayd: "Let's have a joint!"...So they made a joint...A really stupid way to end the party: WINNERS DOESN'T USE DRUGS! (S. William Departement. F.B.I., 1989) ...Ah!ah! Mandrake had to go for a piss in the park and in the darkness he was going to piss on a boy and a girl fuck ωBZYXWVUji R05riL ASSEMBLER TRICKS No.2 So,here we go with the second issue of my little serie of articles. This time I'll talk about a well-known thing called vertical and horizontal scroll. There are many ways to do them. When you have to code a vertical scrollroutine, the best thing could seem to use the blitter, but I think that would be the longest way. So here's something else: simply use the bitplanes pointers! Let's consider you wanna scroll a four bitplane screen upwards. In the c ϋLKJ^]\[_ R!07r_m WHO'S FUCKING WHO ??? ( Why Yugos disgrace themselves on Mondial '90 ) Well, freaks here is MicroStar with his first report from Yugoslavia. As Mondial is actual right now, let me introduce you to some facts about YU team. You probably wondered what's going on with those guys who are said to play in semi or even final. You read your newspapers or watched TV and got such a opinion. But I knew from the start that journey wouldH VIVA L'ITALIA !! Ovvero la "vera" scena italiana.... Salve ragazzi, chi scrive questo articolo e' FRANZ degli ITALIAN BAD BOYS. In questi ultimi tempi ho assistito con vero disgusto al susseguirsi di tutta una serie di ignobili articoli, tutti dal titolo pressoche' uguale, e cioe' " La situazione italiana " ( o simili ), e quasi tutti per lo piu' ugualmente infamanti. Pare che ci sia in giro parecchia gente che si diverte a gettare merda sull'intero univer$' As always we bring you 100% tested and cool adverts...let's take a pen and write to this fellows... /---------------------------------\ | ### XENIO of Zero Defects ### | | is searching for cool contacts | | worldwide, send your stuff to: | | | | \ Sandro Forbice / | | \\ Via Amendola, 50 // | | \\\ 07100 SASSARI /// | | \\\\ ITALY //// | | \\\\\ *********** ///// | | ac | | \ If you can to swap with me / | | \ you must swap with me. / | | \  Long letter are / | | \  welcome too!! / | \---------------------------------/  ************************** * * * OVERDRIVE * * * ************************** * * * Contact Overdrive for * * Demo and Game swapping * * Write to: Chris Hohl * JI* Hofgasse 17 * * 4147 AESCH * * Switzerland * * * ************************** ----------------------------------- Contact PMC for Fast and cool swapping FLUSH of PMC Gamle Postvei 30 4300 Sandnes NORWAY No Disk = No Future!!! ----------------------------------- For swapping the latest stuff on Amiga, contact: Mick of Daniax < Nyborgvej 13 5750 Ringe Denmark! Come on, send NOW! ----------------------------------- JOKER of TETRAGON is searching 4 cool and hot contacts. Send your dope stuff to: JOKER BERGDAHL Blekingeq. 20 116 56 Stockholm Sweden or call +46 8 427922 ask after David only famous crew ----------------------------------- ________________ / ͇ \ / CRUX \ / of WIZZCAT \ / \ / Contact me for Hot \ | Swapping. | |__| |__| | | write to: | | | | \ ILKKA KORHONEN / \ HAATAJANNIEMI / \ 88490 POHJAVAARA / \ FINLAND / \________________/ ______ ______ / \____/ \ / If you wac ant an Hot \ / contact in SPAIN \ \______________________/ /\ /\ / \ write to: / \ \ / \ / / BARNA BYTE BUSTER \ / P.O.BOX 14112 \ / 08080 BARCELONA \ \ SPAIN / \ / \ __100% SWAP__ / \___/ \__/ \ BUSTMAN of CRUSADERS / \ / \ Contact me only with / \ v4U self-made stuffs. / / \ / TROND OMDAL \ \ MYRDALSKOGEN 379 / \ 5059 ULSET / \ NORWAY / \ / \/ \/ ------------------------------- Z A P O T E K P.O.BOX 140 3801 BOE NORWAY ------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E$G of IBB and PIRAHNAS is now on MODEM,AMIGA,C64,HM and DISCO MIV'PyX videos+tapes,VHS, COMIX,STAMPS. Contact me if you share the same interest.Dial: ITALY +39/11/8998756 Or write to: CAS.POST 61 S.MAURO TORINESE ITALY Call our boards at: +39/2/2827442 +39/6/5757935 ------------------------------ /\ /\ / THYRONE ITALY! \ / Contact MR.IRQ \ / \ / Gianpiero Manca \ \ C/O Circolo Ufficiali / \ Aeroporto ŋ Militare / / FontanaRossa \ / 95121 Catania \ / ITALY \ / or call: +39/95/348354 \ ----------------------------- WICKED BRAINS the new light!! ----------------------------- We are looking for new contacts (read:friends) ----------------------------- Write to THE PUNISHER: - Gianandrea Terzi via T. Tasso, 2 24030 Ambivere (BG) or to CAP. ZOCK!: - Mazzocchi Luca B.go S. Caterina, 88  ] 24100 Bergamo ITALY OF COURZE! ----------------------------- -> NO LAMERS! <- CODERS AND MUSICIANS WELCOMED ----------------------------------- * * ******* * * * * *** *** ** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ***** **** * * * * * ***** ----------------------------------- N O L I M I T S ----------------------------------- - HUNTER/NL IS SEARCHIN FOR COOL - AND FAST C ?jONTACTS AROUND THE WORLD! ----------------------------------- - S E N D D I S X T O - ----------------------------------- - N.STEBAKKEN 13 - - 3010 DRAMMEN - - NORWAY - ----------------------------------- ******************************** * SAVAGE * * ITALIAN HEADQUARTER * ******************************** -------------------------------- - FILIPPO RIZZI -j~ R 27r$ LIX of FRAXION was interviewed by XENIO of ZERO DEFECTS. F- Yo LIX!!! First of all a classic question...How old are you and wha- t do you do in FRAXION? L- I'm 16 years old and I'm a swapp er in FRAXION. F- What about the scene in your cou ntry? L- The scene in Norway is not so ba d. Many demos are been given out. But very little with cracks and tra iners are been given out. No rankin gs from me... F- FRAXION is a group that... L- We produce some demos and traine rs, when theH?r('&%$#"! 3210/.-,+*)>=<;:98765 R 41metto.640*256rJbWPIC! U ΟR@?M R11rMKy WHAT HAPPENS IN CROATIA ? Let me tell you a little story that exactly shows what happens in Croatia, you probably didn't know. Well, a Serbian lived in Croatia for decades. His life wasn't a happy one but it became real hard in two last years. He felt unwanted in republic where his brothers live. One day he noticed messages like "Serbs go home!" or "HDZ"on his house. He limed his house, but same messages appeared few days after. He lim Q Rf13resm INCANNA POWER AND THE PREDATORS OF THE GOLDEN TURD. BY THE PUNISHER AND CAP.ZOCK of WICKED BRAINS! - I'll be there very soon! - said Amilcare to Incanna on the telephone, and soon he hanged down. The telephone was still there, silent by about two hours, but neither the shadow of Amilcare was there. Meanwhile Incanna was refreshing himself by the soft artificial wind of his ZONY AIR 2500 air gene rator, the only useful gift found under the forgotten (by now) Christmas tree. While L RU12rb INCANNA POWER E I PREDATORI DELLO STRONZO D'ORO by THE PUNISHER & CAP. ZOCK! (WICKED BRAINS) - Fra poco saro' li! - aveva detto Amilcare a Incanna via telefono, e subito dopo aveva appeso. Il telefono era ancora li, muto da circa 2 ore, ma di Amilcare nemmeno l'ombra. Incanna intanto si stava rinfrescando alla brezza artificiale del suo ventilatore ZONY AIR 2500, unico regalo utile trovato sotto l'ormai dimenticato albero di Natale (suo vecchio amico d'infanzia che continua tutt6  R 14AX.articlerQF ARTICLE OR WHAT!? Yo guys! I've just loaded the txed+ to write an article for this little little mag, now you could easily say: OK what's the matter then?!?!? Well the matter is that I don't know whattawrite! And now you can also say: Well it's easy... take your brain and use it! take your mind and... change, An attitude, like you'd change your shorts. Right! In your face they see it in their face you... But it's not so e{9asy as you could think! A lot of good articles are written every day! What we need are ideas!! Fucking ideas (If ya have any good idea then phone me at..... +39 79 276155 - Christian - But not a christian at the facts!) I could write some shit 'bout the scene! No... too boring!!!!!! I could review some games or better some demos... but everybody can load a demo (or a game) and judge itself! There is no necessity of any review! I could write some jokes! arrrggggh no!!! Wot couldik I write?!??!??!?!?!??!?!? Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i will write out my greetinx!!!! Hey don't escape... just a joke!!!! Yeahhhh!!!! Finally I know what to write! A mega cooleasy assembler course!!!!!! So you, yes you! You that want to become the bext coder in the whole world... follow me! HERE WE GO V1.0: Go to a bookshop and buy the new release of the HARDWARE REFERENCE MANUAL (TM)! I think that now everybody (LALLA?) understood how to become a great coder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A̓[And what's now!?! LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya in 30 miniz!................ ................................... ................................... Yo fellow readers I'm again here to finish this strange kind of article! I was wondering during my lunch what is the insane power that push me to write this madbullshit and I decided that I'm getting paranoiac and paranoiac (Sorry Francesco!) perhaps it's because of the school! Infact this days I must fix 5 (!) subjectsN!! Help me! I don't wanna burn on an electric chair! I don't wanna ride the lightning! I don't wanna!...... Guess what?! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Help me I'm mad! Well I think I was writing an article before my CRISI so here we go! Guess where!??!?! Nowhere of course it's just a kind of say something that.... Non c'e' speranza!! What could I write now? Who knows?? It could happen now or in a hour! Madness hasn't any rule(s ?). I went out of ideas so I will sign this article and say ya see ya! ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! Wot a phrase!!!!! IRAX/ZERO DEFECTS on 20-5-1990 With this statement I announce to the world that ELEKTRO doesn't exist anymore! IRAX came and killed him! I hope you understood wot I wanted to say!!! ering during my lunch what is the insane power that push me to write this madbullshit and I decided that I'm getting paranoiac and paranoiac (Sorry Francesco!) perhaps it's because of the school! Infact this days I must fix 5 (!) subjects{    54321< R/30r1& IRAX of ZERO DEFECTS was intervie- wed by PARANOID of PHAZE 101. 1)Tell us a short story of your crew, introduce yourself. I)My name is IRAX I am 16 years old I'm a graphician and a swapper in ZERO DEFECTS... You want a short story of my crew...well why short?! I'll tell you about this first year of activity day by day...(joke!). However one year ago (june 1989) I was standing with Terminator and Xenio near Italy square and I said them.... "Yeahh!!The next week I wiΌBA R.15rAf OK freaks, now some jokes coming up from MicroStar! #include intuition/brain.h #include hardware/loughsystem.h #define LOUGHLENGTH two_hours 1. Male are disgraced in their lifetime twice : First time it's when they can't do it second time , and second time when they can't do it even first time! 2. Two English on desolated island are talking : - British ? - English ! - Oxford ? - Cambridge ! - Labourist ? - Conservative ! -H R Funzine!.magpq]AG#G#~CK(zR Ln I`ٹmC]I^$` raJBg f@fae ra^B`,raJBgB `r aJBgB ` ra SB6fa`ezr`"faRezr`faDezHr`:<raNE4 QƳlfadVra2rvJg\g8 gvr` :DNuvraBr`2SAtfaՂQNura6Cr`faevr`vra2 Qm` DEFJAM ~AEfrg RAQ:mN@  "  ?/'*0H?~} +*) R 35r)zPIC!0@@@ ضwh2B (#&+$7ډ :;63JOG@.R,F>K4S8N%Cг<H`Wݪ!D-Zbg)VP1AȀ_Ef5ILT=[c~Xpl|r9oŨM^hskɖvUnajw\xYzedQ{tm]uyiq}җM]7ݑ#5kv?5u+XrcS]-w]X8O+l>-wqOv;ET^w=iqAÑf==SSUwI)x|鑎}kC y77s ykt: a.Ȱ!ՈA4) U>Y G %?0 ϧed/B@:ffݑt`WO,3@qf,qѢ/R؊Y aAqaQRr2AcR<ݶ;.tX`$%p`xv`12f\Xf@Ԡ!+Jg+8T%:J,lCE@tVkC `G`c0Qa"4RQ)>\>6b)U9 !xy_?i\8f7 n0f(Pk W3:5d1T: .l`\QFF$`VсF1D`T`]сgF `)y0+ibC J񀋠NKS{"c0«bW3>yUsu~0N!e_&sk<.ɢ|AŞb0:-z R?16GAPARTY-IN-SASSARI.ASCIIr&- MEGAPARTY IN SASSARI - On 11-6-1990 a megaparty was held in Sassari by the parents of IRAX/Z.D. It was made for the CONFIRMATION of IRAX's little sister. At 5.27 TERMINATOR/Z.D. showed up at the party place. At that time I (IRAX) and TRM made a TETRIS COMPO First prize a new disk (error free) Soon after IRAX cousins arrived at the party place and they started their laming! So I decided to stop the TETRIS COMPO and to start the KICK OFF COMPO with no prizes at al U? R18r9Ek Helpfull Hints on MIDI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first thing is you don`t have to buy a special interface, because now you can make a interface for a A500 AMIGA (see FUNZINE issue2 ed) What is the next thing you want to know ? Well people will fall into two types, those who want to do it like all the Top Pop Groups, and the far more common I want to get the best out of a not too expensive Synth (and ΖB Ro19r *** *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** *** * * *** ** *** * *** *** * *** ---------------------------------------------- ONE STEP TO DELIRIUM! ---------------------------------------------- hsr R28rf HUNTER OF NO LIMITS HAS BEEN INTERVIEWED BY TERMINATOR/ZERO DEFECTS. FZ-WITH WHOM I AM TALKING? NL-YOU ARE TALKING TO HUNTER/NOLIMITS. FZ-WHAT IS YER TASK IN YOUR GROUP? NL-I AM A SWAPPER AND MUSICIAN. FZ-SOME WORDS ABOUT YOUR CREW. NL-WELL, NO LIMITS HAVE BEEN ACTIVE SINCE 1988, BUT HAVE GOT MORE MEMBERS. RECENTLY VISUAL ARTS AND HATTRICK FROM RAZOR 1911 JOINED NOLIMITS. FZ-WHAT DO YOU DO BETTER AND WHAT ARE THE BEST PRODUCTIONS TILL NOW˥ R+43r}o0H] FLUSH OF PURE METAL CODER HAS BEEN INTERVIEWED BY XENIO / ZERO DEFECTS ZD: HI FLUSH, FIRST OF ALL SOME STANDARD QUESTION 'BOUT YOU AND YOUR GROUP. HOW OLD ARE YOU AND WHAT IS YOUR TASK IN PMC? PMC: Pmc is one of the best group in Norway and will be the best!!! I'm a swapper in this cool group and I am 15 years old. (Soon 16...) There are 7 members in our group: FLUSH: Cool swapper + some graphix!!! COCY: Coder }M%*ZORAK: Coder DESIGNER Coder, Gfx RAMJET: Gfx,some coding METAL KING: Music SCANNER: Swapping PMC is one year old and will relea se lot of demos and intros in the future! ZD: WHAT DO YOU DO BETTER AND WHAT ARE THE BEST PRODUCTIONS TILL NOW. PMC: If you mean the best production in PMC,that must be some of the latest demos from COCY,coz he is a very good coder!!! ZD: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY. PMC: ͔ > R/23r F The happiest days of our lives. Hi,dudez, probably a lot of times, when ya'd an extremely bad day, ya thought that it was the worst since ya were born...Well, I give ya only a date: 3 JULY 1990. Officially this was the day for the final test of my school final examination (maturita' scientifica!) I hoped...I woke up in the morning realizing that my preparation was near 0 (it was true, believe me!), opening the window I faced a really shitty rainy day after͑ R22r0G THE SKATE OR DIE or SKATE AND DIE CORNER! (Depending of your sk8ing skills..) by CAP. ZOCK!/WICKED BRAINS lot of thanx to F.U.M. for help. HOW TO PERSONALIZE YOUR BOARD: Ok! so you bought a board and you're gonna skate with all your friends, jumping, climbing and holly-flipping all around your (I hope) nice town... But what about your board?? You probably bought it in a sport shop or in a toy shop and it's already full of colors and nice artworks. Yeah! It's cool but what do ya thf R c31E_SPANISH_SCENErf_k?THE SPANISH SCENE: Here in Spain, nobody like the lamers, but everybody buy programs to the great crews, Quartex, Paranoimia, Oracle ect... I know that in all Spain these are about 20 or 22 crews, (17 or 18 = Lamers). Crews not Lamers = DARKNESS, AVENGER HAWKS (COLD SWAP NOT HOT SWAP) and BARNA BYTE BUSTERS, all the rest of spanish crews buy to the great crews and this is the cause that the people across Europe when hear to say "Spanish ˭ R 42r%@E File is NOT AVAILABLE! z}  / Rtextp c+j R 20rF@6 GAMES TIPS & TRICKS: Compiled by THE PUNISHER of WICKED BRAINS NOTE:The following tips aren't taken from one of those magazines like CU, C+VG, TGM and so on...They are directely written by me...(YEAH!). GOLDEN AXE (COIN-OP): This tips work only on two players simultaneus mode! In the bonus stage (the one after each level) if one player has only a square (?) of energy, the second player should get near him and hit him once, wait for him to stand up again after the hit, and repeatZ R%21iters.txtrgsM WRITERS SUPPORT --------------- Ok, since this issue we have a few improvements to the magazine routi ne...including FLASH - OUTLOOK - DIFFERENT FONTS - FULL PAGE AND OTHERS.... We are always glad to get ideas from the readers, so just write us and tell what you think should be good in yer FAVOURITE italian MAG! Anyway we realized that it's now more difficult to write articles.. So here are some basic instruction s just to make you able to write your own articly ges using ALL the mag-routine functions... Here we go...You can edit your art icle with ANY text aditor around! You don't need to make any layout as writing it in 36 columns...the MAG-CODE do it himself! So write also in FULL page but then you have to tell us if you want it to be printed in column or FULL page! FULL page option is supported for those writers who need to do some kind of tables,maps,charts,schemes in the ir articles.... FLASH is supported can Cuse it by simply using some combin ations of CTRL+OTHER CHARS... CTRL+F = Start flash CTRL+G = Stop flash This mean that all words after a CTRL+F will be flashed until a CTRL+G.... For using different charsets it's the this moment whe have only four charsets, other ones will be allowed in the next issue... CTRL+A = Charset 1 (standard) CTRL+B = Charset 2 (damaged!) CTRL+C = Charset 3  CTRL+D = Charset 4  CTRL+E = Charset 5  So, that's all! More3v} improvements next time (and more bugs too!)... go...You can edit your art icle with ANY text aditor around! You don't need to make any layout as writing it in 36 columns...the MAG-CODE do it himself! So write also in FULL page but then you have to tell us if you want it to be printed in column or FULL page! FULL page option is supported for those writers who need to do some kind of tables,maps,charts,schemes in the ir articles.... FLASH is supported can  /.-,+*HC R44r H>=<;:984IHGFEDCa`utsrqponmlk~}|{zyxwv [210/.-,+*) ~  }     R //////////////////////////////////////////////// AMIGA AUTOFIRE //////////////////////////////////////////////// This is an autofire for your AMIGA. It fires about 10 strokes per second (software allowing), simple to install, allways connected, simple to disconnect by turning off a switch, and not complicated to construct. Warning! The DB9 on the left is female and the one on the right is male. Components: IC1 = CD 4001 R1 = 560 Kohm 1/4 W R2 = 50 Koΐ TSRQPON R 10rNtF HEAVY METAL SCENE ================= This is Rocket of Hypnosis again with another article. This time i would like to write something about the Heavy Metal (HM) scene from it's very beginning to this year 1990. I know lots of you out there like musics like Acid, House and the rest shit music around so I don't think this article is for you (well, maybe if ya' are interested....) so lets start in 1967 - 1969 when the Hardrock was i O R 17r --------------- Micro passion : a story of Lust ----------------- Micro was a real-time operator and dedicated multi-user. His broad-band protocol made it easy for him to interface with numerous input/output devices concurrently, even if it meant time-sharing. One morning he arrived home just as the sun was crashing, and had parked his Motorola 68000 in the main drive (he had missed the 5100 bus that morning), when he noticed an elegant piece of liveware admiring the dais̐ y R 34r58 FAIRLIGHT-HORIZON-MIRACLE PARTY REPORT Hi! This is Rocket of Hypnosis writing. I'll write some lines about the party in easter, located at Gothenburg, Sweden 12-15th of april 1990. We in Hypnosis (it was 4 of us!) leaved Alvesta, sweden at 11.06. We tra- velled by train. The trip was normal, nothing special happend. We came to Gothenburg at 14.30 pm (I think) and there was a guy from Horizon who picked us up and drove us to the party place. We payed the entrance, but what??? No̐$#"!%  R33r%1 RSI - TSL PARTY REPORT ---------------------- Yo! Rocket/Hypnosis is here with a new report. This time from Denmark. It's about the RSI-TSL party 30 june - 1 july in Glostrup, Denmark. Our group (it was 5 of us) leaved Moheda at 17.30 and drove to Landskrona for the boat trip over to Denmark. At about 22.30 at the friday evening we drove into Copenhagen city. We had a VERY bad map so we find nothing! We asked some people but they all said different ways so we had to fix it our   ̒     Rs32r  ] SWEDEN - A SCENE REPORT I would like to write some lines about the scene here in sweden. I think the scene here in sweden has grown bigger. Lots of new groups is founded, some are good and some are a bit lame. But the old teams are still going strong. ok! some big names in the swedish scene... Defjam: Always active with new cracks and nice demos. Fairlight: Release crack and nice demos. Silents: Yeah! the swedish section is reborn... nice demos as always! Classic: Is releas  ۈging cool cracks and trainers. D-mob: They release some cool demos, utilites and so on. Dual crew: Releases some demos Miracle: Members from Ipec elite and Fairlight Phenomena: A cool group, release quite nice demos Adept: ex. Top swap! one of the best swapping groups in sweden. Hypnosis: eh? Well, we are might not so famous yet, but I bet my ass that we are among the famous groups soon! released now: our stunning vectorball demo. STAY TUNED FOR MORE RELEASES (Only quality  eO stuff).... More and more groups here in sweden starts a BBS to get bigger, and to phone in Sweden is cheap! What I have heard is't one of the cheapest counties in the world to call from, but who cares when calling cards exists? The swedish post is pretty fast. It takes 1 day for a sending in sweden and 2-4 days from sweden to rest of scandinaiva and europe. Here in Sweden is't not any big software houses. There was a couple before like American action and Powersoft but they ar {e all d e a d meat, but more and more guys starts to program a game for softwares house in europe. Our coders is working on a flight sim. game.....stay tuned once again! Rocket of Hypnosis one of the best swapping groups in sweden. Hypnosis: eh? Well, we are might not so famous yet, but I bet my ass that we are among the famous groups soon! released now: our stunning vectorball demo. STAY TUNED FOR MORE RELEASES (Only quality.PIC!D%˛O R45r //////////////////////////////////////////////////// AMIGA VIRUS DETECTOR //////////////////////////////////////////////////// The problem of viruses is finally resolved: a simply interface finds any writing suspicious disk access. This project warns users about any access to zero disk track by switching on a led and a small loudspeacker. To find used components used is very simple and cheep. Resistances are all 1/4 watt, switch is usually opened and the small loudsHWVUTSRQPONMba`_^]\[ZYXmlkjihgfedcxwvutsrqpon~}|{zy R46r.PIC!D@@@@@@˖ R j47rɾ ================================================= Doctor OnLine ================================================= What's Dr. OnLine? It's a new section of this great disk magazine. If you got some hardware problems with your AMIGA you can write to us or to H.Q. of Funzine and we'll answer you on this section as quickly as possible. We are able to give you all the information you need and more... signed: DREAMS OF POWER Write to: DREAMS OF POWER FUNZINE Via Foro Boario 3 c/o Vozza Francesco 48022 LUGO Via Montefalcone 14 Ravenna 74100 Taranto ITALY ITALY  / R textp z7LKJIHGFEDCB .-,A@?2x@' COPPER: BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$503FFFFE,(A0)+ MOVE.W #$10,D7 MOVE.W #$0180,D0 MOVE.W #$0000,D1 COP0: MOVE.W D0,(A0)+ MOVE.W D1,(A0)+ ADD.W #$0101,D1 LOOP0: SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 MOVE.W #$10,D7 MOVE.W #$0180,D0 MOVE.W #$0F0F,D1 COP1: MOVE.W D0,(A0)+ MOV('%-)!+ Rsourcesp0Ϝ_3210 Ra01ri!2c RCOP.S#ϣ R606rF File not available! R[06r ^2 Rn '37.info4r!"ǎ2(/" R2COP2.S!/4J COPPER: BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.W #$50,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ COP0: MOVE.W #$0180,(A0)+ MOVE.W (A1)+,(A0)+ SUB.W #$01,D7 BNE COP0 ADD.L #$01020000,D2 SUB.W #$01,D6 BNE MAIN0 MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFE,(A0)+ RTS #$Ǝ-431$ R >COP3.S#1K COPPER: MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L $6C,OLD MOVE.L #IRQ,$6C MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) ; MOVE.L #$327A0,$32(A6) MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLD,$6C MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) BSR MENAGE_SYNC MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ MOVE.W #$08,D6 MAIN0: LEA COL%&Ŏ-]65& R COP4.S%5.6i COPPER: MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L $6C,OLD MOVE.L #IRQ,$6C MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) ; MOVE.L #$327A0,$32(A6) MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLD,$6C MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) BTST #$0A,$DFF016 BEQ IRQ0 BSR MENAGE_SYNC IRQ0: MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L D2,(A0)'(ĎH!0(/ R wCOP5.s'0 COPPER: BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) MOVE.L $6C,OLD MOVE.L #IRQ,$6C MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLD,$6C MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) ; MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 MOVE.W #$50,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ COP0: MOVE.W #$018)*Î #"* R WCOP6.s)")S COPPER: BSR MAKE_IT MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L (A6),A6 MOVE.L $32(A6),-(A7) MOVE.L #$70000,$32(A6) MOVE.L $6C,OLD MOVE.L #IRQ,$6C MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLD,$6C MOVE.L (A7)+,$32(A6) RTS IRQ: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) BSR MOVE MOVEM.L (A7)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 DC.W $4EF9 OLD: DC.L $0 MAKE_IT: LEA $70000,A0 MOVE.L #$01800003,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$5001FFFE,D2 MOVE.W #$50,D6 MAIN0: LEA COLORS,A1 MOVE.W #$20,D7 MOVE.L D2,(A0)+ MOVE.L #$018+,mA('&%$, Rxdisk.S+$J disk: move.w #$7fff,$dff09a move.w #$7fff,$dff096 move.w #$83d0,$dff096 lea $40000,a0 clear: clr.l (a0)+ cmp.l #$7f000,a0 bne clear lea $bfe001,a0 lea $bfd100,a1 bsr disk_motoron bsr disk_seekzero lea $50000,a3 move.w #$0000,d0 ; start track move.w #$0006,d1 bsr disk_seektrack load: bsr disk_loader and.b #%01101011,(a1) ; select drive 1 add.w #$1600,a3 bsr disk_loader bsr disk_forwstep subq.w #$01,d1 bne load bsr disk_motoroff disk_rts: move.w #-.v:T. Rf NOBRAIN.S--v; ----------------------------------------------- ; NOBRAIN ROUTE. (/) PARANOID/PHAZE 101 ; ----------------------------------------------- CODE: BSR FILL_COP MOVE.L $4,A6 MOVE.L (A6),A0 MOVE.L (A0),A6 MOVE.L A6,GFX MOVE.L $32(A6),OLDCOP MOVE.L #NEWCOP,$32(A6) MOVE.L $6C,OLDIRQ MOVE.L #IRQ_CODE,$6C MOUSE: BTST #$06,$BFE001 BNE MOUSE MOVE.L OLDIRQ,$6C MOVE.L GFX,A6 MOVE.L OLDCOP,$32(A6) RTS IRQ_CODE: MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7) BTST #$0A,$DFF016 BEQ IRQ_ENDCODE /5ʮ5 Rv50r1yE/ ...ANOTHER ONE!... Now are exactly 03.07 in the night and i am sooo tired! But i've to write some things... YEAH!! Finally we menaged it! The third issue of your FAVOURITE italian MAGAZINE is now ready! You can't imagine how much boring was to make it working (checking all articles, gfx, improving the code and so on...) but we did it! And we will continue doing this thank you to all readers who wrote us...THANK YOU PALS! So, everyone wanna write articles, wanna be i2kinterviewed or whatever he want...he just have to take a pen and a few of paper and write to one of the publishers! You'll find our addresses at the credits place... We think that this third issue is very very good...there are a lot of articles, and many non-amiga ones...we think that this issue is still according to the name: FUN! As you will notice there are some improvements in the everyone who wanna write some arti cles for this mag have to read the WRIT34aERS SUPPORT if he want to use ALL new functions! This time i did the final layout a bit speedy so it isn't so good, but i was: asleep, nerved, i lost the lamer corner, i had loadsa of r/w errors and so on... Also notice that everyone can wri te an article in this mag! Also adverts are FREE! Anyway we hope you'll like this third (great!) issue of: F U N Z I N E ! And never forget, we do it for FUN! And the most important... FRIENDSHIP RULEZ! Hf -paranoid- he want...he just have to take a pen and a few of paper and write to one of the publishers! You'll find our addresses at the credits place... We think that this third issue is very very good...there are a lot of articles, and many non-amiga ones...we think that this issue is still according to the name: FUN! As you will notice there are some improvements in the everyone who wanna write some arti cles for this mag have to read the WRIT47˝#87 R49r/ ...THE END...BEAUTIFUL FRIEND!... Another issue has gone! We hope you enjoyed this issue! If you have any suggestion, critic article, advert and so on... ...don't wait! Send it to one of the publishers! I must stop here now! I still have to crunch the magazine code and to write the addresses...and now are 03.25 and i am feeling so sleepy.... -paranoid- R$textp6:u?q:; Rstartup-sequences48u@a THE CREDITS: ------------ Coding: Paranoid/101 Publishers: Phaze 101 (paranoid) Gfx+Design: Paranoid/101 ZeroDefects (terminator) Music: Filippetto/Savage Masterforce (peter pan) Contact FUNZINE for everything at this addresses: Paranoid's place: Terminator's place: PeterPan's place: FRANCESCO VOZZA CANDIDO DESSA4NTI PIERO LACAITA VIA MONFALCONE 14 VIA S.DAU 9 VIA LE GRAZIE 147 74100 TARANTO 07100 SASSARI TORRICELLA (TA) ITALY ITALY ITALY We wanna thank all the people that have sent us articles and that made this issue possible: DREAMS of POWER, WICKED BRAINS, HYPNOSIS, SAVAGE MICROSTAR, IBB and the rest... See ya in the next issue on SEPTEMBER 90! p9<۠#< R~ system-configurationp6;Iborder off type copyright.txt Funzine!.intro Funzine!.mag 6 Rhsp; >7H > R borderq9gf- @ ?@"QA B(;D  p,Epson_JX-80 KBEpson_JX-80 9; R~  - FUNZINE III - R~ Rl8s8 `?----------- DREAMS OF POWER For swapping or membership write to DOP VIA FORO BOARIO 3 48022 LUGO RAVENNA ITALY ----------------------------------- THE BEST ITALIAN - - CREW FOR EVERYTHING WE DO - - WE DON'T NEED TO; aNH,xKA P"PXXHaL/ Q"H N.&WP ."<N:+@ P S"m "XT"Q/ ,S&m (KJ"< XgN:(XQ&_BB kg kg kg kg kNqJBRn"_Q N.C m X"RSg"P (" (X#@P`BC m PP""m N.LNua(J  K"m ""qPN`HaP`@JgRzNuJ m "pP g$" m (pPS L$I""$Q`` `?@7@ R typeq?C}OO(jdp N$"<I(l/ / g ,倲l"4(T`,2(jtp NJg2**p$A. 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U=9k300 ;3 ;w3a|3 3? 5 c3a ~<w3 30 18~8~c>>s1 lZ`@`` |Wfx08~8~@<!@lZ?@ H ` 8 @ @@@ p  0` J @@ @8`1@@ C !@@@@@ ` @@  @@< @ p`@@K ~ `@ A@@`4 @0@0  @1| @ p@`@`@@`L  x a@` 0A @@Bp@ D @00@p@?`M `A>pÀ@ <0@ @`p @@p`y88@ @ HNz@ 00`@@  p@ 0 _0`6@:`8O)pp@0 < (< @0xO8| ?0 </ 0``PP95 `` @~@pB@xDA@ < `@   p@Q*00 D@ 0@ D 8`?`D0`@@D8   x  0@0R+48 @ >`?@@` @0@ 0@@ @0 `@@x&K4sks, 1084S monit- or, JVC Stereo System. F- When did you decide to call your self LIX? L- My name LIX was born in 87/88. Why LIX? I don't know, some friends of mine gave me this SILLY name... F- You swap also postcards, why? What do your contacts say? There is space in the scene for different kind of swapping? L- It's fun to swap postcards. You can see different places around the world. But i don't swap postca- rds with all my contacts, that wou- ld be teoo expensive. They like very much to swap postcards with me, do you?? F- Do you like Heavy Metal? L- NO!!! I DON'T LIKE HAVY METAL!!!! It's garbage!!! MADONNA and Jan Ham- mer are number one. Simply the best! F- Your favourite FILM, BOOK, CAR, DRINK, FRUIT, ANIMAL, PAINTER, WRI- TER, ICE CREAM, PART OF (FE)MALE BODY, STRINGS OF GUITAR...? L- FILM-The man with the naken gun, BOOK-Donald Duck & CO., CAR-Skoda (Hvorfor kjoepe Skoda, naar du kan kjoepe sko da? (A litpVtle Norwegian joke!!)), DRINK-Ice cold COKE, FRU- IT-Strawberry, ANIMALE-Goldfish!!!! (They don't make so terrible noise!) , PAINTER-Arnfinn Stugudali (I'm s- ure that there is a man in the wor- ld who has this name!), WRITER-Sal- amon Rushdie!! ICE CREAM-Pear ice, PART OF A (FE)MALE BODY-What!???? No I can't answer this question, my mum says NOOO!!! STRING OF A GUITAR- Well... Yes..Si..Ja..Da.. F- Have you got any hobby? Do you practice any sport? Just a few days {and the WORLD CUP ITALY '90 will start... who will be the winner by you?? L- Yes, surely... the AMIGA!! I hate sports. A message to all you sports idiots outtathere: RELAX, ENJOY YOUR LIFE, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! And let us hope that Norw.. ehm I'm sorry.. the United Arabd Emira- tes will win the world cup in Italy! F- The better way to become famous?? L- Yeah!! Take the motorway..HAHA!!! F- If you could kill someone witho- ut being jailed, who will be ^Uyour target? L- That could be... no names, I do- n't want to publish the names here on FUNZINE. But long live Salamon Rushdie! F- If you'll find the AMIGA OF ALA- DIN... what would be your desires??? (EHH?? .ed) L- Money. Because if you have money you get everything!! Smart ehh? F- To conclude make yourself a que- stion and answer it. L- Are you a boy?? YES... F- Thanx LIX for your availability!! L- Nothing to thank for! ou practice any sport? Just a few days wVIA? NL-TAKE A TRIP IN NORWAY AND CHACK IT OUT YOURSELF!!! OF COURSE THEY ARE!! FZ-DESCRIBE HOW SHOULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND.(EYES, HAIR COLOR AND SO ON.) NL-SHE SHOULD HAVE GREEN EYES, BLUE HAIR, RED SKIN ETC...NO, THAT IS A DIFFICULT QUESTION. FZ-IN YOUR OPINION WHICH IS THE BEST WAY TO BE THE BEST IN THE SCENE? (CRACKING,CODING...) AND EXPLAIN WHY. NL-CODING! COS EVERY CODER WHICH IS QUITE GOOD, IS ABLE TO CRACK A GAME, BUT A GUY WHICH HASN'T DONE ANYTHING ELSE.4A BESIDES CRACKING CAN'T CODE DEMOS LIKE 'CEBIT 90' OR 'MENTAL HANGOVER'. (OR YOUR 'EXPLOITED BRILLIANCE' THAT IS VERY GOOD I THINK) FZ-DEMO-M.D-GROUP-CODER-MUSICIAN-GFX ER- NL-'CEBIT 90' AND 'MENTAL HANGOVER',KEFRENS M.D. (VIII ?), RED SECTOR, DELTA, WALKMAN/CRB, JOE AND REWARD OF SCOOPEX. FZ-FUTURE PERSONAL PROJECTS (NO COMPUTER). NL-I DON'T KNOW YET! FZ-AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE PROJECTS OF YOUR GROUP? NL-JUST WATCH OUT!!! FZ-CAN THEnV& FRIENDSHIP RULE IN TODAY SCENE? NL-YES, IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!! FZ-DO YOU WANT TO GREET SOMEONE? NL-YES SPEEDY, GENIUS, FLASHER, HATTRICK AND EVERYONE IN NO LIMITS. ALSO BEAST OF CULT AND TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFECTS! FZ-WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACT IN ITALY ? (JOKE!) NL-YOU! I HASN'T GO ANY OTHER ITALIAN CONTACT. FZ-DO YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEONE NOW ? IF YES WHO ?(DON'T SHOT ON INTERVIEWER) NL-NOPE! FZ-SOME MESSAGES FOR OUR COOL READERS? NL-=rONS TILL NOW. NL-WELL, I THINK WE CAN SAY THAT WE ARE QUITE GOOD IN MAKING DEMOS. THE BEST PRODUCTION HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. FZ-WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE EURO SCENE AND THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY. NL-IT IS OK! FZ-SOME WORD ABOUT YOU. NL-I AM 16 YEARS OLD, MY HOBBIES ARE COMPUTERS, MUSIC AND CALLING THE GENIUS OF NOLIMITS ON THE PHONE AS MANY TIMES A DAY AS POSSIBLE!!! FZ-COULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR AVERAGE DAY.(LONG REPLY PLEASE) NL-NO!!(SHORT REPLY) FZ-HOW MUCH HBTIME DO YOU SPEND ON AMIGA EVERY DAY? NL-TOO MUCH! FZ-WHAT ABOUT PARTIES?(SOMETHING ABOUT CRB-IT-VA LAST IN DRAMMEN) NL-PARTIES ARE THE BEST THING IN THE SCENE, TODAY.TOO BAD THE CRB-IT-VA PARTY WAS BUSTED THOUGH, NOW NONE IN NOWRWAY WILL HOLD AN ILLEGAL PARTY ANY MORE... FZ-AH-YEAH?! (REPLY THIS FONDAMENTAL QUESTION) NL-KICK IT !!? FZ-SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS (LIKE SCHOOL). NL-STUPID QUESTION!!! FZ-WHAT ABOUT THE POLICE AND NEW LEGISLATION IN NORWAY? NL-YIT IS REALLY! S.U.C.K.S.! FZ-AND ABOUT LAMERS ? NL-THE ARE NICE! THE SEND ME NEW DISKS WHENEVER I WANT SOME! FZ-TELL US YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC (REAL),TV BEST PROGRAM BEST FILMS , FAVOURITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS FOOD AND DRINK. NL-MUSIC: J.M.JARRE, VANGELIS, KITURO(?!), YELLO AND ART OF NOISE. TV: 'ASK DR.RUTH' FILMS: DIE HARD WAS NICE. ACTOR: CHRISTOPHER WALKEN. ACTRESS: MERYL STREEP. FZ-WHAT ABOUT GIRLS IN NORWAY ... IS IT TRUE THAT THEY ARE THE BEST IN SCANDINAST> QE YOUR AVERAGE DAY (LONG REPLY PLEASE!) EL:WELL, IT STARTS THAT I GO TO SCHOOL (YEAAH I ONLY GOT 200 METERS TO THE FUCKING THING). AS A STUDENT I SOMETIMES LISTENS TO THE TEACHER. ON THE LUNCH I USUALLY WENT DOWN TO THE POST OFFICE. I LOOK IN OUR BOX (THE HQ) TO SEE HOW MANY LAMERS WHO WANTS TO GIVE US A DONATION. THE SCHOOL CONTINUES AFTER THAT I GO HOME TO LOOK WHAT I GOT FROM MY CONTACTS WHO SENT HOME TO ME. WELL IT CONTINUES A LONG BIT AF!TER THAT SENDING BACK , DOING HOMEWORK AND SO ON. FZ:HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND ON AMIGA EVERY DAY ? EL:IT DEPENDS HOW MUCH POST I RECEIVE, HOW LONG I LOOK AT THE STUFF I GO THIS DAY, IF I DO SOME GFX AND OF COURSE I SOMETIMES PHONE THE MEMBERS. FZ:WHAT ABOUT PARTIES ? EL:WELL, IF YOU MEAN COPY PARTIES I THINK THEY ARE COOL. FZ:AH-YEAH?! (REPLY THIS FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION) EL:STRANGE QUESTION, I THINK YOU JUST GOT A MESSAGE THAT YOUR BIGGEST ENEMY IN A"8MMIGA SCENE GET CAUGHT. FZ:SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS (LIKE SCHOOL). EL:DRUG PROBLEMS OR? NO I DON'T HAVE ANY PARTICULAR PROBLEMS EXCEPT THAT MY PHONEBILL IS TOO HIGH. FZ:WHAT ABOUT THE POLICE ? EL:WELL, THEY ARE DOING THEIR WORK (KILLING THE GOVERNMENT). FZ:AND ABOUT THE LAMERS ? EL:NOTHING TO SAY. FZ:TELL US YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC (REAL),TV BEST PROGRAM, BEST FILMS, FAVOURITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS. EL:REAL MUSIC:SANDRA, MADONNA, ROXETTE, GLORIAN ESTE#?+'FAN AND SO ON.. BEST PROGRAM ON TV:I USE WATCH MTV BEST FILMS:INDY III, THE NAKED GUN, LETHAL WEAPON II. FAVOURITE ACTOR/ACTRESS: I DON'T KNOW. FZ:WHAT ABOUT GIRLS IN SWEDEN . EL:WELL WORLD CLASS. FZ:DESCRIBE HOW SHOULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND (EYES , HAIR COLOR AND SO ON.). EL:JUST TAKE A LOOK AT MARIA WHITTAKER. FZ:IN YOUR OPINION IS THE BEST WAY TO BE THE BEST IN THE SCENE? (CRACKING, CODING...) AND EXPLAIN WHY. EL:IF YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST I$PY THINK YOU MUST BE THE BEST IN SOMETHING(SOUNDS GOOD?). FZ:DEMO-M.D.-GROUP-CODER-MUSICIAN-GF XER- (REAL) EL:DEMO : MENTAL HANGOVER GROUP : I DON'T KNOW CODERS : NOVA OF ELITE INC. MUSICIAN: DR.AWESOME OF CRUSADERS GFXER : I DON'T KNOW FZ:FUTURE PERSONAL PROJECTS (NO COMPUTER). EL:WELL, I REALLY DON'T KNOW, TRY TO SURVIVE THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEARS (THREE BLOODY YEARS). FZ:AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE PROJECTS OF YOUR GROUP? EL:RELEASE A ME%9GADEMO AFTER THE SUMMER. FZ:CAN THE FRIENDSHIP RULE IN THE TODAY SCENE? EL:YES, IF YOU REALLY WANT THAT I GOT 10 GOOD FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT GROUPS ALL AROUND THIS GLOBE (HI GLOBE!) AND OF COURSE THE MEMBERS IN ELITE INC. FZ:DO YOU WANT TO GREET SOMEONE? EL:YEP! MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE SCENE: GLOBE OF ALTAIR, HYPERION OF POWERDRIVE, ZICO OF CYTAX, KING TUT OF INT.EXPRESS, RAVE OF CAVE AND TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFECTS AND SO ON. FZ:WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACT &) IN ITALY ? (JOKE!) EL: WELL I ONLY GOT ONE SO THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE...TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFLECTS (I TRM PREFERE 'A LOT OF DEFECTS' BUT DEFLECT NEVER!). FZ:DO YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEONE NOW ? IF YES WHO ? (DON'T SHOT ON INTERVIEWER) EL: DON'T KNOW, I DON'T WANT ENEMIES. FZ:SOME MESSAGES FOR OUR COOL READERS? EL:YEAAAHH! STAY COOL AND CONTACT US FOR LATEST PRODUCTIONS. FZ:AND FOR LAME ONES? EL:WELL, YOU ITALIANS DON'T BUY AND SELL SO BLOO w6DY MUCH STUFF, YOU CAN NEVER LET FRIENDSHIP RULES IN THAT WAY. TRM: THANX FOR YOU AVAILABILITY MIKE GOOD HOLIDAYS! 10 GOOD FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT GROUPS ALL AROUND THIS GLOBE (HI GLOBE!) AND OF COURSE THE MEMBERS IN ELITE INC. FZ:DO YOU WANT TO GREET SOMEONE? EL:YEP! MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE SCENE: GLOBE OF ALTAIR, HYPERION OF POWERDRIVE, ZICO OF CYTAX, KING TUT OF INT.EXPRESS, RAVE OF CAVE AND TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFECTS AND SO ON. FZ:WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACTk) when the coders feel free for it. We are about 15-20 members, I'm not sure. FRAXION is ex. THE FLASH TEAM. In February some members of AVALANCHE and ESCAPE NORWAY joined FRAXION. We have only Norwegian mem- bers. F- How many hours do you spend on your AMIGA? L- I use my AMIGA 0-8 hours a day. It depends on what I have to do of homework etc. F- What about your hardware? L- I have an AMIGA 500, extra memory , extra drive, MPS 1250 printer, 3 joysticks, 200 diH)I*J+ K, L- M.N/O0P1Q2R=4>5?6 @7 A8 B9C:D;E<F=G(2?3@4A 5B 6C 7D8E9F:G;H<3'J8 p0p >c `0fc`0?0```p``` ?>`` >`xqx(K]yp0y`>`̴11شx`<>?ǀ?a01p100͜`?a011008?`ٌ011000000|>?`xqx}xxpx)Lq}00007|>?`09?`09?`18``8`*Mt  `8 ` 0 `0 `08`+N ,O-P.Q/R0S1>U^>My`80 sp`<c` p?3 c`  `8 `o3?c`c ` `1 0scpp `8??00pc08ǀ x`c8Vt  >0 c0p p0` =xcc` 0| ~ `pc 0`  <`<c p xx`s> p<=>c8> ` `6? 0<8l7|cWqC{80s0< 0fca~ `cc? `w c0> ?`8`>w o 8|00>~  | gc < 0wwp 8 ? 0<c  0 XI2{` p   3nq` ?  0g7q? 808 c~xf` <8p c`   cp0`` ?c80 <c8`|`  Y& p ? n70  cc8 w9 s  8pc À??`? 8 p pc ?`00 00c  08?0 !Z0x>f?c`8` 00fspc` |0? ?|8?c3`` 8 3`sc3` < ?c1p?c3 ` y`0c>? 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Or call our BBS: 0027-11-883-7478. If you're interested in contacting our swiss section for whatever reason, write to: Pascal Mueller, Cher, 6060 Sarnen, Switzerland. GOOD LUCK WITH "FUNZINE"!!! I LIKE THIS MAG AS I LIKE ALL THE OTHERS AS WELL. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT THERE ARE TOO MANY MAGS m)3ON THE MARKET! HAS EVER ANYBODY CRITICISED THE FACT THAT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF NEWSPAPERS ON THIS WORLD?! ion the poor public traffic (so you need a car), the nice weather, the schools (Though they're on the same educational standard as the swiss ones, I HATE my school!!! -> Bryanston High School -> NOTE THIS NAME AND BE CAREFUL... they're terribly strict, and you better don't walk around with YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS!!) For further information you better visit this countr3U THINK ABOUT THE EURO SCENE AND THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY. EL:I THINK IT'S GOOD BUT I THINK THERE ARE TOO MANY GROUPS WITH 1 CODERS AND 12 SWAPPERS (NO NAMES). THE SCENE IN SWEDEN IS VERY GOOD, MANY GROUPS HERE ARE VERY PRODUCTIVE. FZ:SOME WORD ABOUT YOU (AGE - HOBBIES ETC.) EL:WELL, I'AM 16 YEARS OLD AND MY HOBBIES ARE: AMIGA (OF COURSE!), PLAYING PIRATES (JOKE!), PLAYING SOME TABLE TENNIS, MUSIC AND SO ON.. FZ:COULD YOU DESCRIB~x^xaa`8&M5 9 b`eppyxqش̴͍010p1ĽjD͍01000ppxyxxq0ß~00008080p000000l l00 0p||p|xqxp|xxxxxvx|xxx|x`lp|axp|yx0mpx|x0000000 00000 0000000x000<<00`0x`00<0000440 004xx44`0 `G [_. NL-WELL,I THINK WE CAN SAY THAT WE ARE QUITE GOOD IN MAKING DEMOS. THE BEST PRODUCTION HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. FZ-WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE EURO SCENE AND THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY NL-IT IS OK! FZ-SOME WORD ABOUT YOU. NL-I AM 16 YEARS OLD,MY HOBBIES ARE COMPUTERS, MUSIC AND CALLING THE GENIUS OF NOLIMITS ON THE PHONE AS MANY TIMES A DAY AS POSSIBLE!!! FZ-COULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR AVERAGE DAY.(LONG REPLY PLEASE) NL-NO!!(SHORT REPLY) FZ-HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND OFNN AMIGA EVERY DAY? NL-TOO MUCH! FZ-WHAT ABOUT PARTIES?(SOMETHING ABOUT CRB-IT-VA LAST IN DRAMMEN) NL-PARTIES ARE THE BEST THING IN THE SCENE,TODAY.TOO BAD THE CRB-IT-VA PARTY WAS BUSTED THOUGH, NOW NONE IN NOWRWAY WILL HOLD AN ILLEGAL PARTY ANY MORE... FZ-AH-YEAH?!(REPLY THIS FONDAMENTAL QUESTION) NL-KICK IT !!? FZ-SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS (LIKE SCHOOL). NL-STUPID QUESTION!!! FZ-WHAT ABOUT THE POLICE AND NEW LEGISLATION IN NORWAY? NL-IT IS REALLY! S.U.C.K.S.! FZ-ACW%ND ABOUT LAMERS ? NL-THE ARE NICE! THE SEND ME NEW DISKS WHENEVER I WANT SOME! FZ-TELL US YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC (REAL),TV BEST PROGRAM BEST FILMS, FAVOURITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS FOOD AND DRINK. NL-MUSIC: J.M.JARRE, VANGELIS, KITURO(?!),YELLO AND ART OF NOISE. TV: 'ASK DR.RUTH' FILMS: DIE HARD WAS NICE. ACTOR: CHRISTOPHER WALKEN. ACTRESS: MERYL STREEP. FZ-WHAT ABOUT GIRLS IN NORWAY ..IS IT TRUE THAT THEY ARE THE BEST IN SCANDINAVIA? NL-TAKE A TRIP IN NORWAY AND CHACK IT OBrLUT YOURSELF!!! OF COURSE THEY ARE!! FZ-DESCRIBE HOW SHOULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND.(EYES,HAIR COLOR AND SO ON.) NL-SHE SHOULD HAVE GREEN EYES,BLUE HAIR, RED SKIN ETC...NO,THAT IS A DIFFICULT QUESTION. FZ-IN YOUR OPINION WHICH IS THE BEST WAY TO BE THE BEST IN THE SCENE? (CRACKING,CODING...) AND EX PLAIN WHY. NL-CODING! COS EVERY CODER WHICH IS QUITE GOOD, IS ABLE TO CRACK A GAME BUT A GUY WHICH HASNT DONE ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES CRACKING CAN'T CODE DEMOS LIKE 'CEBIT 90' OR 'r:@q,MENTAL HANGOVER'. (OR YOUR 'EXPLOITED BRILLIANCE' THAT IS VERY GOOD I THINK) FZ-DEMO-M.D-GROUP-CODER-MUSICIAN- GFXER- NL-'CEBIT 90' AND 'MENTAL HANGOVER',KEFRENS M.D. (VIII ?),RED SECTOR, DELTA, WALKMAN/CRB,JOE AND REWARD OF SCOOPEX. FZ-FUTURE PERSONAL PROJECTS (NO COMPUTER). NL-I DON'T KNOW YET! FZ-AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE PROJECTS OF YOUR GROUP? NL-JUST WATCH OUT!!! FZ-CAN THE FRIENDSHIP RULE IN TODAY SCENE? NL-YES, IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGZF the action till ALL his energy is out (no energy square). At the start of the next level, he'll have all the energy replenished. Take care to do not hit him quickly, or he'll fall and loose a life (and ya'll probably loose a friend!) ATOMIC ROBOKID (COIN-OP): After each GAME OVER, if you have arrived far enough, ya'll see a a flashin' word of letters and digits, it's a password!. To use it, just insert a coin (sob!) and press 1P button ,fire button and change-weapon button simulta[5neusly, ya'll be asked for a password. Hope ya signed the last you saw, coz ya have only 3 tries! Just for beginning, try: AAW-4744 ....This is the only I remember..Sorry! GEMINI WINGS (AMIGA): So old...So boring...But if ya play a 2 players game ya'll get infinite credits.... PIPEMANIA: Some codes, courtesy of CAP.ZOCK: GRIP 4 - 8 TICK 9 -12 DOCK 13-16 OOZE 17-20 BLOB 21-24 BALL 25-28 WILD 29-32 FANTAVISION (AMIGA): Yes! Ya read well, I'm talkin' about the animation proggy! Ther@be's a hidden message in it! To get it, choose from the first menu the ABOUT option, ya'll get some info about the system and a little OK gadget... Now, take out the disk from the drive in df0:, the screen will flash and a little MORE? gadget will appear, click on it and ya'll be able to read the hidden message and see a 2 color picture of the coder!!...Well, not so useful but cool! RAINBOW ISLANDS (AMIGA): Here are some tactics to kill the end of level foes: LEVEL 1:Really need helpOz??? LEVEL 2:Try to be always behind the chopper! At first, jump on the lower platform on the right, the chooper will go to the left, jump and fire at him, ya'll kill him.... LEVEL 3:ARRRGH!I really hate this monster! Jump as fast as possible on the top right corner platform and keep on firing (rainbowing??) till he' near you, then jump on the rainbows, if he was near enough he'll loose some energy. Now fly down to the ground floor (??) and repeat the same action but on the top left p8P latform. Go on by this way and also this monster is dead... LEVEL 4:EASY!!!He'll bounce on the screen following the same scheme of VON BUBBLA in BUBBLE BOBBLE (Do ya remember??). He shots little clowns in four diagonal directions, they are quiet easy to avoid. As for the chopper, follow him from behind keeping on firing...And it will be time for.... LEVEL 5:DOH!??Yeah!He'll fire at you very slow bullets, but they are many! The only right way to avoid them is to wait for Doh to fire and move slowly to do not find yourself trapped in a screen side, but fast enough to avoid the bullets. Then fire at his head and you'll be soon facing.... LEVEL 6:MAZINGA!!!(Ach!Ricordi di un'infanzia felice....)...He fires his arms (?!?) and some big fire balls but he's not a problem. Wait for him to come down, avoid him and go up till to the little platforms on the top of the screen, fire down the rainbows on his head and you'll win a trip to.... LEVEL 7:AH!AH!AH!And this is the lgast foe????AH!AH!AH!He's easier than the spider on level 1....He follows you for the screen and fires big fire balls, avoid the balls (EASY!) and fire....And this is.... THE END!...No it's not the end! Coz if ya succeded in collectin the big diamond in all the 7 islands, ya'll get 3 more islands, where ya'll have to collect 3 mirrors before reaching the final foe....But that's another story..... Hope that you find my tips helpful, anyway, for any problem with any game (What? Megalo *Pmaniac? Naaaaa!) contact me (see advert!).apped in a screen side, but fast enough to avoid the bullets. Then fire at his head and you'll be soon facing.... LEVEL 6:MAZINGA!!!(Ach!Ricordi di un'infanzia felice....)...He fires his arms (?!?) and some big fire balls but he's not a problem. Wait for him to come down, avoid him and go up till to the little platforms on the top of the screen, fire down the rainbows on his head and you'll win a trip to.... LEVEL 7:AH!AH!AH!And this is the ltRcink about a board drawed totally by you?? Cooler! What you need to do this is: IF YOU WANNA A NOT DETAILED ARTWORK:a journal, an adesive tape and some spray colors (and no one of WWF in sight!). Draw on the journal your skull, sun, pussy or everything you want, rip it out , then put the journal on you board and fix it with the tape (not on the ripped side!!) and with some plastic gloves, use the color you choosed on the the journal...wait for the color to get dry and take away the i journal...ya have got a personalized board! (for things like a skull eyes, use the tape under the eye, like when you have to fix a photo hiding the tape). IF YOU WANNA SOMETHING MORE:if you wnat the skull (for example) to be more datailed or to make a detailed artwork (such a girl, an alien, your sister and so on) you'll have to buy some paints (not a big can! a little one, you will find it in every models shop) and you will need a lot of pratics coz it's a bit difficult to make a go%od artwork. There are no tecnics, there are only you, you paints, your hands and your mommy shouting:"What's this mess!". Aaaah!when you'll have finished, no one will have your same board, all the girls will look only at you, and all your friends will get crazy! It's an original way to make something for you group, instead of t-shirts, bombers all the guyz of your group will have a sk8board with STUCCAFIX of TRATRAXAZ or whatever is you name. Aloah! lor to get dry and take away the 4Rznct, showing his wear, that surely wasn't on a lower level of the Amilcare one. From the bottom to the top: mimetics amphibians, relic of the grandfather which was great hero of the 15/18 world war, with no soles, no stocks, half jeans, blue cotton 2.3% t-shirt, with a faded stamp of GIGROBOTOFSTEEL, and the blue inscription "INTETTA" caused by a youthful error with the girl-worker of the personalized t-shirts shop, glasses without glass, big white hat in the style: ENGLISH PEOPLE AG 8jAINST SANDOKAN, a whip made some minutes before with strings, a water gun and a little sack with coloured balls. The two men looked them for a lot, conscious of the dreariness of their wears but ready for the adventure. But when they were going out, a sinuously shadow of a women appeared behind the door of the Incanna's office. - Knock! Knock! - did the door. - Come on! - said the handle. - Can i come in ? - said the hinges of the door. In front of the two heroes appeared the firgur Qg+e of a beautiful blond woman....with a confusing cloud of profume CANET #5, also called LECHMETILLTHEASSHOLE #8. - Good morning, my name is Dina, i am a reporter of the DAILY BIGOL, and i am here to come with you till the unesplorated slope of Presolana, i must write an article about the great adventure you are going to front....- - Ah! said Incanna that wasn't able to take away his look from the incredible Dina's low-neck that made visible the panties' lace, meanwhile Amilcare took  埰away his hat, not to be corteous, but to hide an improvise and uncontrollable erection....TO BE CONTINUED Translated into English by PARANOID/101 (ed) s of the dreariness of their wears but ready for the adventure. But when they were going out, a sinuously shadow of a women appeared behind the door of the Incanna's office. - Knock! Knock! - did the door. - Come on! - said the handle. - Can i come in ? - said the hinges of the door. In front of the two heroes appeared the firgurs̑said, "I'll generate an interupt." "No thats for too error prone, and I can't abort because of my design philosophy." Micro was locked in by this stage though, and could not be turned off. But Mini soon stopped his thrashing by introducing a voltage spike into his main supply, where upon he fell over with a head crash and went to sleep. "Computers", she thought as she compiled herself, "All they ever think about is HEX." Written and performed by: Rocket of Hypnosis as she pZqc The italian BEST group is looking for a GREAT:  MUSICIAN! Send your BEST WORKS to any member you want... You'll find the addresses everywhere in this magazine...just chose the BEST...ZERO DEFECTS! ---------------------------------------------- Rtextpwy wheels in his garden. He thought to himself, "she looks user friendly - I'll see if she wants an update tonight". Mini was her name, and she was delightfully engineered with eyes like cobol, and a prime mainframe architecture that set micro's peripherals networking all over the place. He browsed over to her casually, admiring the power of her twin 32-bit floating point processors and enquired "How are you doing, Honeywell?" "Yes I am well" - she responded, batting her optical fi^]bres engagingly and smoothing her console over her curvilinear. Micro settled for at straight line approximation. "I'm going to stand-alone tonight" - he said, "How about computing a vector to my base address? I'll output a byte to eat, and maybe we could get an offset later on." Mine ran a priority process for 2.67 milliseconds then transmitted 8K, "I've been dumped myself recently, and a new page is just what I need to refresh my disks. I'll park my machine cycle in your backyardʄ and meet you inside". She walked off, leaving micro admiring her solenoids and thinking, "Wow, what a global variable, I wonder of she'd like my firmware?" They sat down at a process table to a top of form feed of fiche and chips and a bucket of baudot. Mini was in conversational mode and expended on ambigous arguements while Micro gave occasional acknowledgements, though in reality, he was analysing the shortest and least critical path to her entry point. He finally settled on thep q old "Would you like to see my benchmark subroutine?", but Mini was again one step ahead. Suddenly she was up and stripping off her parity bits to reveal the full functionallity of her operating system software. "Lets get basic, you ram", she said. Micro was loaded by this stage, but his hardware policing module had a proccor of its own and was in danger of overflowing its output buffer. A hang-up that Mircro had consulted his analyst about. "Core," was all he could say, as she pKI>repared to log him off. Micro soon recevered, however, when Mini went down on the dec and opened her divide files to reveal her data set ready. He accessed his fully packed root device and was about to start pushing into her CPU stack, when she attempted an escape sequence. "No, No!" She cried, "You're not shielded." "Reset, baby", He replied, "I've been debugged." "But I haven't got my current loop enabled, and I can't support child processes," she protested. "Don't run away," he 8Ja stringhe, calzettoni, di cui uno trattenuto da uno spago, bianchi con buchini ricamati, bermuda ascellari da competizione, magliettinamezzemaniche gialla fosforescente, occhiali da vista stile microscopio, berrettino "CAMMELLO TROFI" verde metallizzato. Sulla schiena, zainetto ORZATA rubato al figlio dopo circa un ora di lotta estenuante, dal quale penzolava un coltello da cucina con manico scorticato in puro noce massiccio, che Amilcare si ostinava a voler spacciare per un coltell 5B[8o da sopravvivenza. Incanna non aveva parole, o meglio non trovava il vocabolario. - Muoviti che e' gia' tardi! - disse Amilcare, e Incanna fece un balzo in piedi (difficolta':7.3 Esecuzione:4.2) come per istinto, rivelandosi in tutta la sua tenuta, che non era certamente da meno... Dal basso verso l'alto:Anfibi mimetici, cimelio del nonno grande eroe del 15/18, con suole praticamente insesistenti, niente calzini, Jeans tagliati con forbice da macellaio a livello del ginocchio, magl Niettina azzurra di cotone 2.3%, con decalcomania sbiadita di GIGROBOTDEFER e la scritta blu "INTETTA" dovuta ad un quiproquo' giovanile tra lui e la tettuta commessa del negozio di magliette personalizzate, occhiali senza lenti, cappellone bianco modello INGLESI CONTRO SANDOKAN, una frusta fatta con lo spago pochi minuti prima, una pistola ad acqua e un sacchettino di biglie colorate. I due si guardarono a lungo, consci dello squallore delle tenute ma pronti all'avventura. Proprio q Euando stavano per uscire, un'ombra sinuosa di donna fece la sua apparizione dietro la porta dell'ufficio di Incanna. - Knock! Knock! - fece la porta, - avanti! - disse la maniglia, - posso entrare ? - fecero i cardini della porta. Davanti ai due eroi comparve l'immagine di una splendida bionda... accompagnata da un'inebriante nuvola di profumo marca CANET N# 5, anche chiamato LECHEMFINALBUSDELCUL N# 8. - Buongiorno, mi chiamo Dina, sono una giornalista del DAILY BIGOL, e sono qui per  accompagnarla fino alle pendici inesplorate della Presolana, devo scrivere un articolo sull'incredibile impresa che state per compiere...-. - Ah! - rispose Incanna, che non riusciva a distogliere lo sguardo dalla tremenda scollatura di Dina che lasciava intravedere il pizzo delle mutandine, mentre Amilcare si era tolto in fretta il cappello, non per educazione, ma per nascondere una improvvisa quanto incontrollabile erezione.....CONTINUA tenute ma pronti all'avventura. Proprio q0 under Val Trompia) that revere and take care of it as a god, dedicated them an orrible temple (called by critics: toilette!) full of tricks and monsters, that all the Allalaiti people was sterminated by going to the temple. - This temple really exist! - thought Incanna, while with the index finger was serching in the right nostril trying to reopen the quartz-crystals vein he found the day before. While he was examinating the non-raffined detritus of his nasal researches, behind theO door appeared a shadow that he distinguished as the Amilcare one. - Knock! Knock! - said Amilcare, who certainly didn't know that the index finger knocked on the door make the same rumor. - Hi! How are you? - said Amilcare closing the door behind himself. Incanna would liked to answer him with all the few words of his vocabulary, but he was socked by the safari-wear of Amilcare. From the bottom to the top: Soccer shoes ZUPARGA without strings, stocking, one of them restrain with a string, white with little embroided holes, competition armpitly half trouser, phosphorescent yellow t-shirt, microscope like glasses, metalized green hat in "CAMEL TROFI" style.On the back a kit-bag ORZATA robbed to his son after one hour of fighting, from the bag was dangling a kitchen knife, that Amilcare insisted to consider like a survive knife. Incanna didn't get words...or better he didn't found the vocabulary. - Come on! It's late! - said Amilcare and Incanna did a jump by istijь the typical buzzing like DC-9 of the air generator was spreading in the room, Incanna was mocing his head, dangling it in the desperate search of something to do.... Rhythmically, from right to left, his look met the dismal reality of all his days, the usual things, the usual objects: the photo of his wife, which got him a free subscription to the W.W.F., the little-jail of the bird, where a little fragile skeleton was ling with a sheet of paper in the mouth where you can read clearf: "remember to give food to the bird", the door with the dimed glasses, where you can read : " YCNEGA NOITAGITSEVNI REWOP ANNACNI", and on the desk a packet of Marlboro finished by years and a book: "ENNIO AND THE THREE BEANS". Yes, that book from what everything has begun... Where is told how Ennio, after planting three beans, waking up the day after, found a very big plant that was raising up strongly to the sky. Climbed the plant, he found himself in a big castle, where he was abo>mut of the dimension of a mouse, and where, beetwen other secondary things (like a long-sighted cat, an orc, and hungry dog, a rat-hunter) there was a big hen by the golden eggs that he took home. But this hen, feeling dizzy, coming down from the plant, being afraid by fright, was forced to do some typical physiological needs, that fortunately were of the same nature of the eggs, this mean: gold! This turd crashed on the Allalaiti village (indo-afro-cubana population lived in late '80fJVC Stereo System. F- When did you decide to call yourself LIX? L- My name LIX was born in 87/88. Why LIX? I don't know, some friends of mine gave me this SILLY name... F- You swap also postcards, why? What do your contacts say? There is space in the scene for different kind of swapping? L- It's fun to swap postcards. You can see different places around the world. But i don't swap postca rds with all my contacts, that wou ld be too expensive. They like very much pto swap postcards with me,do you?? F- Do you like Heavy Metal? L- NO!!! I DON'T LIKE HAVY METAL!!! It's garbage!!! MADONNA and Jan Ham mer are number one.Simply the best! F- Your favourite FILM, BOOK, CAR, DRINK, FRUIT, ANIMAL, PAINTER, WRI- TER, ICE CREAM, PART OF (FE)MALE BODY,STRINGS OF GUITAR...? L- FILM-The man with the naken gun BOOK-Donald Duck & CO.,CAR-Skoda (Hvorfor kjoepe Skoda,naar du kan kjoepe sko da?(A little Norwegian joke!!)), DRINK-Ice cold COKE, FRU!UJka gabbietta del canarino, sul cui fondo giaceva un piccolo scheletrino appassito con in bocca un foglio sul quale si leggono a chiare lettere:"ricordarsi di dare da mangiare al canarino", la porta a vetri offuscati, attraverso la quale si legge "AVITAGITSEVNI AIZNEGA REWOP ANNACNI", e sulla scrivania, un pacchetto di Marlboro finito da anni e un libro:"ENNIO E I TRE FAGIOLI". Si', quel libro dal quale tutto e' cominciato...Dove si narra appunto di come Ennio, dopo aver piantato 3i fagioli, svegliatosi la mattina dopo, trovo' un enorme pianta che cresceva forte e rigogliosa verso il cielo. Scalata la pianta, si trovo' in un castello enorme, nel quale lui era delle dimensioni di un topo, dove, oltre ad altre cose di secondaria importanza (come un gatto presbite, un orco, un cane affamato, un tecnico di derattiz zazione) vi era una enorme gallina dalle uova d'oro che lui si porto' a casa. Tale gallina pero', soffrendo di vertigini, nella discesa a terra, attangliata dalla paura, dovette espletare dei tipici bisogni fisiologici, che fortunatamente, erano della stessa natura delle uova, cioe' d'oro. Si narra che tale, per usare una metafora, stronzo, sia andato poi a cadere sopra un villaggio di Allalaiti (popolazione Indoafrocubana vissuta nel tardo 800 alle pendici della Val Trompia) che lo venerarono e curarono come un vero Dio, dedicandogli un bruttissimo tempio (dai critici d'arte definito addirittura un cesso) pieno di trappole e mostri paurosi, tanto pericolosi che tutti gli Allalaiti furono piano piano sterminati nel tentativo di andare a pregare al loro Dio. - Questo tempio esiste veramente! - penso' Incanna, mentre con il dito indice frugava la narice destra nel tentativo di riaprire un filone di cristalli di quarzo trovato il giorno prima. Proprio mentre esaminava i detriti non ancora raffinati delle sue ricerche nasali, dietro la porta a vetri comparve un'ombra che gli sembro' di riconoscere come Amilcare1q IT-Strawberry, ANIMALE-Goldfish!!! (They dont make so terrible noise!) , PAINTER-Arnfinn Stugudali (I'm s ure that there is a man in the wor ld who has this name!), WRITER-Sal amon Rushdie!! ICE CREAM-Pear ice, PART OF A (FE)MALE BODY-What!??? No I can't answer this question,my mum says NOOO!!! STRING OF A GUITAR Well... Yes..Si..Ja..Da.. F- Have you got any hobby? Do you practice any sport? Just a few days and the WORLD CUP ITALY '90 will start... who will be the wiznner by you?? L- Yes, surely...the AMIGA!! I hate sports. A message to all you sports idiots outtathere: RELAX, ENJOY YOUR LIFE,YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! And let us hope that Norw.. ehm I'm sorry.. the United Arabd Emira tes will win the world cup in Italy! F- The better way to become famous? L- Yeah!! Take the motorway..HAHA!! F- If you could kill someone witho ut being jailed, who will be your target? L- That could be... no names, I do n't want to publish the namesarc here on FUNZINE. But long live Salamon Rushdie! F- If you'll find the AMIGA OF ALA DIN... what would be your desires?? (EHH?? .ed) L- Money. Because if you have money you get everything!! Smart ehh? F- To conclude make yourself a que stion and answer it. L- Are you a boy?? YES... F- Thanx LIX for your availability! L- Nothing to thank for! - Have you got any hobby? Do you practice any sport? Just a few days and the WORLD CUP ITALY '90 will start... who will be the wi$JO. - Knock! Knock! - disse infatti Amilcare, che non era evidentemente a conoscienza del fatto che il dito indice piegato e picchiato leggermente sulla porta produce il medesimo rumore. - Salve, come va? - disse Amilcare chiudendo la porta dietro di se'. Incanna avrebbe voluto rispondergli con tutti gli epiteti che il suo ridotto vocabolario gli permetteva, ma rimase a bocca aperta davanti alla tenuta da giungla di Amilcare. Dal basso verso l'alto:Scarpe da calcio ZUPARGA mancanti diN$'oggi a tampinarlo per quel maledettissimo alberello). Mentre il tipico rumore da DC-9 del ventilatore si disperdeva nella stanza, Incanna muoveva la testa, ciondolandola da una parte all'altra nel tentativo di trovane qualcosa di interessante da fare per passare il tempo.... Ritmicamente, da destra a sinistra, il suo sguardo si scontrava con la mera realta' di tutti i giorni, le solite cose, i soliti oggetti:la foto di sua moglie, che gli era valsa l'iscrizione gratuita al W.W.F., l FUNZINE"!!! I LIKE THIS MAG AS I LIKE ALL THE OTHERS AS WELL. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT THERE ARE TOO MANY MAGS ON THE MARKET! HAS EVER ANYBODY CRITICISED THE FACT THAT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF NEWSPAPERS ON THIS WORLD?! you need a car), the nice weather, the schools (Though they're on the same educational standard as the swiss ones, I HATE my school!!! -> Bryanston High School -> NOTE THIS NAME AND BE CAREFUL... they're terribly strict, and you,E DAY (LONG REPLY PLEASE!) EL:WELL, IT STARTS THAT I GO TO SCHOOL (YEAAH I ONLY GOT 200 METERS TO THE FUCKING THING).AS A STUDENT I SOMETIMES LISTENS TO THE TEACHER. ON THE LUNCH I USUALLY WENT DOWN TO THE POST OFFICE. I LOOK IN OUR BOX (THE HQ) TO SEE HOW MANY LAMERS WHO WANTS TO GIVE US A DONATION. THE SCHOOL CONTINUES AFTER THAT I GO HOME TO LOOK WHAT I GOT FROM MY CONTACTS WHO SENT HOME TO ME. WELL IT CONTINUES A LONG BIT AFTER THAT SENDING BACK `e(, DOING HOMEWORK AND SO ON. FZ:HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU SPEND ON AMIGA EVERY DAY ? EL:IT DEPENDS HOW MUCH POST I RECEIVE, HOW LONG I LOOK AT THE STUFF I GO THIS DAY, IF I DO SOME GFX AND OF COURSE I SOMETIMES PHONE THE MEMBERS. FZ:WHAT ABOUT PARTIES ? EL:WELL, IF YOU MEAN COPY PARTIES I THINK THEY ARE COOL. FZ:AH-YEAH?!(REPLY THIS FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION) EL:STRANGE QUESTION,I THINK YA JUST GOT A MESSAGE THAT YOUR BIGGEST ENEMY IN AMIGA SCENE GET CAUGHT. FZ:SOMETHIN+G ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS (LIKE SCHOOL). EL:DRUG PROBLEMS OR? NO I DONT HAVE ANY PARTICULAR PROBLEMS EXCEPT THAT MY PHONEBILL IS TOO HIGH. FZ:WHAT ABOUT THE POLICE ? EL:WELL, THEY ARE DOING THEIR WORK (KILLING THE GOVERNMENT). FZ:AND ABOUT THE LAMERS ? EL:NOTHING TO SAY. FZ:TELL US YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC (REAL),TV BEST PROGRAM, BEST FILMS, FAVOURITE ACTOR AND ACTRESS. EL:REAL MUSIC:SANDRA, MADONNA, ROXETTE, GLORIAN ESTEFAN AND SO ON. BEST PROGRAM ON TV:I USIE WATCH MTV BEST FILMS:INDY III,THE NAKED GUN, LETHAL WEAPON II. FAVOURITE ACTOR/ACTRESS: I DON'T KNOW. FZ:WHAT ABOUT GIRLS IN SWEDEN . EL:WELL WORLD CLASS. FZ:DESCRIBE HOW SHOULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND (EYES ,HAIR COLOR AND SO ON.). EL:JUST TAKE A LOOK AT MARIA WHITTAKER. FZ:IN YOUR OPINION IS THE BEST WAY TO BE THE BEST IN THE SCENE? (CRACKING, CODING...) AND EXPLAIN WHY. EL:IF YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST I THINK YOU MUST BE THE BEST IN SOMETHING( xOSOUNDS GOOD?). FZ:DEMO-M.D.-GROUP-CODER-MUSICIAN- GFXER- (REAL) EL:DEMO : MENTAL HANGOVER GROUP : I DON'T KNOW CODERS : NOVA OF ELITE INC. MUSICIAN: DR.AWESOME / CRUSADERS GFXER : I DON'T KNOW FZ:FUTURE PERSONAL PROJECTS (NO COMPUTER). EL:WELL, I REALLY DON'T KNOW,TRY TO SURVIVE THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEARS (THREE BLOODY YEARS). FZ:AND WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE PROJECTS OF YOUR GROUP? EL:RELEASE A MEGADEMO AFTER THE SUMMER. FZ:CAN THE FRIENDSHIwoP RULE IN THE TODAY SCENE? EL:YES, IF YOU REALLY WANT THAT I GOT 10 GOOD FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT GROUPS ALL AROUND THIS GLOBE (HI GLOBE!)AND OF COURSE THE MEMBERS IN ELITE INC. FZ:DO YOU WANT TO GREET SOMEONE? EL:YEP! MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE SCENE: GLOBE OF ALTAIR,HYPERION OF POWERDRIVE, ZICO OF CYTAX,KING TUT OF INT.EXPRESS, RAVE OF CAVE AND TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFECTS AND SO ON. FZ:WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACT IN ITALY? (JOKE!) EL: WELL I ONLY GOT ONE SO THE A NSWER IS SIMPLE...TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFLECTS (I TRM PREFERE 'A LOT OF DEFECTS' BUT DEFLECT NEVER!). FZ:DO YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEONE NOW? IF YES WHO ? (DON'T SHOT ON INTERVIEWER) EL: DON'T KNOW, I DON'T WANT ENEMIES. FZ:SOME MESSAGES FOR OUR COOL READERS? EL:YEAAAHH!STAY COOL AND CONTACT US FOR LATEST PRODUCTIONS. FZ:AND FOR LAME ONES? EL:WELL, YOU ITALIANS DON'T BUY AND SELL SO BLOODY MUCH STUFF,YOU CAN NEVER LET FRIENDSHIP RULES IN THAT WAY ; b=. TRM: THANX FOR YOU AVAILABILITY MIKE! GOOD HOLIDAYS! T I GOT 10 GOOD FRIENDS IN DIFFERENT GROUPS ALL AROUND THIS GLOBE (HI GLOBE!)AND OF COURSE THE MEMBERS IN ELITE INC. FZ:DO YOU WANT TO GREET SOMEONE? EL:YEP! MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE SCENE: GLOBE OF ALTAIR,HYPERION OF POWERDRIVE, ZICO OF CYTAX,KING TUT OF INT.EXPRESS, RAVE OF CAVE AND TERMINATOR OF ZERO DEFECTS AND SO ON. FZ:WHO IS YOUR BEST CONTACT IN ITALY? (JOKE!) EL: WELL I ONLY GOT ONE SO THE A coders feel free for it. We are about 15-20 members, I'm not sure. FRAXION is ex. THE FLASH TEAM. In February some members of AVALANCHE and ESCAPE NORWAY joined FRAXION. We have only Norwegian mem bers. F- How many hours do you spend on your AMIGA? L- I use my AMIGA 0-8 hours a day. It depends on what I have to do of homework etc. F- What about your hardware? L- I have an AMIGA 500,extra memory , extra drive, MPS 1250 printer, 3 joysticks, 200 disks,1084S monit or, q7BINK ABOUT THE EURO SCENE AND THE SCENE IN YOUR COUNTRY EL:I THINK IT'S GOOD BUT I THINK THERE ARE TOO MANY GROUPS WITH 1 CODERS AND 12 SWAPPERS (NO NAMES). THE SCENE IN SWEDEN IS VERY GOOD, MANY GROUPS HERE ARE VERY PRODUCTIVE. FZ:SOME WORD ABOUT YOU (AGE - HOBBIES ETC.) EL:WELL, I'AM 16 YEARS OLD AND MY HOBBIES ARE: AMIGA (OF COURSE!), PLAYING PIRATES (JOKE!), PLAYING SOME TABLE TENNIS,MUSIC AND SO ON.. FZ:COULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR AVERAGͳuYh, by the way: We're planning to break the scrolltext record held by the CLONES (52KB). This won't be too difficult because Secret Science and I always bombard each other with 30KB letters... Anyway, you could describe it as "JUST WORKING ON SOMETHING". 5 DO YOU HAVE A BBS? IF YES, HOW IMPORTANT IS IT FOR YOU? DON'T YOU PREFER MAIL-SWAPPING? Yes, we've got a BBS in South Africa, but it isn't from ANY importance for us. It's actually just for fun (as everything...). ]t In case any modem traders are reading this, call: 0027-11-883-7478! This BBS (30MB) will run soon with a new, 9600 Baud modem. For swapping "new stuff" it is of course important, because you must consider that it takes for a letter from Europe to here quite a long time (best time:2 Days!) and because some degenerated swapper brains in Europe have ugly ideas about what a LAMER is (you know, the "to swap only 2 days old stuff, write to..." people). But anyway, I don't aeven want to swap with such "would like to be good" creatures. I personally prefer mail swapping. 6 HOW MANY CONTACTS DO YOU HAVE? WHAT KIND OF FEELING DO YOU LIKE BY SWAPPING WITH YOUR CONTACTS? I MEAN: JUST SWAPPING, OR SOME SORT OF FRIENDSHIP TOO? At the moment I'm swapping with 12 other people. It's difficult to call it friendship, because you don't even know your contacts personally in most cases. But I think that I know what you mean with friendship in the sceneð, and I fully agree with the idea. I really like to get LONG letters from my contacts and I'm now at the stage where "NEW STUFF" is just from secondary importance for me. 7 WHAT ABOUT THESE FUCKING STUPID SWAPPERS WHO HAVE A PRE-PRINTED LETTER, AND THE ONLY THING THEY DO, IS TO FIX IT LIKE A TEST? This question seems to be demanding agreement... I just want to say that it doesn't say too much about the person who is "writing". One of my best contacts contacted me with Ăx such a "joke". Some swappers just lost their common sense and swap with 60 contacts. And when you have that many letters to write, it makes it obviously easier for you. But I hate people who mean that this is COOL!!!! 8 WHAT KIND OF MUSIC, SPORT, BOOKS DO YOU LIKE? I like HEAVY METAL music (METALLICA, MEGADETH, JUDAS PRIEST, ANTHRAX), but I can also listen to various other kinds of music such as RONDO VENEZIANO other some sort of pop music (DEPECHE MODE BILLY IDOL, D fEF LEPPARD...). Even ACID (Amiga Club In Dueren!) has sometimes a chance (but seldom...). To keep the balance to my hobby COMPUTER, I play squash and do some jogging. Some books I'll never forget: IT (STEPHEN KING), THE STAND (STEPHEN KING), THE TALISMAN (STEPHEN KING/PETER STRAUB), THE HITCH-HIKER TRILOGY (DOUGLAS ADAMS), RED STORM RISING (TOM CLANCY), RED PHOENIX (LARRY BOND), 2001 (ARTHUR C. CLARKE), 2010 (ARTHUR C. CLARKE) and lots of others... I just can't thin Gk of them. And I read many good books in German, so I don't even know their english original titles... 9 YOUR FAVOURITE: CRACKER, CODER, GFXMAN, MUSICIAN AND YOUR BEST FRIEND IN THE SCENE? Best Cracker: IL SCURO/DEFJAM CCS Best coder: After watching the BABBNAASEN-DEMO, this should be obvious: DELTA/RSI Best GFXMAN: Gargoyle/Desaster Area (He draws the most amazing cartoons ever seen!). Best musician: Fred (this french guy who composed the ancient SOUNDBOX tri {+logy and was last sighted in the group THREAT, which is now split up too) and Romeo Knight/RSI. Does anybody know what Rob Hubbard is doing?! Best friend in the scene: There are many, and I don't want to distinguish between them... 10 OH, BY THE WAY... YESTERDAY I HEARD ABOUT MANDELA'S SPEECH AT AN ANC MEETING. HE HAD MANY HARD WORDS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA'S POLITICIANS. ARE YOU STILL CONVINCED OF WHAT YOU WROTE IN YOUR S.A. REPORT? I can't really remember what I w 5]c=rote in this article (4 months ago), but MANDELA has now obviously changed his mind... (6.5.90). South Africa seems to be on the right way... 11 HOW IS LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES TO SWITZERLAND? Life in South Africa is GREAT! I really consider living here later on... The landscape is very different. On a drive from the east coast to Johannesburg I managed to compare it to the USA, Italy, Switzerland and many other countries... Also it seemszyA to be the country of the sport, you can find like thousands of different sports (even skiing!). The youth is also more active (lots of parties every weekend). As differences to Switzerland I could mention the poor public traffic (so you need a car), the nice weather, the schools (Though they're on the same educational standard as the swiss ones, I HATE my school!!! -> Bryanston High School -> NOTE THIS NAME AND BE CAREFUL... they're terribly strict, and youĬc better don't walk around with YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS!!) For further information you better visit this country yourself or contact me. 12 MESSAGES? Contact us for swapping VHS, DEMOS, TOOLS (or just for a chat): Mike Imfeld, P.O.Box 781606, Sandton 2146, South Africa. Or call our BBS: 0027-11-883-7478. If you're interested in contacting our swiss section for whatever reason, write to: Pascal Mueller, Cher, 6060 Sarnen, Switzerland. GOOD LUCK WITH "˸ J,t afford to own more than one Synth and if you can play it, why bother with a MIDI recorder you can use a tape recorder for that ? and it is much cheaper to do it that way. So it has to be a sequencer something like tracker so you can play thing`s you cannot now, this helps the less able Musician but why bother ? Well it depends on the Synth you buy, a Yamaha for example has a diffrent MIDI system to a Casio. Unfortunatley MIDI is a bit of a loose standard the basic rules have b̘een set but everyone has done it there own way so not all MIDI messages will be handled by any one given Synth. The best Synth to buy depends on how much you want to spend and what you want to do, here I am going to suggest Casio as a possable consideration, I know you all buy Yamaha`s, (I have a Yamaha Motor Cycle). The problem with Yamaha is thay do not support independant multi- timbrel use, sorry you do not know what that is do you ? The name timbre refers to the sound that Q)is being synthetically produced, multi more than one, although more expensive Synths will mix timbre`s you cannot controle them independantly. You can with a Casio Synths because thay have special Mode for it for example a CZ230S in the Mono Mode will play four diffrent notes in four diffrent timbre`s all at the same time just like tracker and what is more it has a Drum Machine which can also be played at the same time. This means with the right software you can have one Synth pl^Xaying like a whole group. Sadley with a Yamaha Synth this is not possable because thay nither have this Mono Mode nor is it possable to change the timbre via Midi signals like it is with Casio. So now you know, you might have or be buying the rong Synth, we will talk about the software you need to do all the wonders I have been talking about. The first AMIGA Midi sequenceing software ever produced is the very old program called "The Music Studio" and it supports the ageing CZ101 4Ӗto be honist it realy is not of much use unless you have a CZ101 and as thay are old you can get them for very littel money. If you have a CZ101 this software will cost you very littel money and will give you four channels of sounds just like tracker. If you have a CZ230S or another Casio Synth you will need D.M.C.S. no I am not jokeing Deluxe Music Construction Set is a real Lame looking program but still will do things not possable with any other software on the Amiga, MusiciansF! tell me how to do Quintuplets in tracker? for example. This is something I have been working on how to solve problems with tracker like Triplets and Quintuplets I have some of the answers and if you like I might tell you some of the answers in another issue of Funzine. D.M.C.S. can send a clock signal to keep the Drum Machine in time with the music as well as runing up to sixteen seprate synths each playing eight notes. If you have a more expensive Synth in the Casio range you  ѥLTcan have all this in stereo with more than four channels. Those of you with Yamaha Synths will be able to only do this if you have more than one Synth and change the instruments/timbre`s by hand. When going into a music shop if you ask about any of the things I have been talking about do not be supprised if thay know nothing about it after all how many computer shops realy know anything about what thay sell. If you realy must write to me and ask something you will have to write t ;Go Paranoid and ask then maybe I will write to you but rember I like you have other things to do beside write letters so please let it be for a good reasion or you may not get a reply. Ye Old Wizard / Phaze 101 P.S Our Friends are promised a reply but you will still have to contact Paranoid for my address if you do not have it. playing eight notes. If you have a more expensive Synth in the Casio range you NI) and in South Africa ... CINCLANT (GFX-expert, swapper (VHS+software)), Foxx (composer, swapper), Baroque (modem trader, composer), Gargoyle (GFX-expert). 3 OK, WHAT ABOUT THE SOUTH AFRICAN SECTION OF YOUR GROUP, DID YOU FIND COOL GUYS THERE? Yes, very productive members, indeed. I met all of them at the weekly "copy-parties" which are normally hold at FOXX's house. Normally we have about three Amigas there which are occupied by about seven freaks. There@/ everybody wants to show his new productions. Later in the day it becomes then a "SPEEDBALL"-competition, which is normally dominated by me... But it's actually always a problem to get there, because the public traffic is nearly inexistent and most of us live in a radius of about 20 kilometers from FOXX's house. Life without a car is not possible in South Africa. 4 WHAT'S YOUR FUNCTION IN YOUR GROUP, AND TELL US IF YOUR GROUP HAS SOME PLANS FOR THE FUTURE OR ARE YOU JUST WORKING ON SOMETHING? Well, I'm a coder and I like to swap demos. There are no specific plans I could talk about, because I don't really know what the guys in Switzerland are doing at the moment. I only know that a demo is to be released at the big ALCATRAZ copyparty in june. High Jinx is busy exploring the world of Vector-GFX and Secret Science is always good for a intro or something like that... And I'm planning to release a comic magazine called COMIC MANIA. A; ֲ,$R?! 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